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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Is that an official release? Weird that they would use a C110 as they weren't released until 72.
  2. Most of the ones I linked to are randomly stumbled upon. I like to see how far I can get through the video... You know what they say about car wrecks.
  3. From the one photo, looks like a great car. Use the search function and learn lots. Welcome to the site.
  4. And as if the original wasn't bad enough... there is a repost!
  5. Thanks buddy. I'll be bringing everything with me.
  6. Lol nope, still going. I'll either make it or breakdown on the way. I'll just pull out money. I forgot I had to anyway for parts down there. :thumbup: For someone who talks a lot of crap about Canby and the people that run it, you spend an awful lot of time in this thread.
  7. Online registration is closed :( Now I have to bring cash to the event and pay at the gate. Ugh
  8. I cut them and have no issues shipping to AU. I just sent out about 10 orders today and two were overseas. Shoot me a PM.
  9. http://youtu.be/a1GXt3coTQQ I found a music video by Bonvo
  10. http://youtu.be/zOeOJuVZBZc http://youtu.be/yHgohkVWvng
  11. You can edit your own thread titles. Click on the first post and select full edit. Change the title and save.
  12. He's talking about Raphael's car (SIXTY-NINE-DIME) and it's not in DC. I think the current owner lives in Federal Way. Not sure where you DC either in his post.
  13. For some reason I thought it was just barely south of Portland. Looks like it's farther than I thought and 4hrs and not 3hrs. Really doesn't make a difference, but I guess that's what I get for bailing two years in a row.
  14. That's weird... I never noticed the first truck was a Repu. Yeah, that second one is Landon's.
  15. That's Landon's creation (which is a PS). He said he was going to do similar flares in real life on his 620 though so we shall see how it turns out.
  16. Sad to see the lizard-mobile be no more, but glad to see it's back to a single color.
  17. I'm confused by the eye roll... Who are you talking to?!
  18. I have family in Fort Collins (go Rams!). Would be a cool trip there and back... Especially a road trip with my dad since it's his family. Hmmm Now where to get $1500.
  19. We have a coloring book ready and we may have a friend with us.
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