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I Have a Very Wonderful Idea

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As I just happened to wake up at 4am. this Friday morning... it just hit me!: We have two issues at hand here, on the forum, that could be addressed:


1. We have true, and I mean, TRUE Datsun lovers that have brought passion for the community and for the vehicle to a new level. And,


2. People with non-running Datsuns!


We happen to get together every now and then, whether it be for big events or small ones. Some more often than others so, Why don't we get together to fix a member's particular car after we have some of these particular gatherings, near the place of gathering?


Since some of us really love serving others, and others don't have the know-how to fix their ride, why don't we make this link connection between both? I'd propose the only thing invested in the "volunteers" would be their time. And, the owner, their vehicle and parts they'd need to buy for it.


This way, we have a tighter community, and more Ratsuns on the road! We could post the work here or on another thread, too! This could bring more involvement and excitement to the community!


It's only a thought. But, I had to toss it out there. Someone, each time, would have to coordinate each after-event and post the work!

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No special meeting needed,,,  just help a bitch if they are close to you .



This ^


And that...


There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that happens like that, I've done it and I sure many others have too.

Happens almost on a weekly basis in the Northwest....from Cali thru Oregon into Washington...




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 are you talking to me ? Remind me since a ton of those goofy vehicles have went through ( or stayed ,, yeah scalpum i'm looking at you) in the past 6 months,, considering i have no interest in owning any datsun truck .



Hey did that truck ever go up for sale?

I was supposed to go poke at it one day, he couldn't do it so scheduled for following sunday, sent him a message saturday and no response. Ever..... Haven't seen it yet..

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True ive made plans to have a few come over n help me with a project after rats with dats. It does give you a better appreciation for the community when you have people going out of there way spending time, gas, and donating parts to help some one else get on the road. So you better have enough pizza n beer to make sure everyone doesnt go home hungry

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I'm even up for Admin changing the title of this thread. The point is "posting in ONE place/thread" the event for others to see. This would encourage many other to see, read, and follow the same thing and eventually have all our Datsuns, as many we could, back on the road in no time. The details (food, booze, beer) etc., would be up to the vehicle owner/ host to decide or provide with proper notification. Who knows, maybe they do or don't have the funds to do much but love the community and are just eager to get their ratsun on the road!


We could provide the following info for this event (and you can feel free to enhance/modify):


1. Date & Time:

2. Host (owner of vehicle to be worked on):

3. Address and phone number (OR, this could be requested and PM-ed by those attending, to keep the community a bit private) and,

4. (Optional) "Who & What" (Who is already signed up and what will/can be provided for the volunteer guests.)


Organization will be key to this success. We could even retitle this thread something like, After-event Datsun Revival!


Open for thoughts... :-D

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More ideas... You can even,


1. Nominate, or

2. Sponsor


someone you know is really in need- might be their daily driver, or may just deserve to it- from poor to rich, ugly to uglier, old to young or new, fat to skinny... it's all open to all! ;)

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Yeah most events run until people have to go to bed if at someone's house around here. Or until people have to make a drive to get home. No real after parties going on. The people that are close to others tend to help each other out more so than just helping them with datsun. Others live to far away to be involved in that sort of thing. At least western Washington. The Spokane boys help out the Spokane boys, tri cities is just the cat


But still it seems like you're talking about a work party. See events forum. Every so often a thread will pop up

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^Not exactly what I meant, though. I meant: Straight to working on a Datsun (after those other events, or shortly before they end) to get them running- is the main purpose for the after-gathering. This would be many heads, working quickly for an hour or two, with the sole purpose of fixing a quick problem.


All else, all other things involved like you mentioned are up to the people there, if they wanna hang out some more because yes, some have to do many other things shortly after each main event. The idea is to work on a time limit, with the right people, and achieve the end result- a running machine.


It's not only a local thing but also for state and national, even international mission, since people all over the world can access this site from across the globe. It would be something of a short (or even long) hands on event with people who have also traveled far.

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unwilling to help a fellow datto owner....


I'm a bit of a selfish prick but would help out if possible? Got a mig welder and big fuckin hammer. If that don't work than your shit will get pushed out in the road and good luck to ya! Of course if you had a Patrol I might try a little harder to help?

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Did you even read the replies?, maybe you need to move north, sounds like those SoCal folks are a bit.....unwilling to help a fellow datto owner....

Read them all, that's why I reply with more details. No, I doubt it's just a thing of the borth. I think many down here have not been asked or made aware in an organized, formal way. The thing is that it should not just be a thing of the folks in the north but rather like nation, and world wide. Seeing it being posted would be a joy to all and very motivational to keep doing the same. Time and willingness along with good order is the main things. Passing the word and actually getting the ball rolling to get it started is the other thing. ;)

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There was a small group down here for a bit that did this sort of thing. They called it "All hands on Datsun" and I guess did a few meetings.

I didn't participate, but, I did answer a few questions here and there for them.


it's a neat idea, but, I am not the type to invite folks I barely know into my garage to work on my car. And, I am doing my car the way i wan't to and I really don't feel like telling people what to do or how to do it. Just rather do it myself. 


So, it is not a matter of not wanting to help, it is just the way some us like to do things. And I will help, but, just don't expect me to build your car. 


So, have fun! 



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it's a neat idea, but, I am not the type to invite folks I barely know into my garage to work on my car. And, I am doing my car the way i wan't to and I really don't feel like telling people what to do or how to do it. Just rather do it myself. 


So, it is not a matter of not wanting to help, it is just the way some us like to do things. And I will help, but, just don't expect me to build your car. 






IMHO, This covered it so perfectly in regards to it being more than an after event type of thing.  With meeting up after the event you've at least had a chance to meet and get a feel for the people that may end up in your garage later.


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Yeah it's not easy to organize when lots of those people aren't congregating a single social media outlet, so naturally it'll be more taskful to achieve, if you don't try you don't get anywhere, you're on the right path, next up would be faceshit, Instagram and whatever else outlets you can stomach...also I would make some Ratsun business cards with the web addy to tag dattos to get them over here, I run into many datto owners that never even knew this site existed...

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Is not this forum for this very thing? Does one procure ideas and advice for their nifty Datsun build?

Do we not tell ones of how their brains have fallen down to their ass if they start going sideways?

One must not forget the copius amounts of encouragement one recieves from his or her cohorts!

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^It ""could"" turn into that if both sides are good on it but: no. A mission, rather, or even a "timed" challenge, if you may, to get the car ready to go with as much minimal effort/work possible. Again, great points! Definitely not a "built" event, since that would def. take up way more time, space and "fund$" for those really working.


In regards of the place where to "put your hands on" the vehicle, that would be up for the owner to decide: some wouldn't mind having those "Angelic strangers" come and bring back to life their M.I.A. Datsun. In others cases, the owner could set up a place, other than their own, to allow for volunteers' "hands-on!"


But yeah, as mentioned before, it just needs a lil bit of planning out, and POSTING on the Forum, so that we may all be aware. Owner, should actually be responsible for this task, in a form of appreciation, now that I think about it. But, main things should be made public, ahead of time like,


1. Work needed, or troubles with the car: (past and current issues)

2. Parts needed: (this gives both sides and others, an opportunity to make available/acquire somehow, the parts needed for the job)

3. Post, post, post the operation!


Where there's a will there's a way. This would accomplish many points already mentioned, have you read them all thus far! ;)

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