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really wanting a 510 but not many in BC

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Hey guys im new to your forums. I just about had a 510 yesterday but couldnt sell my car quick enuf :'(

Id really like to own a 4dr 510 but only the 68-71 body style. My problem is their arnt alot of them in bc and i live in kelowna. Im probobly going to sell the two project cars i have and save my money to get one but i was thinkin of getting one from the states as you guys arnt to brutal on your pricing of these cars. BUT i cant go to the states cause i was a shit head when i was youg so now im screwed. Im not looking for a mint ride more so having papers prity much intiorer all their. If its not running or has no motor thats cool cause it keeps it in my price rang. I was thinkin around the $1000 to $1500 only cause id have to have it braught up to the boarder. If you guys happin to have such a ride and or know some way of geting it to me let me know the price of the car and what it would cost for you or someone else to bring it up.


Im really really wanting a 4dr 510 for a long time now and have missed out on the deals that were in my location and price range.

If you guys can help me out and get me a car that would be awsome. I dont care how many colors it is or if their is rust i just want one.


Thanks guys.




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In some cases you can petition to have it removed. A minor crime today that was a perhaps not so minor 20 years ago or something falling just inside a very strict interpretation of the law. Leniency may be granted in some cases.


Like you were 16 and the po po found a roach in your ash tray, you got probation but.... it's still on record out there.


I can see a country not allowing a criminal in even for a vacation.

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A guy I know here in E Washington State had a Mazda 323 GTX with no motor he put up on craigslist. Somebody from Calgary wanted it really badly, but said he found out there is a problem taking a vehicle without motor across the border. I don't know if it was on the US side or Canada. I don't even know if it is true or someone misunderstood the law, but you probably should check with Canadian Customs or someone and find out before you buy a 510 shell down here and find out you can't get it into Canada. Maybe someone here on Ratsun knows the real story on this and has brought engine-less cars into Canada. I'm just mentioning a possible problem. Let us know if you find out if this is even true or not, because I really don't know for sure.



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