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non 510 parts that fit on a 510

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So ignorant question the second: Is there a list somewhere re: non 510 parts that fit on a 510? I have read that lots of z parts, from rear view mirrors to shocks and struts to steering wheels will potentially fit on a 510. I think i even read that there are some mid 80's corolla parts that fit a 510. Shocks or struts or something like that. I have asked Mr Google in a few different ways about this and haven't found anything really relevant regarding a list of compatible parts. I was thinking about trying to compile a list by category...engine, suspension, interior, etc...of parts that are swappable. Being that I wouldnt have tried these parts myself the accuracy of such a list would be questionable. Things I've read on here about what others have done I think could be accepted as accurate but in compiling such a list I don't want to misinform people; first do no harm.

I was wondering if anyone has seen such a list, or otherwise know of one. I'm sorry if this has all been answered, I did try looking it up with different wording a number of ways but havent found a general list, just bits and pieces here and there. I'd like to bring them together in one write up. As always, thanks everyone for your time.

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When I write in a notebook it looks a though a duck may have shat on a piece of paper. I thought I'd just type it, seems to be the thing to do. Copy and paste will be my friend. Thanks for the website, I'll check them out. I love a reliable source of information. Wish I had five years to troll around on here. Figured I'd just try and find the commonly-ish done stuff. I think its great having part interchangeability, there's no 510 parts where I am but lots of z stuff. I'm not sure you caught me but you had me at olddatsun.com

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Wish I had five years to troll around on here. Figured I'd just try and find the commonly-ish done stuff.


As you said , We are not going to spend 5 years writting for you.

If you have a particlar issue when it arises then we will tell you the part or upgrade.


Yes some parts fit exp if a L motor car. 4 or 6 cylinder but maybe not a exact fit and needs slight mods.

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Did you read the original post? You seem to like to quote me. Here's a good one... "I was wondering if anyone has seen such a list, or otherwise know of one." Another good one, "i'd like to bring them together in one write up". No where did I ever ask anyone to write anything for me for any amount of time. What I'm after has been written already. Its just fragmented. I wondered if anyone knew of a place where the information was organized and if not I plan on searching it out and organizing it myself. If its not organized all ready I'm not expecting that someone would just do it for me and I would never ask. I'd assume I'd learn a hell of a lot more doing it myself. If its already done somewhere by someone who knows the cars then so much the better.

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Does using a galvanized fence post for part of my exhaust count?



Honestly I believe the list would be so incredibly long,  it could never be feasible to actually document it all in one thread... I use my favorited sites in my browser to store all the great things these maniacs come up with, ( because you can save from page info is on ) , and labeled correctly is like having a library of stored ideas in one place.


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Here is the answer to your question OP:



No. No there is no current end-all-be-all list of every non-510 part that fits a 510. There are tons of options for non-510 parts as people have been making due for years.


No one here is going to take the time compile a list of parts that spans 40 years of modifications and tuning. You're going to have to learn on your own.


Make a build thread and when you run into a problem, ask someone for help. Want different struts, ask about them... Someone will speak up about 280zx ones. Have a problem with shocks... Someone will talk about Camaro ones.


You're going to have to take the time to read this whole forum (turns out that's what it's for), olddatsuns.com, the510realm.com, and just your friendly neighborhood Google.






Welcome to the site.

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There is no list for everything. There may be smaller lists for a few things, like what gas caps fit the wagons, etc. Then you get into the whole thing about, "what fits with some modification". It would be an endless list. There's really no need for it. There's no need to know everything that fits the 510, you only need to know what will fit your personal project. For that you can usually google the question, or search Ratsun and other sites. If you still can't find the answer then just ask us.

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There will never be a list for everything, that just seems unreasonable. I was wondering if there was a list of commonly swapped parts. Its more than okay that there isn't. I am fortunate enough that I can read on here about what has been done successfully and I can compile that information. Its highly relevant to me because there is no 510 community where I am and shipping parts adds expense. There is a pretty big z and sx community where I am so there's lots of parts around for them. I would never expect anyone to make a list for me. I'm lucky enough that you've all discussed what you've done and i can rummage thru that and figure it out from there. I found this site:




I'm fortunate enough that someone put that together. I will try to assimilate that into a bigger list.

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Yes there are a lot of stuff tat will work


the alternators.even from Subarus, will all work but key is if a Internal Volt reg alternator needs a wire mod at the old volt reg.

L16 mounts use a smaller bolt. Later L motors use a bigger bolt ect....

to much to list.

Ratsun is best to ask.

Olddatsuns.com is th best entry level datsuite site out there that has the basics all in one spot.

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