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Everything posted by Eomund

  1. Either way, my A87 is in great shape, let me know if you want more info.
  2. Not sure of the brand, came on the rebuilt motor. My guess is it was just manufactured with poor size standards.
  3. Ya and the l20b front cover was the one that didn't fit... The L18 one does. That's the obvious answer, but it's not the case in this situation. As far as the double hole, also not the problem.
  4. I'll take a look at my motor when I get home to confirm, but that looks like a freeze plug hole.
  5. Would a closed chamber A87 work for him? If so, I'm selling one.
  6. You'll get I bit of a power upgrade. The economy will go down for low RPM driving, but I actually improved the high speed mileage 'cause I didn't have to put my foot into it as much.
  7. Eomund

    block paint

    This Don't know why, just do it.....
  8. I could be wrong, but the top one looks like an A/C mount. Couldn't tell you from what though. When I removed the A/C from my 240sx, it looked really similar to that. Damn thing weighed like 20lb's too.
  9. Eomund

    block paint

    Another vote towards duplicolor. Bare minimum 3 coats though, If not, every little thing will cause it to wear through. Sprays on super easy too.
  10. As many of you know, I'm swapping an L18 for an L20b. Ran into a bit of confusion with the chain guide. As I was trying to place the front cover on, the top left couldn't go flush. After playing around with it a bit and taking measurements, I found the mounting bracket for the chain guide was hitting. I compared it to the one on the L18 and this is what I found: There's so much more material on the new one. Thankfully the old one is still in really good condition so I just swapped that one in, but I'm scratching my head as to why this one is different, different to the point of being unusable without having to possibly grind it down. If anyone could shed some light on the subject, I'd appreciate it. Ignore the backwards speaking for the title. That's what happens when you're typing and fake working at the same time...
  11. Eomund

    1971 Datsun 521

    They have cleanable filters too. I'm running one and I have a spare ready to swap if one gets clogged. Sooooo jealous of your bumpers.
  12. Don't just shoot the little mo'fo's. Blow their little asses up :) (with 7.62x54 that's what you'd do to varmants). I have a tula, awesome gun.
  13. 'cause people are buying it up like it's going out of style.
  14. Eomund


    Dunno about the.others but I confirmed the l20b spindle is the same as the l16/l18. Same part number and measured size. I measured the distance on the 2 timing chain covers. Maybe they account for a different dizzy?
  15. the holes are in brand new shape (rebuilt motor and they're all clean and purdy) and I did actually wire wheel them. I just didn't inspect them super closely so I didn't realize how bad the damage was. It actually threaded really easy too. The bolts all have corrosion where the threads meet the shaft. I've never seen one quite this corroded, granted This is the oldest water cooled vehicle I've worked on by 20 years give or take.
  16. After getting my timing chain cover this weekend, I was starting to bolt the engine together, and the most left hand bolt for the water pump snapped off in the block. I thank God, Zeus, Odin, The Great Spirit and any other diety I left out that the easy out worked. After a closer inspection, I found that it had corosion in it that caused it to snap. I then inspected the other 2 that are a part of the water pump as well and saw they were just as bad. Long story short, I just ordered new bolts for the sucker so I won't have to worry about this issue later on. It's a bit of a setback, but at least that's all it was. Also to note, http://www.carpartsmanual.com/ is my favorite website right now. Seriously, you can find any part number for a datsun you need there just about. I love it.
  17. Little too far for me to travel, but they're awesome bikes. I have an '83
  18. California has already banned all lead ammo for hunting. The police won't let them ban it all together or they'll be paying through the nose too
  19. Eomund


    AHAH! Just got home and measured the mounting locations and they were the same distance so I was right. Ya, made me doubt my interwebz skills Rat. That's mean.....
  20. Eomund


    Which is from which?
  21. Actually, 2 new laws were passed in my county since January.
  22. Hoarding... A few hundred rounds of ammo is consitered hoarding, and believe me when I say its not. You can easily burn up 150 rounds in an hours session of plinking.
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