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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. If you're anal about checking it'll work.
  2. Sorta.The MC is matched(size wise) to the capacity of the calipers & rear cylinders to provide enough fluid.Gross mis-matching would let the MC run dry during application with mileage on the pads.
  3. 2 alternators or maybe 3 3 volt regs 1 front trans seal 2 set breaks 2 rear wheel cyliners also drums 3 slaves cyklinders 2 break master 2 clutch masters 1 speedo cable 2 dizzys Front cover-corrosion i'll bet is from lack of maintenance Those are all wear items.
  4. I paid $400.00 for my 810 that i just scrapped.Once i figured out the computer solder joint issue and brought the cooling system up to spec to deal with Tucson heat,i put 45,000 miles on it without it leaving me anywhere.
  5. If you just upgrade to a MS system,you will see no advantage over it with the above system
  6. So trolling is more important than correct info.I see.
  7. I just got a price of $300.00 for my 810 buckets.That is with all new foam.
  8. Then why are ALL factory FI manifold runners of equal length?
  9. It's not exactly ideal for FI account the split &un-equal length intake runners
  10. Completely pointless.
  11. 400 degrees.Now if this means nothing to you and you still want a bigger pipe thinking you'll go faster,sell the Datsun and buy a VW bug.
  12. And the hideous dye job and the herpes sore on her lip.
  13. Be sure the oil pick-up tube can be re-routed.The Z is rear sump-the 810/maxima is front sump.
  14. You really need to research exhaust theory before getting in a discussion like this.Exhaust science is just that -a science.And Mike is correct.The gases don't "hit cold air" until they have left the tailpipe. Exhaust gas leave the cylinder in the neighborhood of 1400 degrees.Guess what it's temp is by the time it hits the muffler?
  15. Zeto's alive?Holy shit! Anyone have a line on door gaskets?
  16. The auto makes your mods completely point-less.Actually,with the auto,the bigger pipe & header will slow the car down.
  17. Changed back and told them to fire the guy who is just trying to justify a paycheck.
  18. Prime example: GM a- & f bodies 68 & 69
  19. 400K on the clock,Az.did it's thing on the interior.Saved what i could.
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