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WTF happened to my car?!

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i was having running problems with the carb. or so i thought... so i couldn't drive it. then figured out that it was my spark! swapped out the plugs and wires. start it, after a month and a half of not running it. runs a bit better! not perfect, but better nonetheless. wait til it warms. rev it a little bit. suddenly i lose my temperature reading. heater fan doesn't work. and neither do my windshield wipers! UHG. lights still work though... all fuses are good. not that they would effect it... but yeah. any ideas? also, i'm going to an electronic dist. soon. and am gunna run a bottle of seafoam through my carb. as soon as i find where i put it... FEEDBACK PLEASE.

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Pull your fuse box and clean it. Electrical cleaner spray is good stuff. Check all your wiring and look 4 damaged wires. Replace your dist. with elec. like u said. Mite be bad points or condenser. Re-Check your fuses. Also check 4 vaccuum leaks around carb base and intake mani. Make sure your charging system is workin properly. Get a weber:D

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okay, so i'll do that stuff soon. but really i'm wondering why my heater and wipers aren't working. i dont think anything came lose... maybe? but i don't know how. it all worked fine before. and as for charging. the stuff is completely cut off. not just slow or something... i don't know. i'll look around when i get home.

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Get NEW fuses, Old ones might look good but be broke inside at the ends where they are soldered.


wipers and heater breaking at the same time is uncommon. So what is the major link? I would think the fuse,fuse box on back.

I would unplug the connectors that go in to the fuse box. Look at them maybe clean them and plug them back in.(wiggle it )


as for the car running just time it and adjust the mixture screw at the carb base untill it runs smooth as possible.


Make sure no water(condensation) underneath the dizzy cap.Usaully causes alot of popping

get a elelctronic ignition after you solve these other issues first.

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Pull your fuse box and clean it.

douche the box !

Get NEW fuses, Old ones might look good but be broke inside at the ends where they are soldered.




always check inside the connectors too.


we found 1 corroded connector, otheres were fine (brake lights), which had worked on the way out, failed on the way back :blink:

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do what everyones been saying, clean the contacts.

Everytime you start or just turn on the key igntion it creates a very small arc or oxadation (spelling) built up.

once you get it running, here is a quick way to check your alternator,

take a screw driver, put it at the center - on the back side with engine running of the alt, there should be a magnetic field pull,

if it feels weak, repair or get another alt,

if it has a stong magnetic pull then it should be good to go.

make sure NOT to touch any hot wires or you will be having your own 4th of july fireworks going on.

let us now what you findout. good luck

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hahahaha, so you might laugh. and i don't know how this works, but here it goes... i couldn't figure out why the wipers and heater would work on ACC, but not when the car was turned on... so i fiddles with the ignition key for 2 seconds while the car was running, and felt it turn back. like a tiny little click, and everything started working. :fu: thats BA. better than finding a friggen ground out. she's running pretty well, i ran a half a can of Sea Foam through the carburator, along with new plugs and wires. it runs good, i'm still working on cleaning up a electronic dist that i got from carter, by the way, does anyone know which plug on the distributer goes to where?

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