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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Are they even still a band? I thought they "peaked" in 2003 with the Scorpion King soundtrack. I didnt even know they kept recording... http://youtu.be/dBiJCHXDSYc http://youtu.be/rQ_ffoadsRE
  2. Any xKore fans? (This one is good because its a remix of Modestep who is also good)
  3. Hit up a local mini-show with the Douger, Taco, and Tom. Was ok... mostly new shit. We basically just all ate lunch at the venue and left after letting the food settle. There was a suck older Merc there. If Doug sees this, hopefully he throws up a picture.
  4. Lame. Its always shitty to see them sit. You think people would get the idea that its priced too high for condition if its still for sale nearly a year later.
  5. No us lowly members do not have that privilege.
  6. Was there something wrong with the other thread you already made? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/57234-australian-520/
  7. Looks like a clean truck. Welcome to the forum. If you want a cheaper option for side draft carbs, look in SUs. They will be about half the price of any Weber/Mikuni setup. Cant wait to see more once you come back home. Stay safe overseas (Im assuming youre in the Sandbox?)
  8. Id stick with what you got as well. Im a pretty large SSR fanboy and I wouldnt purchase the linked set unless they were the last models to complete my collection. Look more like some Enkeis Ive seen. Oh well. Keep the dished mesh.
  9. Those have been for sale for awhile now. Too bad they are 4x100... Ive also never seen SSRs like that. I think he may be mistaken.
  10. There is no parking at the Olympic Sculpture Park and you cant see the Needle like that. That picture was taken at Kerry Park which is in Queen Anne.
  11. Tristin

    1200's unite!!!

    I would give up 510s to get into 4dr 1200s and wagons. Stupid America...
  12. Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.174158819375773.18705.163126937145628&type=3
  13. That truck is owned by K-Factory which is a shop out of Thailand. I would hop on their Facebook and ask them. Those look like rebarreled Wats. Their vintage FWD line looks like those but in stupid offsets for Datsuns. If you rebarreled you could probably get them to work. Those mirrors look like vintage Toyota mirrors.
  14. Youre not going to be able to find much in the city limits where no one has taken pictures. For anything "Seattle" themed, people will have already done it. Cliches are cliches for a reason.
  15. Thats shitty... The SODO Freewall was a cool spot. I used to go frequently because it would change all the time. Cool place. If you shot with a wide lens, you could park in front of the Freemont Troll and incorporate that.
  16. Its your sworn duty as one of the two Datsuners in AK to buy and save that truck. You will make room for it...
  17. A friend has one in storage in north Seattle so theres at least 3.
  18. Not sure where to put this, but I stumbled upon this monstrosity:
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