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Please Diego...haven't you been paying attention or are you just trying to goad me into an argument? 


Either way I am in a good mood and I love to write so here we go!


Your idealogical inflexibility says more about you than it does about me...but more on that later.


First a little history; I am not sure if most of you are old enough to remember how delineated the 80's were...


And people were f!@$u=ing uptight; because I was different and poor I did not fit into the social groups exemplified by these Izod shirt wearing, lace curtain, county club, preppy jerkoffs of the Reagan right.


These sons of republicans were only tough guys when they were in their group of friends and I learned to retaliate with my fists.


Then punk rock happened and it had a left wing bias but then the racist right skinhead wing brought in a different right wing, this would be the proto alt.right and what really spoke to me was the words of Ian Stewart (R.I.P.) of Skrewdriver " If the red don't kill you, the rich man will."


It took a few years to realize that overt racism was a limiting bias that I did not need, especially after meeting some of these hate filled white mutts who were missing the point entirely, no aryan beauty or excellence there.


So I identified more with the left because they were more about inclusion than the right...for me anyway.


But lately it seems the old idealogies are somewhat crumbling or being rethought which is what makes this so exciting!


One can have a reactionary/ conservative viewpoint with progressive points as well, other people probably know this but it is somewhat new to me.


Back to you.


Back when I started posting on this page, you stuck out by clownishly calling people names. "libtard", "sheep", "left wing" (meant scornfully).


You were like a joke programmed by Fox News and Breitbart.


Most people whom are idealogically inflexible are either born that way, programmed that way, or covering for some personal insecurity.


For you I believe it is the latter, for when you were busy striking out at others you left clues to your motivation.


You mentioned you were Argentinean by birth, I thought "Hmm this guys probably not white". It was later confirmed by another member.


Non-white right wingers can have a pathology that I don't understand (like black christians worshipping the god of their oppressor).


But then when you called the Mexican a "beaner" (do you remember in that bank robbery or kidnapping story a while back?)I knew I had your number. I thought "This mestizo thinks he's better than someone that to these white eyes he is the same as". AGAIN I AM NOT RACIST THESE WERE JUST THOUGHTS.


And no one called you out for it!


See I know about the caste system among Latin cultures, everyone looks down on the Mexicans ( I got an uncle by marriage who is Peruvian, believe me I know) but the common theme is the closer to white you are the better you are.


So I would posit that your reflexive fingerpointing at the left is nothing more than a desire to hide your insecurities over not being white.


It doesn't matter to me and I am sure your friends love you just how you are.


But you might want to think about who you are keeping company with.


In the ascendancy of the alt.right there are a good number of racists and no matter how much you hurl names at libtards and sheep, you will never be equal to them ( in their eyes) no matter how hard you try.


Like I said I think racism is a limiting bias but I do much prefer and respect the "white warriors" much more than the chardonnay sipping, faschy haircut wearing pencil necked geeks with their "Third Reich Light" idealogy.


They are just the same preppy buttnuggets repackaged as racialists.


Thanks and I hope I see you in Eagle Rock,


Your friend, Daniel P.

You've got issues, bro!, beaners is not exclusively to mexicans, more than half my friends are beaners including myself....you know....cuz we're hispanics and shit, obviously you're not familiar with Carlos Mencia?....lighten up and take the blame like a man, liberalism is poison.

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Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaner


Beaner is a derogatory slang term that refers to Mexicans, used in reference to people of Hispanic ancestry. [1][2][3] The term originates from the prevalence of pinto beans and other beans in Mexican cuisine.[3][4]

According to The Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the word was first seen in print in 1965, although the term has reportedly been in use at least since the 1940s (perhaps having evolved from previous slurs such as "bean-eater" and "bean-bandit" that were in use since as far back as the 1910s.)[1]

It appears that the term may be going through a phase of melioration, where the negative connotation of an ethnic slur is "reclaimed" by those against whom it is directed and used in a neutral or even positive manner.



Only answers I found said Mexican. So....




Mexican / Argentinian then?

