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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Then you dont want to swap it with anything but an L20. Every swap out there takes money. Engine, trans, harness, crossmembers, and all the supporting mods. Just install an L20 and you should be happy for awhile while you go to school. Then once you get out and get a good paying job do a more involved swap.
  2. It wont make a difference really. If you have decent sidewalls, you should be fine.
  3. A minimal amount of stretching wont hurt anything. Some people run quite a bit and never have any issues... Ive never seen a report where someone had a blowout or similar due to stretching. As long as youre not going to the far extreme of it, you will be fine. Aesthetically its not for everyone and crowd that normall does stretch has given the practice quite a bad name. But its really not that bad. Ive been doing it for years now and although I have had flats, none were caused by the stretch. A member was just in a pretty bad accident a couple months ago which totaled his vehicle. His heavily stretched tires were still fully mounted.
  4. Looking good. Glad to see another local... There are a few of us in the Kitsap area.
  5. Yes that will be stretched. 205 is 8in so anything less than that will be stretched. You have a ton of sidewall with that 70 series so I wouldn't worry about it. Check out tyrestretch.com for images.
  6. So how many more things on the list before this is back to daily cruiser status? List has to be getting short.
  7. That picture makes it look weird to me, but searching it, it looks decent enough.
  8. I dont get it either, but lets not continue to fill this thread up with arguing and complaints. Thats I wanted earlier... discussions 100% ok. Complaining every other post, not so much. Shit gets old. Lets just drop it all and keep going. Lets let bygones be polygons. WTF is that thing? That doesnt look like any Lexus Ive seen.
  9. If people really want workshirts, I can make that happen. Talked to the printer today and Dickies shirts are an option... I can also look at designing up any sweatshirts people are interested in. Smallest run is 36pcs so Id have to get something close to that for interest on the same design.
  10. Tristin

    510 question

    A well dont swap will be fine... most things that piss people off here are people that take on more than they can handle, tear into a car, and then never finish. Hate to see a car ger ruined. The real deciding factor on stock vs. swap is whats the condition of the car? If its nearly stock and in great condition we would lean toward just fixing it up and running with the L. If it needs some work aesthetically and has already had some parts on it etc. then swaps are fine.
  11. Personally, Silmarillion was the longest for me... the later books were fairly easy to read compared to the first. It was sooo dry. Trying to see what I can throw up for everyone. I think I have some extra Hotwheels I can include. Maybe Ill make a little gift box.
  12. With them owning the rights to the Nissan block, there is no reason for them to lie about whats left of the original design. Many companies run each others stuff out in the open so why would they have to conceal that they are still running Jap-tech. Im sure they started with the VRH and as they developed their own engine it just became less and less. Once youre in hypercar mode there are so many technology "tweaks" that happen that Im sure once they went into production nothing was left of the original design.
  13. It could be a stuck throttle linkage. Start the car and let it idle. Get under the hook and with your hand, rev the engine. Look at the linkage and see what's happening. Could be a stretched out spring not compressing like it should. Maybe you're missing the return spring. A warn bushing could be causing the linkage to bind and not return to idle.
  14. Hard topped S2000s make my heart go pitter-patter. One of the fewer newer cars I would drive. Solid power plant, RWD, convertible for the sunny days, nice aftermarket support... would make for a fun reliable daily. I had a friend back east that let me drive his all the time. Other than it being bright yellow I loved it.
  15. Bolt-on overfenders like the stuff Rocket Bunny puts out. I like the look on both their FRS and S-chassis kits. The RB S-chassis kit is actually the only real kit I enjoy. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/57824-truck-porn/
  16. Tristin

    Post 510's

    Youre so quick Jalen, glad we have you around.
  17. Ratsun work shirt would be cool... Id rock one as a garage shirt to work in. Hmmm let me check my printer and see if work shirts are an option with them.
  18. Hmmm I wonder what a set of overfenders would look like a on street/race prepped 510. Ive already started working on what I want to do for the next 510 I own (watching for shells in my area). Maybe I should put this in the ass thread :rofl: IBCB.
  19. I have my eye on one... it may be a reality. We shall see. Gears are turning to get the car up and running in the next few days hopefully. Im not even worried about the show anymore and just need the car running. Turning into a real pain.
  20. No experience with SUs, but here is a guide over on Nicco. Maybe this can help out: http://www.nicoclub.com/archives/2-write-ups-on-tuning-su-carbs.html
  21. I would also either replace all the lines or blow them out. Your pump may be working fine, but with clogged lines it wont suck anything but gunk up.
  22. Tristin

    510 question

    Not rare, but uncommon. Its going to be made prior to June 71 I believe (thats when they stopped making column shifts for the autos). Do you know what year it was? I have a column shift in my car.
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