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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Tristin

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    Im actually going to sell 510 thanks to the Leno Spike (Im coining that term) and then Im going to buy an island. Retire there and live out my days...
  2. Thanks! Its shaping up to be a sweet addition to the car. Yes https://www.facebook.com/groups/115850738472944/
  3. Tristin

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    I fully agree that there seems to be a rapid increase in prices in all things Datsun... and it sees like its for no real reason either.
  4. Tristin

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    Apparently I dont know shit :blush:
  5. Oh... I can take the 8 inches. Wait, what? Luckily the seal isnt bad and its made it through Winter. But eventually Ill need to get it done. So, Ive texted this picture a little bit to a few close friends and then I threw it up on Ratsuns FB, but I guess I can share it here now... Here is what Im currently working on. Im hoping to have it done rather quickly and installed. Hopefully I can get this going along with an engine build before Canby:
  6. Yep. Theres a few other things you can check too... you can look at your oil and if it looks more like a frothy milkshake than actual oil, or while running if the exhaust smells like burning coolant. I believe Mike mentioned in another thread that you can remove your radiator cap and with the engine running, have a friend rev the car. If you can see bubbles coming out of the coolant coinciding with the revving, then its exhaust gasses being forced into the coolant because of the torn gasket (a technique I wasnt aware of until Mike said it).
  7. I could see like Hako lights on a 510... that would be interesting.
  8. Tristin

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    Personally Id pay more than $2k if I was looking for a 710... Id probably pay somewhere around $3500 for that thing. It looks like its in really nice shape, but just not $7500 nice.
  9. Thats not good... hope that gets all sorted out.
  10. Well since its 3 and 4 it could just be the head gasket... the gasket could be torn between the two cylinders.
  11. Tristin

    1200's unite!!!

    As well as RHD, 4dr., and sweet fog lights. I love the 4dr. 1200s.
  12. Ha its a Datsun... unless youre a straight baller, its always a long road.
  13. Hey, glad to see you back with another project. Lets see how this one turns out... any motor pictures?
  14. Same here... pretty excited about M30 struts. Id like to keep my skinny track width though, so we shall see what happens.
  15. Yeah, $200 for a good running JDM 6bolt is pretty good. I would snap it up.
  16. If you really want new taillights, you can always purchase my GL lights...
  17. Too bad youre not closer... I need my seat covers redone.
  18. No, in some clusters there are extra colored covers to turn the white cluster light into a specific color thats needed. Say theres a green colored dome installed... remove that and buy a green LED. Since the light from the LED doesnt have to travel through that dome any longer you get a higher-truer output.
  19. So... how about that build, huh? Make it to the junkyard yet?
  20. What struts are you putting the z32 hubs on?
  21. Lol not to get political, but that program wasnt started by Obama... it was Nixon I believe who started free phone service for the financially challenged Then as cell phones emerged, Clinton changed Nixons program to include cells. CJ, Ill be sending a PM your way for a pair of tshirts like the sweatshirt I had you make.... but Im updating the design a little.
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