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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. http://www.enginelabs.com/engine-tech/counterfeit-automotive-parts-knock-it-off/
  2. There is a shop in Yuma where you can rent just wheels.
  3. So you're saying that they wouldn't have done the same SIX years later?
  4. You know this...how? Cop pea shooters? yes & no.Only a fool gets in a fire fight with a long gun when all you have are "girls's guns".But also training was sorta/kinda to blame.
  5. Letting them go would be "fuck public safety".Killing them ASAP was the right move. Numbers didn't do them in,rather correct shot placement by sufficient caliber did. And in a related but "topic for another day",if Daryl Gates was still the Chief then,things wouldn't have un-folded like they did.
  6. Are you insane? You actually think LAPD brought on the shoot-out?In that situation you protect people by KILLING the bad guys.And they did.
  7. Tell that to the LAPD guys who had to deal with the bank robbers with AK's a few years back.
  8. THey said the 75 almost stopped the plane in mid-air when it was fired.
  9. Mid afternoon today...Ruthrauff & the 10.2000 Roadster with ZX wheels.
  10. In-correct. And no-one at 5'7" has "command presence" especially females.
  11. But somehow the females get a 'pass" on that.
  12. there was a time where PD's never had to advertise they were hiring.There was always a stack of applications on file.Not anymore.In the early 80's if you asked a cop with 10-15 years on the force if he would "do it again"-3/4's of them would say NO. This is when LE really started swirling the bowl. Minorities would get hired with a test score of 80 where as white males would have to score 95 or better to get on.LE was forced to hire "what ever came down the road".ANd now we are paying the price.
  13. You really don't think the issue is isolated to Az.-do you?
  14. The ONLY way to improve that would be blue eyes.
  15. A friend of mine is a instructor at the local academy.He told me one day that they came into work on a Monday to a voice mail from a cadet parents asking them to "not be so hard on her".She ended up "recycling" FOUR TIMES!!!Yes that's right.they don't wash people out anymore.They "recycle them".We are completely FUCKED.
  16. EV-e-mail me off line at Cobrabill@earthlink.net.
  17. The type of cop being produced by the academies these days is absolutely frightening.
  18. Z-train

    My L20B Build

    Actually used into the 70's on 383 motors.And yes,it's a little too green-ish.
  19. No mention of head casting number & height.
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