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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I have an iHome that Im going to plug my phone into... and with iCloud I have my entire music collection with me. BOOM!
  2. Marvin the Martian was the shit back in the day. Here is me not only rocking the bowl cut, but a Marvin the Martian plush keychain clipped to my belt (circa 1998)
  3. Man, I hope this isnt going to be a Reservist weekend for me. I really should figure out that schedule or ask for a print out so I can figure my weekends out. If Im not doing stupid Navy stuff then Ill come down.
  4. I might look into that. I have a fresh fuel filter and dont see many particles in it, but it could probably use a good cleaning. Maybe I can do it on a weekend so that I can just let the tank sit out... otherwise it will have to wait since its my daily. A good tank cleaning and line blowdown couldnt hurt. Thanks for the tip!
  5. It weird that with how liberal people are today compared to years ago when that saying came out, people these days say something. You would think that it would have been faux pas back then and not now... I still love mine so I wont take them off.
  6. Luckily mine isnt too bad, but I need a nut for the second bolt on the front. Luckily I can screw the one down enough to keep it tight on there. I wanted a pair of matching frames and didnt want to miss out incase they all sold. I need to clean up the back license plate panel... its dented in so I have to pull it out. Then weld up the light holes and drill into the bumper to mount my new light. Then its finisher panel time! Then the rear will be completed.
  7. Yeah, I love it. I forgot how much I like having frames on both plates... it doesnt look as ghetto. Plus, I guess it looks better because the plates are brand new as well.
  8. ^^^ I think that with a bit of color and clean up (still keeping the simple sketch idea), that would actually turn out really nice. I dont know what your plans are, but you should do a bit more on it before the deadline happens and see what you come up with.
  9. Yep, thats the simple math. But thats only if its linear. I only know math and not carb specifications and operations. For all I know, its a non-linear increase and its a larger jet than 2.0 (which I dont even know if those exist because once again I know nothing about carb parts). If you do this, please let us know which sizes work for your applications. Im contemplating this for carbs and building my own manifold.
  10. Damn... Im first to post and its out of my price range. Figures. Im really looking for some more Datsun stuff to spruce up the apartment decor. Oh well, glad to know these are out there for future purchases. I wonder what the girlfriend would say.
  11. Well not knowing if there is some crazy formula to figure out jet size, you can use simple math. Using the numbers provided, a 2.4L would require 2.0 size jets. Now there could be a non-linear function of air/fuel consumption warranting larger ones, but if its linear than 2.0 is all thats needed.
  12. Well, I can interperate that two different ways. 1. The bolts holding the tranny to the car fell out and the tranny fell off the bottom of the car... wrecking the engine. 2. The bolts holding the flywheel/clutch/internals together came loose while driving demolishing the internals... wrecking the engine. I dont know if shes using the term slip as in "clutch slip" or as in it slipped off the bottom of the car. Either way, sorry to hear of your troubles. I would look aound the engine section of this forum and look at some of the builds in there to get a good idea of what can be done.
  13. You should hear about some of the motor swaps our shop is doing... not for the faint of heart nor the die-hard purist. Just swap whatever you think is best for your situation.
  14. Took me long enough, but I finally got plates for the car. Luckily since I bought it out of state there was no penalty for being past the allotted registration time. I also mounted my frames.
  15. Bump for a great frame... thanks Qwik.
  16. Of course... Obviously these dont need to be completed designs ready for printing right away. Im just in the middle of three website builds, one web-store creation (including manual inventory input), two blog articles, I have to finish up my admissions paperwork for school, and I work every day this week. Im a busy guy.
  17. I think most people will need more than one day to come up with something legit if youre looking for a real mascot type of thing... Im working on something, but will need a bit more time.
  18. Oh yeah, I completely forgot you switched out dashes.
  19. Obviously one of the symptoms isn't proper grammar... that last sentence is ginormous. :poke:
  20. Ive been thinking about routing some sort of hose to make the fresh air vents into heater vents... glad to see you do it. What hose did you use?
  21. The thing is, is that my center console takes up the whole area between my seats. I would need to custom design a console to fit around the lever, or take one out of a car that has a spot already molded in for the lever. I think it would just be easier to design and print one off. Then I can make it however I want...
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