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So let me get this straight.  You trolled a guy over the price that he is asking for a grill?  Gave an opinion that wasn't asked for and then get ass hurt over the response?  What part of free market don't you get?  You started up about something like this on another thread about an ebay auction too recently too, didn't you.  The whole idea about this is to see what the market will pay, is it not?  I buy, sell, swap and even give away parts, but I never ever comment on an ongoing sale.  Keep that to your self.  The market is self regulating.  Either someone will buy or they won't.  It's that simple.

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No i didnt comment on his price, i just said what i sold mine for and wish i knew i could of possibly gotten that much for it. I dont troll people, but you dont know me other than on the internet so PFFFT. Probally confusing me with half of ratsun. 




Also im sorry to say a response is one thing, insulting me and the grille i just sold as a piece of shit, and calling me a cunt when i didnt troll, i wasnt rude, i was just making a statement is bullshit.  Honda owners act like that, not datsun owners, and its sad the datsun community is turning into a giant turd sandwich like that, not the first time ive seen people in the last few months be a dick when just asked a question or for a comment. 


Now if i would of said that price is bullshit, you wont get that, i only got 100 out of mine, your a idiot you piece of shit, then i could of understood the message i got.  Still who sends a rude message and then blocks you immediatly, other than a lil bitch. If you cant take it, dont dish it out. 

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In your first post you said, "man thats alot, wish i knew i could get that much for one kind of a thing, and that i just sold one for 100 bucks."   I'm not trying to bust your balls, but it's hard to take that statement as anything other than insinuating that his price is too high, and that it's not worth what he's asking.  Maybe it is, and maybe it's not, but it's not cool to post that about someone's sale.  On the other hand, you have guys like reddat on ebay advertising some things as genuine nissan NOS when in fact they are repros...

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Here's the deal.  You are being a little bitch and I am calling you on it.  I don't see any mother fucking honey.  I am sick of you dropping in on threads and pissing and moaning.  Don't blame the meds.  Switch it up.  It's legal to smoke it up in Vantucky now so have at it.  And yes I am being a dick but have had about enough.  Shut it down before you lose both of your supporters here on Ratsun.


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I cant even remember exactly what i said cuz of him blocking me, coudlnt even see my own post, so just went along the lines of what i thought i said.   


Fact is if he just would of messaged me nicely, i would of deleted my post, i didnt mean any insult to the guy, yet he had to insult me, sorry i dont agree with that. But judging from some comments here i guess its the norm. Feel like i just shouldnt care anymore, we do so much work even putting on a show just for the people, so when people act like this, it really makes me wonder why we try so hard when people are just rude as fuck sometimes. 

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Here's the deal.  You are being a little bitch and I am calling you on it.  I don't see any mother fucking honey.  I am sick of you dropping in on threads and pissing and moaning.  Don't blame the meds.  Switch it up.  It's legal to smoke it up in Vantucky now so have at it.  And yes I am being a dick but have had about enough.  Shut it down before you lose both of your supporters here on Ratsun.


And people wonder why alot of people leave this site. 

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Jesus christ man, you have way too much time on your hands. Your literally posting back and forth between there and here about the same bullshit you started with some guy selling a grill. Thats after 50 posts on the zforce thread even though you've never ordered anything from him. Just turn your computer off the a while and have a nap... 

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Hadnt posted on that z force thread in hours, and i dont like seeing people potentially get ripped off when i know someone that was, sorry. I like to help watch out for people in the datsun community, something alot of people seem to have forgotten about doing. 

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And sorry 72240z, im fucking DISABLED, you know what kind of life i have, the most dull fucking life, the only thing i have is raising my kids, and being online because unless i take my pain meds, im in pain if i go out, yet i cant drive on the shit, so its at home online which is pretty much my life, so sorry, i dont have much i can fucking do with my back and leg, yet people poke shit at me about sitting in a char at car shows because i cant fucking walk right and ive put on a shit ton of weight.  Ive been stuck like thsi for 4 years now dealing with trying to get them to call me stable so i can go back to work and do something with my life. So fuck you seriously. 

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And sorry 72240z, im fucking DISABLED, you know what kind of life i have, the most dull fucking life, the only thing i have is raising my kids, and being online because unless i take my pain meds, im in pain if i go out, yet i cant drive on the shit, so its at home online which is pretty much my life, so sorry, i dont have much i can fucking do with my back and leg, yet people poke shit at me about sitting in a char at car shows because i cant fucking walk right and ive put on a shit ton of weight. Ive been stuck like thsi for 4 years now dealing with trying to get them to call me stable so i can go back to work and do something with my life. So fuck you seriously.

tell us how you really feel...



but whose fault is it that you're disabled?

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I dont care if your disabled honestly. Your rambling on about nonsense and making yourself look bad. You want to keep down that path then it's on you. Just dont have your panties in a bunch when people call you on it... 

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Guest Rick-rat

Dan, I know what your saying, I have trouble trying to have a conversation. It is hard for me to talk and so I try to have my words thought out before I try to respond and people that don't know treat me like I am slow or retarded. I try not to let it bother me anymore but it is hard. That's why I really don't like going many places unless I know some of the people there

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Sorry i dont view it that way, i posted someone and others have to go off pushing me for no reason, when instead of posting they could just stay quiet, i shouldnt of even made this thread i guess when i just found humor in the way he acted for no reason, yet all it does is people out bashing for no reason who just want a reason to bash and be dicks. Thought this was a datsun community, not hondatech or zilvia. Oh wait, its ratsun >.>

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Dan, I know what your saying, I have trouble trying to have a conversation. It is hard for me to talk and so I try to have my words thought out before I try to respond and people that don't know treat me like I am slow or retarded. I try not to let it bother me anymore but it is hard. That's why I really don't like going many places unless I know some of the people there

Thank you, people dont understand what 4 years of being on this medication does to you, i say things and it dont come out as i mean it to, im crying right now because of how people can act, just so tired of it.   Things i talk about just dont come out right, people know that know me in person i talk weird to now even. But this is the interent everything has to be done right or your a fucking retard i guess. Thats why i edit my posts alot because i have to change things ive typed to make it sound right, and when i get pushed and insulted and type fast, it can just make things worse. But people dont care. 


All people are anymore are freaking bullies. Only reason i havent blown my brains out is my wife and kids. I cant go out, i cant do shit with my life so online is some of the only friends i feel i have, so thanks. 

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