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You've got issues, bro!, beaners is not exclusively to mexicans, more than half my friends are beaners including myself....you know....cuz we're hispanics and shit, obviously you're not familiar with Carlos Mencia?....lighten up and take the blame like a man, liberalism is poison.

Blame? So it's all my fault?


And I am the one with issues?


Rock on bro', you da man!

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Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaner


Beaner is a derogatory slang term that refers to Mexicans, used in reference to people of Hispanic ancestry. [1][2][3] The term originates from the prevalence of pinto beans and other beans in Mexican cuisine.[3][4]

According to The Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the word was first seen in print in 1965, although the term has reportedly been in use at least since the 1940s (perhaps having evolved from previous slurs such as "bean-eater" and "bean-bandit" that were in use since as far back as the 1910s.)[1]

It appears that the term may be going through a phase of melioration, where the negative connotation of an ethnic slur is "reclaimed" by those against whom it is directed and used in a neutral or even positive manner.



Only answers I found said Mexican. So....




Mexican / Argentinian then?


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Please Diego...haven't you been paying attention or are you just trying to goad me into an argument?


Either way I am in a good mood and I love to write so here we go!


Your idealogical inflexibility says more about you than it does about me...but more on that later.


First a little history; I am not sure if most of you are old enough to remember how delineated the 80's were...


And people were f!@$u=ing uptight; because I was different and poor I did not fit into the social groups exemplified by these Izod shirt wearing, lace curtain, county club, preppy jerkoffs of the Reagan right.


These sons of republicans were only tough guys when they were in their group of friends and I learned to retaliate with my fists.


Then punk rock happened and it had a left wing bias but then the racist right skinhead wing brought in a different right wing, this would be the proto alt.right and what really spoke to me was the words of Ian Stewart (R.I.P.) of Skrewdriver " If the red don't kill you, the rich man will."


It took a few years to realize that overt racism was a limiting bias that I did not need, especially after meeting some of these hate filled white mutts who were missing the point entirely, no aryan beauty or excellence there.


So I identified more with the left because they were more about inclusion than the right...for me anyway.


But lately it seems the old idealogies are somewhat crumbling or being rethought which is what makes this so exciting!


One can have a reactionary/ conservative viewpoint with progressive points as well, other people probably know this but it is somewhat new to me.


Back to you.


Back when I started posting on this page, you stuck out by clownishly calling people names. "libtard", "sheep", "left wing" (meant scornfully).


You were like a joke programmed by Fox News and Breitbart.


Most people whom are idealogically inflexible are either born that way, programmed that way, or covering for some personal insecurity.


For you I believe it is the latter, for when you were busy striking out at others you left clues to your motivation.


You mentioned you were Argentinean by birth, I thought "Hmm this guys probably not white". It was later confirmed by another member.


Non-white right wingers can have a pathology that I don't understand (like black christians worshipping the god of their oppressor).


But then when you called the Mexican a "beaner" (do you remember in that bank robbery or kidnapping story a while back?)I knew I had your number. I thought "This mestizo thinks he's better than someone that to these white eyes he is the same as". AGAIN I AM NOT RACIST THESE WERE JUST THOUGHTS.


And no one called you out for it!


See I know about the caste system among Latin cultures, everyone looks down on the Mexicans ( I got an uncle by marriage who is Peruvian, believe me I know) but the common theme is the closer to white you are the better you are.


So I would posit that your reflexive fingerpointing at the left is nothing more than a desire to hide your insecurities over not being white.


It doesn't matter to me and I am sure your friends love you just how you are.


But you might want to think about who you are keeping company with.


In the ascendancy of the alt.right there are a good number of racists and no matter how much you hurl names at libtards and sheep, you will never be equal to them ( in their eyes) no matter how hard you try.


Like I said I think racism is a limiting bias but I do much prefer and respect the "white warriors" much more than the chardonnay sipping, faschy haircut wearing pencil necked geeks with their "Third Reich Light" idealogy.


They are just the same preppy buttnuggets repackaged as racialists.


