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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Another of the Maz I posted earlier:
  2. No one cares... welcome to the Internet.
  3. You seem to be the only one complaining like usual, so I think you might need to rethink yourself... Just go to the ricer sightings thread and compare pictures.
  4. I dont think you understand the term "ricer."
  5. I havent even been looking at the Flying Customs... man, I could have missed a lot of Kenmeris :( Back on the hunt!
  6. Im trying! Yeah, trying to formulate a plan. Im lighting up the bat Jon signal... The commute isnt the worst part as its not a terrible drive. The crappy part is that the 510 is my only mode of transportation. So Im basically stuck up here unless the girlfriend and I figure out a timeshare with her car. Thats what I get for doing projects on a daily though.
  7. Do not worry. No one is being a jerk to you... I was only joking with the guy and he only corrected you to be funny. We are all friends here :hug: Keep on posting :thumbup:
  8. Not on the West Coast. From the pictures it looks clean for sure, but its a basically stock L16 car. Only points I can see is not mangled, 2dr, and crack-free dash. I dont think I would offer anything above $4k-$4.5k. Prices are for sure going up everywhere though.
  9. I dont know man, that thing looks pretty nice... plus with all receipts and documentation. Maybe not $6K nice, but thats damn nice for sure.
  10. "Somewhere Mexico" :poke: :rofl:
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