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That's some bullshit

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I just received a call from my Father ( 74 year old Marine Corps vet who has lived in the same town since 1943 and has never even had so much as a traffic ticket) that he was held at gun point by a local city cop. Here's the deal, about 4 miles outside of the town he lives in, there is an old rock quarry. It's been there since the 60s and nearly every weekend for close to 30 years, my old man goes out there by himself and shoots. He does it to relax, it's his thing. What kind of crazed assault weapon does he shoot out there you may ask? Yeah, my Father collects antique Winchesters and the occasional Sharps, that's ALL he ever shoots these days, just old lever action and breach load rifles from the 1800s.


Now, I'm not sure what turd called the cops on him, I mean, the nearest house is literally 4 miles away, through an old growth forest and three hills, but whatever, someone did. So, this city cop shows up and using my Father's own words "he was dressed up like a mother fuckin ninja" and starts screaming at my Father to drop his gun, while drawing down on him. Dad is attempting to get a word in over the screaming to politely ask if he can set his gun somewhere other than dropping a 7000 dollar rifle into the mud but it goes unheard. So, he sets the gun down in the dirt. Dad says that he genuinely was in fear of getting shot due to how nervous and twitchy this asshole was.


Apparently, this resolved itself with a little talking and demanding to view my Father's 'papers' which is good I guess, but what ever happened to using some common fucking sense? Old dude, shooting an old single shot, in a rock quarry at a milk jug does not equal a terrorist.

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Cops have slowly gone from serving the people to us vs them mentality where they shoot first then ask questions. No doubt there are kind and courteous officers out there but there are just as many trigger happy assholes who think they are at war with the population.

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Cops are not out for most people as I have experienced.

protect and serve is minimal at that.


Had a flat tire. Cop would not drive me to my house(i know its a reg most likley)

lock key in car in sesttle. Cop would not help.

Gangsters with load music next door. cops would not help.


My not using my turn signal in my nehboorhood into my culdesac cops lite me up and ask for registration stay in vehicle while in my own fucking drive way!.



file a complaint. get Jessie!!!!!!!!!!!!



alot of cops hate military guys!!!!!!!!!!


but I have to say the Washington State Patrol was always cortious

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There's so much heat either way of the law. I'm sorry to hear that happened to your pops, I'm a MC vet myself.


When I lived in Ga I drove down some deserted gravel road with my ex gf and her dad. We pulled over and started unloading a couple pistols and an AR in .308 form at targets we set off the road. Johnny Law came rolling up on the scene and didn't even get out of his car. He just told us that we couldn't  be there and drove off. We finished shooting and left.

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There's so much heat either way of the law. I'm sorry to hear that happened to your pops, I'm a MC vet myself.


When I lived in Ga I drove down some deserted gravel road with my ex gf and her dad. We pulled over and started unloading a couple pistols and an AR in .308 form at targets we set off the road. Johnny Law came rolling up on the scene and didn't even get out of his car. He just told us that we couldn't  be there and drove off. We finished shooting and left.

Yeah? Where did you serve? My whole family are Corps, Grandfather and myself were carrier.

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I can attest to cops hating ex military guys if they never served. When I was at USAFA I DDed one of my roommates and his friend from a bar. We were really close to being late for TAPS and I had to speed a little bit. One of the passengers is obviously not feeling good. Of course I get pulled over and the cop was such a dick. I told him that I was DD and was hurrying to make it back to the dorms in time. And one of my passengers was sick and I did not want him to be sick in the car. Cop took as long as he possibly could to process anything and of course the passenger threw up in the car. And then he whopped me with a 200 dollar ticket.  

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I know that they will say that they don't have quotas to fill but on hwy 26 where I live you can drive 75 for the first 3 weeks of the month but like clockwork the last week of every month them assholes are like white on rice with the speed traps and tickets. I'm just say'en its a little suspicious.

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To an extent cops have learned that the world is full off crazy motherfuckers with guns. (well the States anyway) I have seen people handcuffed 'for their own protection' (what ever the fuck that bullshit means) and then asked questions. I just know that if a cop stopped me and handcuffed me for his, or my protection, I sure as fuck wouldn't feel like co operating and answering any questions. Generally they are ok here.

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I know that they will say that they don't have quotas to fill but on hwy 26 where I live you can drive 75 for the first 3 weeks of the month but like clockwork the last week of every month them assholes are like white on rice with the speed traps and tickets. I'm just say'en its a little suspicious.

Oh that's total crap, they do, they are just using semantics and not calling it a quota.

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When I lived in Ga I drove down some deserted gravel road with my ex gf and her dad. We pulled over and started unloading a couple pistols and an AR in .308 form at targets we set off the road. Johnny Law came rolling up on the scene and didn't even get out of his car. He just told us that we couldn't  be there and drove off. We finished shooting and left.


Sounds like GA police. if you aren't obviously getting into trouble here, most of the time they won't bother you. If you're outside city limits you're okay as long as you're a few hundred feet from the closest residence or something like that.


My dad and a friend go out into the woods about 30 min north and blow stuff up once a year. Never had a cop show up in the last few years they've been doing it, and they do some serious shooting with some wicked hardware. 

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If a cop wants to write me a ticket I don't give a f@ck,


but if I hear one godamn word outa that peckerheads mouth about "this is really for your safety and I hope you learned your lesson" I really have to take a deep breath.



I learned everything I needed to know at age 14.


Sorry about your pops Smoke, it's really a bummer and a sad reality about how much this world is changing. 

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Oh, he's okay, he's been in much worse. Surprising as it may seem, I am not a big "gun guy". As a matter of fact, I have come under the opinion that many folks would either A. shit their pants or B. shit their pants and fire wildly at and around the assailant in question if it really hit the fan. A real fire fight can be a bit rattling. However...we have laws and we have right and I do not appreciate them being stepped on by guys with some sort of inferiority complex. I see a bunch of that "cuz I say so" going on. I have ZERO problem with them doing their job. I do not like their lying and/or bullying. 

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