Thanks and I hope I see you in Eagle Rock,


Your friend, Daniel P.

Interesting, but not sure where this all ties into what he posted.


So Diego isn't dark enough by your standard?

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Interesting, but not sure where this all ties into what he posted.


So Diego isn't dark enough by your standard?



Again it doesn't really matter what I think about the guy, I have never met him!


He's gotta nice 510 though.


His namecalling is childish, counterproductive and begs a response.

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Again it doesn't really matter what I think about the guy, I have never met him!


He's gotta nice 510 though.


His namecalling is childish, counterproductive and begs a response.


And anonymous name calling/ trolling is part of the fun of the internet!

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And anonymous name calling/ trolling is part of the fun of the internet!

When things start getting stale....political correctness is out the window....then again.....I've never been politically correct.....I've been tossed out from church as early as 12yo...

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Ooh don't go out in the midday sun!


Are you Irish?

Nope Dutch/German and South Eastern Native. Florida, Arkansas area. Then forcefully moved to Oklahoma but some family went back.


I encourage people to get a DNA lineage test done. You would be surprised where your family origins are.

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Well there was urban dictionery and Yahoo answers plus several comments. All the same. Try it. None said everyone from south of the Rio Grande to Antarctica

The internet isn't same as reality, I've been on the road for over 2 million miles, I've been called beaner and redneck over the radio, same goes for every trucker i know that is got an accent, one friend has perfect english, 3rd generation mexican american, dark as fuck....he's been called beaner LOL he speaks no spanish whatsoever...but he's dark skin.....same goes to others that are from Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil.....were all beaners.

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True story;


At 2:55 in the above video is Ann Marie.


Ann Marie is (was) a "witch" in North Hollywood, Ca. in the early nineties.


We used to score LSD from her.


And it was good; clean, clean, clean, straight from a lab in San Fran....


...good times!!!!!!!!!!

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meanwhile, in Mexico........


Mexican State Bans 61 Baby Names Including Scrotum, Hitler, Facebook, Burger King


(Reuters) - What’s in a name? In northwestern Mexico, officials say potentially a lifetime of bullying, so parents in the state of Sonora can no longer opt to name their children Scrotum, Terminator, USNAVY or Facebook.


The 61 banned names include technology-inspired monikers like Twitter and Yahoo, fictional characters Harry Potter, James Bond and Rambo and surgical terms like Circumcision.


Children will also be spared being dubbed Virgin, Hitler, Email, Burger King, Christmas Day, Robocop and Rolling Stone.




Mexico's National Action Party Creates Neo-Nazi Organization To 'Protect' Society Against 'Moral Decadence'


Last year, the supporters of Mexico's conservative National Action Party created the Mexican Nationalist Movement of Labor, a neo-Nazi group with the intention to "protect traditional families, the Catholic-Christian religion, and relive the history of the Nazi doctrine." The group, which considers itself to be a political alternative to the 'Zionist capitalism,' argues that democracy has the interest of few in mind.


First created in Jalisco last November, the neo-Nazi organization is headed by Juan Barrera Espinosa. Earlier this year, on the 125th birthday of Adolf Hitler, Espinosa called upon his 'comrades' on social networks to honor the birth of the German dictator. Animal Politico reports that the organization's doctrine includes to 'protect society' and to oppose gay marriages and adoptions.


Photographs from meetings held by the organization reveal that members attend wearing armbands and Nazi uniforms. Many attendees also emulate Hitler's haircut. Incidentally, the Mexican state of Sonora has banned parents from naming their children Hitler earlier this year.



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..... ?


Dafuq you on, Mike?, it doesnt get more real than the fucking real world....hello!


I'm saying, on the radio you can't tell ethnicity by looks, only accent, which could fool a listener into calling you a beaner if you sound like Cheech. In person, someone from Peru, Brazil, Argentina who is a various shade of 'brown' could be lumped together as  'beaner' even though they are not. The person that calls anyone a beaner thinks they are Mexican. If you were introduced as Peruvian they would hardly call you a beaner.

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