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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Thanks MM. There have been some legitimate shipping issues on USPS' part for sure... I cant believe how shitty their service can be when its been a staple part of the country for so many years. Like, how have they not figured it out yet?! But with that, most of it was my fault. I put up a pretty good front, but things have been ridiculously tough for me for awhile now. I tried to keep going, but I got over-extended and I couldnt keep up. I should have manned up, took a small breather, and then kept going... I didnt do that. I had too much on my plate with too little resources and my shipping failed. I never tried to take a single persons dollar, but the effort that was put forth just made it seem that way. Like I keep mentioning, this thread is a full call out to those that have been wronged in the past. Message me and lets get this all straightened out. I know Ive had bad dealings through GB and just as myself with slow shipping so hit me up. Everything is going to get squared away if you send me a message and give me a chance. The business is staying around and so am I. Just need to adjust myself, grow up a bit, and keep on truckin'. I appreciate those that will give me another chance once the doors open again and Ill for sure be showing my appreciation to those guys. Ive got a few plans in the works to make it a worth-while venture for everyone.
  2. Once again, anyone who feels they have been wronged, shoot me a PM and we can get it all worked out. This is to set everything right... send me a message and we can work it out. I need to right a few wrongs and Im ready to do that. Some custom orders over the last few days are going out tomorrow Priority with tracking so be on the look out for those. Edit: Probably was. Shoot me a message.
  3. It was for a minute, but I'm back up and running.
  4. Make sure you shoot me that message we talked about on IG so I can get that custom stuff up and running for you :thumbup:
  5. Or you could PM me, I haven't received any word from you buddy.
  6. You mean this club? Welcome to the site.
  7. For sure not a 521 hater. I have two shirts with 521s involved in the works. I don't normally stock anything larger than 2XL, but can take special requests if needed. I've ordered a could 3Xs and I think a 4X once.
  8. Yeah thats who it was. I believe it was $15 plus shipping...
  9. No such thing as bad publicity right? Right?... Guys? Yeah, I still suck.
  10. Glad to see orders showing up. It's funny, I mention shutting down for a minute and there's a rush of orders all of a sudden. More orders out tomorrow. Had my laptop power cord die so picking up a new one... Just a small hiccup. More processing tonight. Thanks guys!
  11. If both the fuel and temp gauge do not work, check the in-dash voltage regulator. When that goes out, it screws with both gauges. It regulates the 12v down to something like 8.3v I think. If you search the how-to section, there is a thread in fixing it. There's a member here who sells replacements.
  12. I'll probably just start my own forum for them... Never Without Decals or something.
  13. The radio goes in the dash from behind. You're missing a horizontal bracket that runs through the middle of the radio opening. The radio goes behind that... The plate your holding goes in front of the bracket. You then have two very thin nuts (basically threaded washers) that screw down over the radio selector knobs posts that are now sticking through both the bracket and the fascia piece in your hand. Then you pop on the radio knobs. So you need to fabricate the bracket back into your dash and you need to install the stock radio.
  14. I'm not aware of any outstanding issues from any of my prior dealings a few years ago. If someone feels they have been slighted somehow, they are more than welcome to PM me to find a better resolution. I can't fix a problem I don't know about... This is a complete business practices overhaul so I'd like to start fresh. If you'd had a problem in the past and you feel you didn't get it fully solved, shoot me a pm and we will get you taken care of. Plain and simple.
  15. Less hate and more off topic... I'm surprised. Some people actually PMd me some orders before I closed the doors so they will be out tomorrow. Loatso, I think that's the nicest thing I've heard you say... Steps for rebuilding have already started. Thanks again guys.
  16. Of course not. We messaged a ton because we were friends... to be honest, that was so long ago I didnt even remember that. I actually should still have a box I made for you when we first talked about it. It has a shirt, your US plates, some military stuff from my boat since youre a contractor over there, and a "foxy Datsun" sticker. Let me go digging to see if I still have it together. Anyway, as Ive said I messed up. Only time will tell if Im on the level. Have a great night guys and see when once shit is back on track.
  17. Replied Rick. Ill try to make time for awhile to hang around here. If you look, I havent even been around for about a month. Shit sucks. Anyway, everything should be cleared up and Ill be back when I can... Im sure you guys could use the break from me lol. Take care guys.
  18. I know this is just going to blow up with mob mentality posts as people are pissed... its completely understandable. Ive been on the mob side as well so I know how this is going to go. But anyway, here is what I have to say. Tons of issues came up in life and I couldnt keep up with orders. I know thats not anyones problems I dont expect any slack to be cut on my part. I messed up and am 100% in the wrong. I had some issues a few years ago as well as some are aware of. Everything has snowballed and Im left playing catch up with highly dissatisfied customers. I never wanted that. Ive never tried to rip anyone off as Ive been here for years now... shit just got out of control. There is zero excuses for my behaviour as a person or as a business. No one should act the way I did. I love the Datsun community and have acted poorly. If youve noticed, I havent been around in quite some time. Ive got a ton of stuff going on and was trying to handle it. It obviously didnt go so well. Anyway, all items have been shipped. Im not trying to steal anything from anyone and this was the kick in the ass I needed to get going. It sucks it had to come to this, but its what happened. I have all orders shipped and Im going to take a hiatus from accepting orders for a minute. Im going to get my life back on track, work on the fundamentals of running this business, and come back even better. I love this place and want to keep supporting the community if possible. Im tired of disappointing customers lately and its frustrating. Im sure you all are frustrated as well. I took the cowards way out and didnt say anything about my issues and kept on going. Thats not the right thing. Im 100% wrong in every instance. Once Im completely sure things are correct, the business will be back. Itll be a bit, because I want to be positive I wont be screwing up. You guys dont deserve that. Im not in this to just make money, but to help you guys out with Datsun products. I wasnt doing that. All items should be on their way at this point. If you havent received anything in 7 days, please message me and we will work out the details. Im sure there will be plenty of posts of hate after I post that, and its to be expected. I messed up big time and Im sorry. Edit: On a slightly lighter note, the best part of all this is that its compelled Rick to figure out how to use Facebook to harass me there as well. I got a good chuckle out of that. I dont even know how he works the computer most of the time...
  19. Was in the middle of moving and things got hectic. I still have it and it's still yours :thumbup: PM me again buddy.
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