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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Im not familiar with the Ford switch internal wiring at all, but the components Ive had to swap polarity on at work have been like this: Open up the casing. There should be a diode that connects to the casing and the ground terminal. There should also be a small piece of wire connected to the positive terminal and the rest of the switch. You will want to unsolder both the diode and the wire, switch places, and then resolder them back together. Take note of the diode direction to as it only works one way.
  2. Tristin

    Post 510's

    HRE 505s are actually newer versions of lots of older rims.
  3. Where in Seattle are you? There are plenty of us in the surrounding areas and Im sure that someone can hook you up with a 510 pan.
  4. Yeah. It was a friend of mines little brother. I was flying through Vegas on PCS orders and had a 12hr layover so I decided to visit a friend who went to UNLV. Her family happened to be in town...
  5. You obviously know nothing about submarining. We make our own air... its basically unlimited ^_^ So your insult is moot.
  6. I hadnt been on a submarine yet so not too gay at this point.
  7. Circa 2005 in Las Vegas (check the sunburned face lol)
  8. Im a sailor myself lol...
  9. Sailors are gross :sneaky:
  10. http://community.ratsun.net/rss/classifieds/
  11. With how little effort typing on a keyboard is, I always find computer feedback pretty easy. Youre only out a few minutes time and you wont ever get features if you dont ask. The worst that will happen is he says no. The best is he implements what youre looking for. Id say go for it.
  12. I thought there was a reason other than personal preference. No need to get snarky.
  13. Ah gotcha. Misunderstood. That would be a little peeving.
  14. Tristin


  15. Seriously. Its a setting and not a permanent change. Plus all those that cant stand it left already... make the change behind the scenes, make a thread on how to change it back if the user wants to. Turning on notifications for everyone (only on the site notifications and not email notifications) for the classified systems will be far better than missing out on questions and people complaining over that. It would take ~3 clicks for a user to turn off the setting.
  16. Tristin

    Make Wine

    Yep. It wasnt while he was posting though...
  17. Im sure the consensus would be that members wont care if those notifications are turned on. If they dont, they can just turn them off... simple.
  18. Dont mind me... just filling up the transmission
  19. I was just about to post something like that. Could be a good deal if a few went into the deal together. Would be nice to see what all he has to pre-plan. I dont really talk on the phone... so Ill bow out of initiating haha.
  20. I didnt realize it was so late. Need to hit the hay since I have to be up early... lots of shit to do tomorrow. To stay on topic: Love you Ratsun. Even with the babys mamma drama thats afoot right now. Ratsun wouldnt be Ratsun without its fucked up family members. Theyre family, but you sure want to give them a swift kick in the ass sometimes.
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