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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I ask him all the time and I never get a straight answer. I think he just wants to hold into the rights for notoriety sake it seems. Although it sucks, I see where he's coming from. I feel like eventually I will wear him down though. Either he will put for the effort to make them happen again (with a new programmer) or he will just pass the reigns and let us take it over. I'll keep trying on my end.
  2. Shhh I'm cruising in ninja mode.
  3. Tristin

    1200's unite!!!

    What's your first?
  4. I love Silver Falls. I spent a ton of summers there as a kid vacationing with my grandparents.
  5. Haha not sure if insult or... It'll be coming back soonish maybe. New job so the project should be picking back up.
  6. "Genuine simulated" :rofl:
  7. Well, when you're ready to pass it on I call dibs. I love E21s... Especially green ones. I'll take it off your hands for a good price.
  8. Just a basic windbreaker.
  9. Lol "non-junk" thread and it's basically just posts of your car.
  10. You should make a thread just for red Datsuns... Then you can post your car again.
  11. You keep calling me sweetie... I think we all know who is in love with who. It's flattering, really, but I wouldn't post in all your threads if there weren't already the same ones. Just make a fucking build thread so you can spam all the pictures of your car that you want. Stop making repeat threads. There are HUNDREDS of b310 pictures in that thread. :rolleyes:
  12. Here you go buddy: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/21813-210s-unite/
  13. I do need to come down and swap my other down there for what's in the car now.
  14. What's a LUV? That's not a Datsun I've ever heard of...
  15. That or my grandma-style driving... Im always in cruise mode.
  16. My non-retractable belts keep me pretty secured, even with my bench seat.
  17. Sweet! I get a photo spotlight?! Best BBQ ever.
  18. I just realized why Mike calls his video "Blue Hands" only took me three years of being on this site :blush:
  19. Explain yourself... what the hell is going on?!
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