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I find it refreshing that someone stand up and say 'none of your business'.



Sorry, that someone is the President-Elect of the U.S. of A. and it is our business if his business dealings are going to compromise decision making or security for our country.


Isn't that what people were so rabidly enraged at Hillary's emails for? Possible security breaches?


Comparing the two is probably apples and oranges but using major brushstrokes maybe not.

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The Presidents military.


uhhh... right.


By default in matters military he's 'commander and chief' sounds good and has to be but he's a politician first and knows fuck all militarily but what he's told by the military. 



Sorry, that someone is the President-Elect of the U.S. of A. and it is our business if his business dealings are going to compromise decision making or security for our country.


Isn't that what people were so rabidly enraged at Hillary's emails for? Possible security breaches?


Comparing the two is probably apples and oranges but using major brushstrokes maybe not.


You may think it's your business but there's no law for this so.... no. I think there are enough checks and balances for protection.


The Tic went against the law about secret and top secret e-mails outside of government servers. So her own fault. Until there is a law saying that you have to disclose your income tax returns, tough shit.

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The point is the same. Concern that the judgement of our commander in chief may be compromised by another priority. I know it pains you to say anything can be apples and apples between those two, but I think the point was the intent of interest in tax returns was financial, and national security. Interest in Hillarys emails were as well financial and national security. I see the apples. But if apples and oranges, I propose trump is the orange.

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Alright. Elections over. Hype is mellowing. What is the worst email found on the Clinton server? Post it up. I didn't see anything that horrifying personally, and I want to.


We know that previous Secretaries of State used personal email for government work including Powell. We know that government servers were hacked while it seems Clintons home server wasn't (until Wikileaks it seems). And it appears information was largely handled in a manner avoiding criminal activity.


I dislike Hillary for reasons related to Libya, but this email scandal has always pissed me off because almost everyone up in arms about it was misinformed and significantly anti Hillary. A dangerous mix for getting decent information.


So post up those damning emails please. Let's see the dirt.

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Alright. Elections over. Hype is mellowing. What is the worst email found on the Clinton server? Post it up. I didn't see anything that horrifying personally, and I want to.


We know that previous Secretaries of State used personal email for government work including Powell. We know that government servers were hacked while it seems Clintons home server wasn't (until Wikileaks it seems). And it appears information was largely handled in a manner avoiding criminal activity.


I dislike Hillary for reasons related to Libya, but this email scandal has always pissed me off because almost everyone up in arms about it was misinformed and significantly anti Hillary. A dangerous mix for getting decent information.


So post up those damning emails please. Let's see the dirt.

See top 100



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Alright. I appreciate that link. Nothing seemingly worthy of the uproar in my opinion. The pile stinks, but pretty much what I expect of a Secretary of State. Sad, but true. TPP email pissed me off. Benghazi stuff is enraging. And Clinton foundation is a terrible idea. But all of that was out before the emails...
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I am still around mike just been out of the datsun game for awhile. I might get another one someday.


They always come back





Alright. Elections over. Hype is mellowing. What is the worst email found on the Clinton server? Post it up. I didn't see anything that horrifying personally, and I want to.


We know that previous Secretaries of State used personal email for government work including Powell. We know that government servers were hacked while it seems Clintons home server wasn't (until Wikileaks it seems). And it appears information was largely handled in a manner avoiding criminal activity.


I dislike Hillary for reasons related to Libya, but this email scandal has always pissed me off because almost everyone up in arms about it was misinformed and significantly anti Hillary. A dangerous mix for getting decent information.


So post up those damning emails please. Let's see the dirt.


Uh there are laws against having an outside server for secret and top secret e-mails, so .... wrong. Saying there's no harm done is the same as saying I drink and drive all the time, show me where this was a problem.

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Alright. I appreciate that link. Nothing seemingly worthy of the uproar in my opinion. The pile stinks, but pretty much what I expect of a Secretary of State. Sad, but true. TPP email pissed me off. Benghazi stuff is enraging. And Clinton foundation is a terrible idea. But all of that was out before the emails...

And you wonder why i called you a Hillary suporter :no:

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They always come back






Uh there are laws against having an outside server for secret and top secret e-mails, so .... wrong. Saying there's no harm done is the same as saying I drink and drive all the time, show me where this was a problem.

Actually Mike. To my best understanding, .gov email address are not secure enough for anything marked confidential. That whole argue net was a red herring. People wanted to use FOIA to get her emails and couldn't. This angered them and they made a number of these accusations. Confidential records were, in a few cases found apparently, but if they were egregious she would have seen trouble. Mainly this was a statement made to spark controversy. Confidential material is only to be transferred on specific servers outside of .gov. The use of a private server for government correspondence was permitted when she set up her server. But she was required to record relevant record which we all know she failed at doing. But, as we see, these were executive penalties, not criminal.


I stand firm in my stance that Hillary hatred made a huge deal out of a silly common issue. And the reason it started was because those who wanted dirt, couldn't utilize the FOIA to get it. But credit where credit is due. It worked.

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And you wonder why i called you a Hillary suporter :no:

I never wonder why with you. Your mind permits two boxes that encompass everyone beside yourself. Hillary is, and was a bad choice for commander in chief. Worse than Trump? Fuck. Possibly. Not sure. But neither got my vote.



I think Trump was a certainty of being fucked. Clinton was either keep trucking on, or getting fucked in the ass, stabbed, and left in a gutter to die.

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So you're saying it was ok to have top secret information on an unsecured private server?

No I'm saying it is common. I'm also stating that the argument is irrelevant because it wasn't permitted on a .gov server either. And that was the issue at hand

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Polishing brass on the Titanic. Irrelevant if it was hacked or there was incriminating things on it if it was illegal to have it there in the first place. Her legal defence is.... 'Everyone else was doing it"???

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Nope. I've not seen evidence that she sent anything classified. She may have. But all I know of was a document she received. Which was an issue of equal gravity on a .gov, or private server. So if she sent them, knowingly, I think we all have issue with that. But a mountain was made of an ant hill is more my argument.

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OK, so "Security" stuff is one of my specialisations (particularly in the Gubment context).


Take it from me, HRC should be hung, drawn and quartered for running her private email server for work (Gubment) purposes.


Regardless of the classification of some of the information found on her server, here, 2 salient points for your consideration.


1. Aggregation of information. The sheer volume of "work" stuff alone on the private server pushes things into a much higher category of risk, and


2. Source protection. The information would definitely have been drawn from sensitive source(s), and as per point 1, this is a risk multiplier. Good people put their safety at risk to obtain information for intelligence related purposes, and this lunatics blatant disregard for even basic Infosec, Persec, Opsec, infact the whole gamut of security requirements clearly indicates to RW she is at the least delusional and unfit for the highest Public office in Murica.


Good god, read the Wikileaks information. Lets just go for a drive through the occupied territories and demand your driver "wind the window down".


No Protection detail in my experience would go within half a mile of a loose cannon like her!

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But the .gov server was hacked during her term apparently. Is a highly targeted arena really much safer? It would seem not really. But, I'm an electrician and I really don't claim to know more than you in that arena.


Honestly, I really appreciate all of this stuff. I've been in the same spot for months knowing that a law was broken but not able to make sense of why people were making it such a monumental issue of it. It seems like there should have been emails between her and Isis leaders discussing when to behead reporters or something.

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