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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Of course not.But the coldest it gets here in Tucson is low 30's for no more than 5-6 hours OVER NIGHT at max.Will it be a little "persnickity bastard" when cold?MAYBE.With a properly functioning choke and properly set up carb,the issues will be minimum at worst. Other climates-another story.
  2. [quote=72240z; My question still stands too what does someone gain that warrants screwing up fuel delivery/deficiency/economy? Are you saying that no matter what,he will have a " screwed up" fuel delivery/deficiency/economy siutation?
  3. It seems that some are losing sight of the fact that he is in Tucson.THe desert southwest.A manifold without the water in it is not going to be an issue like in other climates.
  4. Sounds like the radiator is plugged.
  5. In Tucson-none.I ground off the port area to get more space between it and the header.
  6. For whatever reason someone put a camera in the trailing unit(locomotive)THe crew didn't see that happen.THey just said WTF? when it went into emergency.
  7. Millermatic 175.Don't know how i got along before without it.
  8. http://www.inquisitr.com/28203/amazing-freight-train-vs-tornado/
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-1977-Datsun-620_W0QQitemZ370223824743QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item56330f3f67&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A1%7C39%3A1 :blink:
  10. They are also birth control devices:lol:
  11. Well,screw everyone and their opinions.Including me.The wife says no.It's her truck so.....:mellow:
  12. Time to douche your gas tank.:eek:
  13. is the question. I'm putting the truck back together and i was thinking about the rubber snubbers on the bumper.I can go either way-with or without. Thoughts?(lucid or otherwise):blink:
  14. KA-24E complete WITH harness & computer$300.00.But i'm in Tucson.:(
  15. They are all the same construction,just slightly re-arranged to fit the particular model.
  16. I was going to tell you to "Scotchguard" the seat.But getting laid in a 620 is a cross between sexual Olympics & self-abuse.:lol:
  17. Obvisously you've never owned AMerican cars ftom the 60's,70's & 80's.Making them worse is what got GM to where it's at today.
  18. That much we can agree upon.
  19. No,they don't.In fact they whisper.
  20. "It's tough to say anything good about the 1979 280ZX or 280ZX 2+2. The new car was bigger, heavier, flabbier, gaudily decorated and less fun than the Z it replaced. "
  21. More internet bullshit.There was a weight difference JUST between the 240-Z models.And the 260 didn't have the heavy bumpers(like the illustration)in the U.S.
  22. So,what you are saying is that the ZX with all the added features like power windows,seats,T-tops & other options plus more sheet metal combined with a bigger fuel tank & bigger bumpers actually weighs less than a 280Z?
  23. I heard that MJ's family saw his body at the morgue. Spokesmen said they hadn't seen him that stiff since he watched Peter Pan and Home Alone in the same night. :blink::lol::eek:
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