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LED headlights


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Just replace them and aim them right, our 720s have some of the best headlights no need to upgrade in my opinion. Yes I recommend replacing the original with a new one in good condition as they dim over time and you will be impressed with how bright a new sealed unit is over an aged one.

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Halogen get dimmer with age. Just replacing them my help.


Don't care for LED lamps. All they do is claim ridiculous lumen output. Each maker tries to outdo the other, there's no regulation or reliable standard to compare them. There are You tube videos often the LED is worse than the bulb it replaces and the beam pattern is crap. You also need to use a projector style lens with beam cut off to prevent blinding oncoming traffic.



I prefer HID (high intensity discharge) basically an arc light. Intensely bright and white light. Something like these...





Oncoming traffic are in the shadow.


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Well have a look around first. Do they include the ballasts and the bulbs? Make sure they have the internal gate that chope the bottom of the beam off. (the lens flips this so the shadow is at the top to shield oncoming drivers. High beams don't have the gate as you want maximum light output. Know that they are not instant on and take 3-7 seconds to reach maximum brilliance. When warmed up they are instant on.

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