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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I should buy it so Minty has a twin :rofl: That is my car haha. He was the previous owner.
  2. You need to upgrade those mirrors son. Everything else is on point :thumbup:
  3. Yes sorry, choke element cover. There was a website stating the differences, let me see if I can find it. Edit: http://genuineweber.blogspot.com/
  4. Do you have a PN or what vehicle you used for the search? I could use a new starter and a GR would be nice.
  5. Its not a real Weber... the easiest way to tell is that the cover is black. Genuine Webers are all white. Both Redline and Webers Direct should be selling actual Webers so I would return it and tell them you want a real one. If not, ask for a refund.
  6. I believe Chris made that one, but I have the design as well. I was really hoping to meet up with him the little bit he was at Canby, but missed him. Sucks he mostly disappeared.
  7. Saw these at Canby and they are excellent quality. I wouldnt hesitate to pick one up if I smoked. GLWS Adam.
  8. This is just where I ended up. Needed gas and the sign said there was a station there... Not from the area so assumed it was right off the freeway.
  9. My battery was dead so I couldnt move it in front after I got it back there :rofl:
  10. Basically right where the 5 and 512 meet. Im hoping to attend this year since I missed it last year. I wont know until a few weeks out to know when I can get the date off from work. Im getting the car ready just in case.
  11. Yeah, that sounds about right. And unfortunately we carried all my stuff. I didnt take very many pictures so here are the ones from my IG: Fixing a transmission leak at the house prior to leaving: Turns out I didnt fix it so I tried on the way down... unsuccessfully. Went on to filling the transmission back up 4 times during the trip down: Stopped for gas in Tumwater and ended up with a broken voltage regulator so it wasnt charging my battery. Dead battery: Finally made it down. Here the cars lined up for camp: And one shot of the show:
  12. Id like to mention that in this picture Im pointing to Just_Joel so he made it into the pic vicariously. Theres me, Qtip, his lady, and Bacon Bit in there. Thanks for the pics!
  13. Cant remember if intentional, but I love the port and starboard accent stripes.
  14. Money says Rick still won't go, but complain post in every thread made about Canby. Maybe they are more PC on NWD :poke:
  15. There's no reason to ID people since you didn't have any alcohol... Canby doesn't allow it and of course you wouldn't break the rules ;)
  16. I really want to thank Just_Joel for these shots at Canby... I really appreciate it:
  17. Yeah I look pretty young. Happens all the time... Hell, I've got a decade of military service under my belt.
  18. Haha she is into older guys Mike ;) I'm 27 and she's 19. Maybe you have a shot next Canby. I want to thank all the people that came up to her and personally thanked or complimented her on the tit picture. She was thoroughly embarrassed so it was fun.
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