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Pork's 521


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Aight, figured it was time to post up in here. Another member (fryanbacon) got me here to this site and I have been checking it out for a while. Figured I would finally register and get involved. I just picked up a 521 with some big plans for it, but that will be down the road. I am a VW guy and have one I wanna finish up before I dive into the truck. I've been into minis for a long time (used to roll with Severed Ties C.C.) but this is my first Datsun, so, I am sure I will be looking for plenty of info.


Plans for the truck include:

1 1/2" stock floor body drop and 1 1/2" conventional body drop.

Z'ed front frame at firewall

Complete back half frame replacement for custom four link/bag setup

I was thinking about rolling 18's but some 15" Supremes might look dope

Mild engine rebuild with sidedrafts


The plan is a low budget rocker dragger, but I do suspension fab and body and paint work myself, so it should end up being a complete build depending on cost of materials, engine build and interior. Anyways, I will get some pics of the pile when I get some time and also post up a thread in the non-Datsun section of my daily driver '62 VW Single Cab.

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I wElCoMe you RaTsUn, so here......:fu:


lots of good info here...... :D


lots of very knowledgable DaTtO pp here..... :cool:


now it tyme for lots of pics to put here...... :)



without pics, it never happens so gets them on here ...... :rolleyes:

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take your shit eating mouth to a honda forum. sell your truck


Welcome to ratsun Porkchop. :eek:

No pic's and a bad attitude. Your not going to get very far. Plus pickin a fight with a chick.:( She just might kick your ass.

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Then I would be a liar if I said that......


And if you don't like my plans for the truck, save your comments for someone who cares.


Hey guys, lynchfourtwenty, endubguy, & datrod thanks for having my back.


Personally I don't think I was being out of line. We all have our opinions on what we all like for our trucks, but to get really bent out of shape just because someone doesn't like what your plans are...........you have some issues that you need to deal with.


I love 521's but I don't care for lowered ones. (Actually I don't care for any vehicles that are lowered.)


So what I want to know is when you start posting pictures of your truck and someone says "Oh you shouldn't of used that kind of paint" or Oh you shouldn't of put those kind of wheels on" ect.... ect... ect. Are you going to call them out and tell them to keep their comments to themselves??????

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no problem paula :) he came here with all these big plans, first time owning a datsun an got all butt hurt right off the bat.. you were not out of line only stating your opinion an in a kinda funny way.. if he wants to be welcome here i think an apology and some pics of his truck are in order..

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geez pork....I could see you coming back with that crap if she had said "you're a complete moron for doing that to a 521" or "you're killing a perfectly nice rig doing that" but her comment simply came across that she didn't like the idea. You could have simply said "sorry, that's the plan". A lot of guys have told her she should lower her's, but she doesn't come back harshly like you did. Lighten up.


Trust me....she knows it's your rig and you have the right to do what you want to it. She was just teasing that she was sad to see another 521 get hacked. We've lost count of how many guys come on here with tons of plans and no follow through. They get halfway into it and then sell/scrap it. We all hope you are one of the exceptions and we hope to see a ton of build pics.


If you haven't seen it....here's a thread with some serious mods.


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Let's start here:

wow pork, start off with some shit like that? keep it up an you wont be welcome here...


i bet u that lady knows more about datsuns then you do, shes been here a hell of alot longer then you, and non of us will stand by an let u disrespect her like that..


I'm sure she knows more about Datsuns than me, no doubt. I wasn't disrespecting her either as it seems my post may have been misleading. The first comment was for her, the second comment was to the board in general, meaning that if all someone has to say is negative stuff about someone else's project, then don't say anything at all.


take your shit eating mouth to a honda forum. sell your truck


Seems like you are the one with the mouth on you. Nuff said.


Welcome to ratsun Porkchop. :eek:

No pic's and a bad attitude. Your not going to get very far. Plus pickin a fight with a chick.:( She just might kick your ass.


