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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I know he put it up for sale over the last week, but I didnt hear if Gage actually sold it.
  2. That MKI has a sweet color scheme.
  3. Some websites that host images have been known to pop up like that... VintageRice had posted a couple of images in Spudlys thread (RIP) that evoked the same warning. Its just due to the hotlinked images. Im on Chrome for MAC and it gives me no warnings. Id say youre fine.
  4. Can you post a screen capture or something? Thread works fine for me... I just checked out the last page and nothing looked amiss.
  5. Whats the update on this Dave... its passed the 10th and no word. Nothing on the site either :(
  6. Thats a members car and is in the classifieds.
  7. Im pretty sure Nissan calls it the J-Line:
  8. Ill give you a shout if Im ever in the area again, would love to check out the car. Looks like a great start... what are your plans for it?
  9. Good... I hope that idiot driver has expensive parts to buy. Most people ditch the huge 521 bumpers so Im sure youll have someone hook you up with one.
  10. Did the BMW rear end you?
  11. Youre going to want to post a WTB or look through the Classifieds: http://community.ratsun.net/classifieds/ Glad to hear youre mostly OK.
  12. Welcome to the site. We usually arent spoon-feeders her so my advice would be to continue to search Ratsun. Use the search bar frequently and to read as much as you can. Everyone starts somewhere. Car looks nice and clean. PS. I spent many many summers in Ft. Collins growing up.
  13. Uh, nothing new has happened with the car. I have no pictures because there's no updates. Please stop posting in here as nothing is happening... I'll update it when I have something. Ps. Dawa knows the guy pictured above too. Man everyone was so drunk that night.... :sick:
  14. Hey I wasnt talking shit... that was all Jon.
  15. Qtip the Seattle guys usually stop there, any of the other Kitsap guys... I dont think Im the only one. The Douger, Dom, Rickrat, someone should be going.
  16. Ya ya ya. At least its not electrical? This could be a good thing though as I might be making more money now. Means more car parts! I mean, put it into some savings or something.
  17. Thats a throwback... wish I still had that grille :( No pictures from me since I havent done any work... just cruising it.
  18. Just another reason for me to pick up an E21. If that one in Oregon wasnt so far away and that ad was a notorious "Oh you just need this one cheap part to get her running perfect" deal then Id just head down there and drive it back. If its just one part, why dont you fix it yourself and sell it in better condition? The hunt continues.
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