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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I just came in here to bump this... Hope it went to a good home. Bump.
  2. Heres a few more: (she fell down the stairs a bit ago being too rambunctious... now shes a little scared to go down them) (both of us sleeping a few weeks back) (puppy kisses) (the whole family watching TV together)
  3. Yeah, out of all the family pets Zelda is like none other. She has the weirdest personality that I know once shes gone Ill just get another pug, but I wont be able to replace her. Shes ridiculous. Let me see if I can dig up more pictures of her that I havent posted yet...
  4. XXX Meet... its in the Events Section.
  5. Its not the end of the world if you left the domes in place. You lose some light quality, but its not that huge of an issue. I mean, if you have a dome on it changing the light from natural white to green (or whatever color), why wouldnt you just replace it with a green LED? It will give you the most output because you wont lose any light going through the dome. Also, if you have a partially obscured dome to turn a 360* light into a directional 180* light, just pull the dome and replace it with a directional LED. But like I said... its not a real big issue if you left them in there.
  6. Zelda is a little over 2 and the current love of my life (dont tell my girlfriend). I feel ya on stretching out the time...
  7. Oh, for some reason I thought this was on the 23rd... Hmmm maybe I will go.
  8. Lol same move... she was beyond relaxed. Her favorite thing in the world is being rubbed, thats all she cares about (unless theres food near). She was in heaven with the scalp massage.
  9. Zelda was getting a scalp massage (and not being put un a full-nelson):
  10. My GFs Hyundai was easily the coolest car at the Sonics meet... you better recognize Jacob.
  11. Now that I'm a bit older, I'll drive anything that's free. If I have to purchase it, I won't buy domestic cars.
  12. I do have a manifold, but it could use some cleanup.
  13. Lol remove the domes if you have them, but leave the flat lenses.
  14. No, that was not up for sale.
  15. You're all wrong... It's a Tellatubby purple center with an LED valve stem. Then while I'm driving the LEDs change to to make the rainbow or will flash my digits so I can shout out to all the cute boys I pass by.
  16. Haha don't give away all my secrets JRock.
  17. I have one in the garage somewhere. PM me and Ill get back to you when I get a break from class.
  18. Yeah, just a bit of progress; nothing crazy though. I have my eye on two very different sets of wheels right now, but nothing is certain. We will just have to wait and see what happens in that department.
  19. Welcome to the site. Forum rules require you to post prices for your items (even if its OBO) and pictures would help your chances. Besides just coming here to sell your stuff and we have no idea who you are... it would be nice if you made a build thread/introduction and talked a bit about yourself and your 180b. Once again, welcome.
  20. I think Im going to finish my air cleaner assembly and then get to work on all the small stuff... I think it will add up. Thanks for the motivation!
  21. I think I need to replace the dome light itself... I think I remember the light coming on at one point with the passenger side open, but the drivers side pin is pushed all the way in and is broken so it needs to be replaced for sure. Should be a cheap endevour... just something I havent gotten around to. Maybe I should do all these really small projects instead of these large projects.
  22. Yeah, reconditioned hinges I could do... I think mine are good though. What I really need to do is replace the dome light switches so that the light turns on when I open the door.
  23. At first I thought this was a great install and I should do it as well... then I realized that I have no wires in my doors so it would be pointless. Looks like it works for you though! :thumbup:
  24. Gorgeous car. Clean and simple.
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