I haven't got pics yet because it is under snow and stored out back of our body shop and I have to drag it out. I don't have a bad attitude, I am just sick of people only chiming into threads to slap out negative comments and attitudes towards someones build. You will find me posting up in defense of other people that their cars get trash talked, too.


Hey guys, lynchfourtwenty, endubguy, & datrod thanks for having my back.


Personally I don't think I was being out of line. We all have our opinions on what we all like for our trucks, but to get really bent out of shape just because someone doesn't like what your plans are...........you have some issues that you need to deal with.


I love 521's but I don't care for lowered ones. (Actually I don't care for any vehicles that are lowered.)


So what I want to know is when you start posting pictures of your truck and someone says "Oh you shouldn't of used that kind of paint" or Oh you shouldn't of put those kind of wheels on" ect.... ect... ect. Are you going to call them out and tell them to keep their comments to themselves??????


Paula (I gather that's your name), my apologies that you took that last comment personally, it was not intended for you directly. I take constructive criticism quite well actually. I am used to dealing with the VW crowd though, and the stock nazis come out in force on most of the threads with lowered rides and proceed to preach their attitude and downgrade the lowered crowd. I come here, and within ten replies, I already have a post, with no welcome, just a negative comment regarding my plans with my truck. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has their own taste. My second comment was to simply state that if anyone (not just you) doesn't like my plans for the truck, and feels they have to chime in or go off about it (whatever it may be), to just save their breath, because it won't change a thing. I can see now how it could be construed as harsh or a bad attitude. My apologies, once again, Paula. As far as constructive criticism that would help me along the way, let 'em rip. If you don't like my wheels, great. If you don't like the paint, fine. It's my truck and my taste, I realize that. But who knows, if someone comes in with, "I don't think those wheels look good on your truck, you should check these out (insert random wheel here", I would probably throw down a photoshop with the wheels to see how it looks. I take others ideas well, like I said, it's just that the stock vs. lowered debate has been beat to death in most of the other forums I frequent, and I am sick of people that only have negative crap to say to someone.


no problem paula :) he came here with all these big plans, first time owning a datsun an got all butt hurt right off the bat.. you were not out of line only stating your opinion an in a kinda funny way.. if he wants to be welcome here i think an apology and some pics of his truck are in order..


They really aren't that big of plans, and it's nothing I haven't done before. I'm not butt hurt, just stating that I have had enough on other forums of other people beating the stock vs. lowered debate into the ground, and I didn't wanna catch that attitude here. No, she wasn't out of line stating her opinion, which is why the first comment was intended for her.


geez pork....I could see you coming back with that crap if she had said "you're a complete moron for doing that to a 521" or "you're killing a perfectly nice rig doing that" but her comment simply came across that she didn't like the idea. You could have simply said "sorry, that's the plan". A lot of guys have told her she should lower her's, but she doesn't come back harshly like you did. Lighten up.


Trust me....she knows it's your rig and you have the right to do what you want to it. She was just teasing that she was sad to see another 521 get hacked. We've lost count of how many guys come on here with tons of plans and no follow through. They get halfway into it and then sell/scrap it. We all hope you are one of the exceptions and we hope to see a ton of build pics.


If you haven't seen it....here's a thread with some serious mods.



I think this last one pretty much got covered with the rest.



Let me break this down, If all you have to say about my project is negative, save your breath, because it isn't gonna change my mind about what I want to do. That was the entire point. Wasn't meant to be disrespecting, wasn't me having a bad attitude, wasn't me picking a fight with a girl. You all say she is entitled to state her opinion, yet I state the FACT that there is no point in any of you wasting your breath trying to say that you don't like MY plans for MY project, because I don't really care to hear it. You are all entitled to your opinions, I just don't see the point with going out of your way to tell someone you don't approve of their project without anything positive or encouraging to say. If you don't like it, just close the thread and go on to another one. No offense Paula, but you set the tone with that comment without even welcoming the new guy. All I got was "Say it isn't so..................:(:(" I guess if none of you can see my point, there's no need for me to waste any more of your bandwidth, cuz this isn't the place for me. I don't wanna deal with another forum where I have to hear about it from the purists and then get attacked for defending myself. Paula, once again, my apologies.

