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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I thought it was changed to a BBQ at your place...
  2. Luckily Sonic has those overhangs. I have to come down to Tacoma anyway, so Ill still show up regardless of weather.
  3. If it was closer Im sure Id go, but I dont have a large enough interest in old American cars to make the 3hr drive. Good luck in the show though.
  4. I thought this was Datsun roadsters and not classic cars. I think Ill pass on the trip.
  5. When is this? Maybe I'll cruise down... I have the next month of weekends off.
  6. Were you driving down Evergreen in Everett today around 3ish maybe?
  7. Those chrome strip ones just came in certain cars and was not a common option. You rarely see them... sometimes its just the chrome strip and sometimes that strip is used to separate two colors of vinyl so your panels are two colors. Its going to be a pretty rare option to find another set, but they are out there. I have a guy that may have something like that. Let me shoot him a message.
  8. Yeah I know... but how many times will I come across green panels? What color are you interested in? Probably easier to source here and freight them to you. Doubt there are many 510s in your area.
  9. Can I call dibs on the panels then? I like the green.
  10. Disregard. Im still transferred, but for this one month (at least) I will be doing it in the same spot. So I'll still be making the meet.
  11. Looks like I wont be making it. My orders have changed which has caused me to shift Reserve weekends. Im drilling in Bremerton again though...
  12. Yeah I can do that. Working on it now.
  13. I dont think Ive ever seen an 06 chop before... thats cool. Just a little ol ITS1 up here.
  14. Don't know why I forgot Chops existed for a second.
  15. Girlfriend. Just scored some defroster some ducts so im back to being safe while driving.
  16. Lol. I've upgraded jeans for awhile now... long longer rocking the girls jeans. It was a sad day after stopping after like 8 years :(
  17. Have you looked at any of the builds here? 80% of the builds here look like rusty crap (in a good way).
  18. Cant see the collar device from this far away... what part of the medical field?
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