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steering column woes on 521


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Can`t the 521 column be shortened?Anyone know how to do this?Can`t you just cut a piece out and weld it back together?Tilt column would be nice.A column that collapses or breaks apart during an impact(crash) would also be a nice upgrade,keep one from getting speared from column.

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It's not, solid shaft down to the box. I think Mklotz has shorten a 521 before. I sorta vaguely remember there was a thread waaaaay back, on the nude board.


I've been thinking, I may use a Z car box and a 720 column and linkage. Haven't gotten there yet though so I'm not really sure it will work.


I too would like to remove the 'spear of death'

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I know for certain that the column on my chopped 521 was shortened by the PO. I remember him mentioning it. I do not know anything about the *how*. I'll snap some photos of the interior and dash when I push it out of the garage in the next few days to swap wheels.

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I agree with this... I have no idea how much of the front end of a 521 is suppose to crumple in a high-speed impact, but I have no desire to find out. Hopefully it's not far enough to push the steering box and column back. But, I suppose with some proper restraints, smart driving, and shorter column nobody ever has to find out.


Actually, while we're on the topic of Spears Of Death, anybody remember those two Filipino (or whatever) guys that got impaled together on a post while riding a motorbike? They were behind a truck loaded with metal poles sticking out the back... something happened, truck must've stopped quickly, they couldn't stop in time, and ran right into the end of a post. It went through both their chests. I think they survived though...

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In that case... are there any other options for telescopic steering columns? Steve, you mentioned a 720 column and Z-Car box... how difficult of a swap is that? Is it fairly bolt-in, or does it require a lot of modification to the mounts/column/box/whatever?

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  • 4 weeks later...

could you just cut the shaft and shaft housing, put support bearing at end of housing. then get custom column, maybe flaming river mini column. you can get

couplings with flats on sides of steering shaft, grind flats on stub of box

i like the fact that the column is stainless or you can paint it

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