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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. For those of you not on the Facebooks, here is a link to their photos... it should be public so everyone can see: http://www.facebook....19179714&type=3 There are a bunch of Datsuns in their pictures and the mention that the "Official Pictures" will be out in the next day or so. Thanks to all the crew for hanging out and BBQing. A2Lowws grille was a little bigger so it was better for so many people (and interestingly enough I left my BBQ and camping chairs at the show :bye: ). I had a great time and will be attending next year as well. They said they are going to try and do it at the same spot and the same time next year... so I hope DNW schedules Canby for a different weekend.
  2. I should be making this. I also think the girlfriend should be able to come as well... should be a good time. Will be nice to hit this up since I missed Canby this year.
  3. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44292-out-in-the-open/ You traded me a set of pogs for that... its mine now. Dont be an indian giver. Haha, yeah Ive been pretty busy with life and trying to stay afloat lately. I havent done much with the car. New seat covers: Rocking it at the Old School Reunion: Funds are tighter than my pants right now (that ones for you Jrock), so I wont be able to get much done for awhile Im sure. Im still going to stick with it and do whatever I can to get making some sort of forward process. I have some smaller plans to get some cash flowing my way so we shall see what happens.
  4. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew what was going on; to make sure that no one had any questions to the full story. Theres been some drama (rightfully so) going on in my thread and I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page publicly. I have nothing to hide... I was running out of money quick, so I decided to sell a few things; I got rid of about six or so items. I boxed them up and dropped them off at my local shipping company. Ive used them for many items before (about 30 or so), so I never had any reservations about using them. Apparently there was a "new person" whom placed my items into the wrong location in the store so they never went out. Now, I dont know if there actually was a new person or thats just the story they are passing off to me. It took some time to figure it out, but people started realizing the issue. As soon as I found out there was a problem, I tracked it down and narrowed the search to the shipping office. When I talked to the office, they said that they did have my packages and that they would take care of it for me. I agreed and watched them put it in the right spot to go out with the next batch of mail. There are members on here that can attest to getting their items. If they would like to post here, feel free... either way, there was a problem, I figured it out, and I corrected it. Well... turns out that it was more than what they told me. I thought that other items made it out safely because they said that they searched and only found the ones they had. I got a few PMs from members saying that they hadnt received their items. I said I would look into it and would take care of it. Now, if youve been following my thread at all, you will know that I have been having some problems lately. I worked crazy hours, with a stupid long commute, and I had no money to show for it (thats why I was selling stuff!). I left for work before any shipping place was open and got home well after most businesses in general close. I knew I still had to get my items out because people paid for them so I had my technician from the shop drop them off on his way home one day. He said they went out fine and that he had me taken care of. Not so much. I guess he was hurting for money and used my shipping cash for gas in his car. He thought he would be able to ship the items out using some cash from his parents and I would be none the wiser. Now here we are today, no one has parts, Im getting shit on, and no one has any clue what they fuck is happening. He royally screwed me and Im trying to get things going back on the right path. Ive been pretty hit or miss when it comes to the admin side of Ratsun lately. I may or may not receive PMs, it took me about 15 tries to follow my own thread, and sometimes I get email notifications on things in triplicate. I PMd Skib about it a few weeks ago and he said nothing seemed out of the normal with no one else reporting any issues. So I dont know... Now people are replying in my build thread which I check, get emails about, and I can actually see it; which is good because now we can get this sorted out. I figured everyone received their items, and they were just the uncourteous type without letting me know they got them. I yelled (and I mean yelled) at the shop technician for fucking me this hard. He said he didnt have any money to ship the items and he would have to pay me back. I said just fuck it, and bring me my stuff. Hes now driving an hour to drop off my items so that I can personally mail them off. I have switched jobs as of last week (shorter commute yay!), and will have time after work tomorrow to be able to get things off to people. I get off at 330 and the PO closes at 500 so I should have plenty of time. I understand that everyone is upset with the situation and you 100% have a right to be. If I was on the wrong end (and have been before) I would be just as upset. Ive explained it before though, that Im not here to screw anyone. I have 2000 posts, over 200 rep points, many people on Ratsun know me in real life (many know where I live and have my cell number), so it would be absolutely stupid to try to screw anyone over. This forum has helped me out so much that I couldnt do that to any of the members here. I take no fault in the shipping fiasco initially as I had no control over the shipping company, but I should have been more proactive in the "fix." I take full blame. Things have been so crazy lately that my head really hasnt been in the game. Switching jobs last week has really made things a lot easier and things in the future should go a lot smother. I apologize as much as I can for what happened, and I promise I will fix things. I just want everyone to know whats going on so no one thinks Im trying to hide or anything. This was a mistake in a transaction that has spiralled out of control... Ill fix it. If I had the cash to do it, I would refund everyone shipping charges because its the least I could do. If I was screwed by a company, that would be the minimum I would ask for. Unfortunately, I dont have the money to even eat everyday so I wont be able to do that. Maybe once I get some cash flowing, we can figure something out. Wow... this came out way longer than I originally thought, but it all needed to be said. If anyone else hasnt received something you have paid for, please let me know in here. It seems the easiest way for me to talk to you to guarantee that I see it.
  5. I wont hand out his contact info, but if you PM you info I can send it along to him... I cant promise anything, but I can ate least notify him that youre interested. I havent been getting a lot of the PMs people have been sending me, but Ill give it a shot.
  6. The oil feed line does not need to be vertical as its pressurized... though the return is gravity feed so it doesnt need to be vertical, but you do have to make sure that the outlet is the highest point in the return line and within 35* of vertical. Edit: You should be able to unclamp the housings from each other and rotate the housing if you need some sort of clearance. That should give you a few more routing possibilities while keeping the oil lines in the proper position.
  7. Its 4.35 in Silverdale. Depending on where the job is, you can commute. Seattle traffic (as well as roads) suck, but you can make due. You can also live across the Sound (Silverdale, Bremerton, Bainbridge Island, etc. ) and take the ferry across the water... then walk to work depending on where it is. Who do you work for?
  8. Well you really cant be too poor actually in Seattle, but you can around the area. Will your job actually be in Seattle itself?- just just around this way? Hahaha if you move out here, you can see your old wheels again.
  9. If someone is leaning against their car, I take it as an invitation to ask to lean yourself. Then once they say its ok, then you can gently sit down. Otherwise, I wouldnt even ask to touch a car.
  10. I dont care what a car looks like, or what the owner is doing. You never lean on someone elses car. Youve seen my paint, its Ratsun enough and I still dont need people fucking with it. Its my car, I do what I want. How are you going to get your car into a bikini?
  11. Tristin


    Im more interested in what I put in the woman's mouth instead of what comes out.
  12. Ill know more Monday for a schedule and I will know more later in the week if I can afford enough to drive down. JRock called me Dr. Phil, but after some thought Canby isnt a money priority so I wont chance it if I cant afford it.
  13. Looking good John... I have to figure something out for my horn button and figure out a proper column attachment, since I too picked up a new wheel. At least having no money means I get to plan out a proper path since I cant buy anything yet haha.
  14. Hmmm weird I havent received anything and Ive gotten pms from others... well one other anyway. PMd back, lets get this figured out.
  15. Haha I dont mind spending time at the JY if you need the help. Ill just have a more realistic time in mind now... Just hit me up whenever you decide you need help.
  16. Let me know if you need any help... just send me a text.
  17. They may be BAMF ZGs, but reversed. It might just be me, but they look like the fronts are wider than the rears.
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