Edited by porkchop
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I haven't been on in a while but I thought I'd let you guys know that I vouch for my friend porkchop. He's a hardcore VW guy but he's softening up to the fun world of datsuns. I think everybody got the wrong first impression and that we should welcome him and his creativity.

Mike and Paula, I know you guys are well versed in the 521 and deserve all the respect that you've earned in the datsun community. I'm asking you, as a fan, to understand my friend's request, which I believe is understandable. I've had some negative comments about my project, but I know that everyone here just likes to give their thoughts. however, a brand new person posting for the first time on a forum where the only guy he knows (me) isn't even very well known, getting someones honest(but still negative) opinion could easily find it frustrating.(talk about run-on sentences)

so just place yourselves in his shoes and please forgive so we can welcome this new member and share in the fun that this whole forum is supposed to be.


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Then I would be a liar if I said that......


And if you don't like my plans for the truck, save your comments for someone who cares.


I can see how you're trying to deflect the second line to make it sound like you were talking to the group in general, but it does state "if YOU".....which would be directed at Paula. You'll find the group is pretty protective of there own. Hang around....you'll become one of the group.


As for the stock vs. lowered....I think you'll find the vast majority...95-98% of the people here like lowered better. Paula knows she's odd-man-out preferring stock, but she was just ribbing you. We do the same thing with the guys that own those butt ugly 620's....but they know it's all in good fun.


I gotta wonder what some of these other forums are doing to you guys....you're the second new guy in a week that has come off harsh in their first post or two.


So when you get pics, start a new "Pork's new 521 thread" and we'll make sure we(Paula and I) refrain from comments that aren't constructive.

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Paula knows she's odd-man-out preferring stock, but she was just ribbing you. We do the same thing with the guys that own those butt ugly 620's....but they know it's all in good fun.


are you telling me that people like to give each other crap on this forum?

having fun with each other? I HAD NO IDEA!:lol:

man, if I didn't have a sense of humor, there's no way I could have worked with teens for the last ten years!

haha. they would have ripped me to shreds:)

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fryan....we get that and would love to welcome in the new guy....especially since he's a 521 owner! But from our side....it's understandable that we would think that a new guy would tread a bit more lightly in his early posts. We're not looking to push anyone away....we're also not looking for new people that start off like a bull in a china shop.


I really hope he post a lot of pics of his vw's and his 521....we need more stuff like that.

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I can see how you're trying to deflect the second line to make it sound like you were talking to the group in general, but it does state "if YOU".....which would be directed at Paula. You'll find the group is pretty protective of there own. Hang around....you'll become one of the group.


As for the stock vs. lowered....I think you'll find the vast majority...95-98% of the people here like lowered better. Paula knows she's odd-man-out preferring stock, but she was just ribbing you. We do the same thing with the guys that own those butt ugly 620's....but they know it's all in good fun.


I gotta wonder what some of these other forums are doing to you guys....you're the second new guy in a week that has come off harsh in their first post or two.


So when you get pics, start a new "Pork's new 521 thread" and we'll make sure we(Paula and I) refrain from comments that aren't constructive.


It honestly was a statement directed to the entire body (including her) which is why I separated it from my first comment. Bad wording on my part, and I could have gotten my point across better in a much different way. I didn't take it as ribbing, but what's done is done. I hope I have explained myself a little better and that we can all put this behind us. Once you get to know me, I'm an okay guy that really does take criticism well. I am sure I will use the crap out of this forum and hopefully can contribute with some of my experience as well. Bryan has told me that you and your wife are good people, and I have no doubt about that. As far as purists go, you will find that I respect both stock and custom, I just like my stuff in the dirt. As far as any future comments, I know now that I can take it as friendly ribbing from you two, I just didn't know that before, which sparked my post. Once again, my apologies to you and your wife.

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