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Zoning laws anyone won a fight

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

I vent on Destruction.  I disagree and am doing everything in my power to fight, but I am playing nice nice and will continue. I already agreed to address three of the seven citations and I will. I started with cooperation from the get go, to their face. I know who has my nuts in a sling. 

Fence can be on property line, driveway has to be 15ft back from side street property line (i'm on corner) BUT parking vehicles for more than 1 day in driveway illegal. Having inop car in driveway illegal. Now the answer is fence, if they can't see it then no problem---wrong. If new condos that can look into my yard from upper levels report me, then cop can investigate and I am right back where I started The only way to win is for the city to say what is "enough", I build the fancy fence then they leave me alone is the second best option. (leave me alone first but unlikely) My worry, is they not me will refuse to compromise.

Build a fence and store your cars as you see fit. I doubt the new neighbors are going to be people that will constantly report you to the city. They're not moving in there to be a pain in the ass.  Who in the hell would enforce an ordinance saying more than one day in a driveway is illegal ? If it even is. What if you go out of town for a week ? And how would anybody know what's inoperable or not inside your property with a fence ? Like I've said already, an effort to appease these people harassing you would probably go farther than you think.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Build a fence and store your cars as you see fit. I doubt the new neighbors are going to be people that will constantly report you to the city. They're not moving in there to be a pain in the ass.  Who in the hell would enforce an ordinance saying more than one day in a driveway is illegal ? If it even is. What if you go out of town for a week ? And how would anybody know what's inoperable or not inside your property with a fence ? Like I've said already, an effort to appease these people harassing you would probably go farther than you think.

I hope you are right. I will continue making the effort, but continue looking for angles and areas to areas of vulnerability. 
Si vis pacem, para bellum. 


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15 hours ago, thisismatt said:

Get a loan, die in debt?

Life is all about options. I don't have the credit, then again, SBA loans are forgiving and I could claim necessity for my new demolition venture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It took a while to find a lawyer who would see me. I found one and he turned the case down. BUT, knowing this was a possibility and understanding my luck, I made appointments with two lawyers and see the other one tomorrow. 


Trying to hook up with a concrete company I worked with decades ago and it has been sold and the owner retired-Fucking old age.


I try not to think about these wasted last weeks, the stress and the massive financial hit, all because someone relocated to Idaho and didn't like the look of my property. It takes me to a dark place.  

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The real answer here is this: Nobody owns anything in the United Democracy of America. America has been turned into one big HOA, where the neighbours vote on whether you get to keep your house and car any longer. This is the critical thinking that Americans need to arrive at. If somebody has the power to control something, then it is by definition their property. Take your vaccines, abide by your city, county, town, municipal codes, and sit down like a good boy.  Hopefully you can gather my condescending tone.

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Lots of people own their homes and no one tells them what they can do with them.


1 hour ago, Dan. said:

Take your vaccines, abide by your city, county, town, municipal codes, and sit down like a good boy.  Hopefully you can gather my condescending tone.


Take this to Destruction. Political bitching goes there.

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On 9/17/2024 at 5:04 PM, datzenmike said:

Lots of people own their homes and no one tells them what they can do with them.



Take this to Destruction. Political bitching goes there.

The post on my thread was the best of his bunch, shows nobody is 100% wrong, like a busted clock. But, at the end of the day, is that enough to keep the clock? I wish I owned a home and no one was telling me what I could do with it. I even feel damn reasonable. I accept that people can and will move where they want to move and that developers should be able to build what the people want. I know that means, more traffic, more noise, more lines and more of the general pain in the ass that is the city, but that is one of the things about a city and if you choose to live in one, you suck it up.

Where I break and side with Dan, is when the city wants to take from me specifically, doubly so, when it takes without giving anything back. Case 1: Taxes increased by 12x in last decade, or so, services have been scaled back. Case 2: What I have been doing with my property for the last 35 years now no good. Both Cases, all lost, nothing gained, no compromise, just tough shit AND THAT is sand in my drawers.
Feel free to move this or delete if needed. It's your world and I'm just a squirrel...

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Marvin felt he was getting fucked but not in a good way so he calmly made his plans against those in authority...



I can relate to Marvin, our plights have some commonalities. There is actually a group claiming his rampage was planned to not hurt anyone and only make a statement. The 50 cal, is tough to get around, but they have enough evidence to give pause. I am a reasonable person, which is where it all goes off the rails. Even if I found substantial evidence that there were people out to get me, focused on making my life, specifically, unpleasant. There wouldn't be many and I am not a drama queen, doubt it would make national news when I took them out. I am going to buy some of Marvin's swag, hopefully the proceeds go to his family. 

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