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LZ torque victory! One transmission down


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Nevermind the fact that I had a fire in the truck today...



Going down the interstate at about 67mph @ 4200rpm decided I wanted to sprint away from the few semi trucks that were balancing on the lane dividers. Hit 85 mph in seconds, then heard a pop.


Started getting a pulsing/vibrating in the pedal BAD and grinding below me. Thought I broke the mount, until I started getting no gear changes except for a few crunchy ones. On decel it sounds like there's a box of marbles in the transmission and accelerating it grinds.



Drove about 30 miles like this back home, babied it in 4th since it was the only gear that really worked. 



:rofl:  Guess LZ torque is WAY too much for a stock worn out 4 speed. 

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If only 4th then the counter shaft is fucked as all power has to go through it for every gear but forth. Nice!!!!!


Time to move up to a C me thinks.



Are you going to paint a little tranny on your front fender, ace???

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I have a 4 speed or 2 if u need one


Preciate it man! I actually have a 5speed lined up already  :thumbup: Gonna swap it in a few days. 


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If only 4th then the counter shaft is fucked as all power has to go through it for every gear but forth. Nice!!!!!


Time to move up to a C me thinks.



Are you going to paint a little tranny on your front fender, ace???


Yeah I thought so haha! I was still able to get it between gears and occasionally shift, but I babied it all the way to 4th  :rofl:


C is a maybe some day thing when it's not my DD ;)


And that sir is not a half bad idear! 


Ouch. LZ victory indeed :P


Have you finished rebuilding that 5 speed you had by the garage yet?


Nope :P In fact, it's sitting in my driveway where we put it when the LZ went in. It looks like a redneck trash dump according to my dad  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

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Guest Rick-rat

I guess that my attitude is different from others, I prefer to drive my truck and only work on it when absolutely needed. Basic maintenance I will do as needed. I don't go out to break anything and would not be proud of trashing anything on mine. Everyone's idea of fun is different, mine is driving not working on it :rofl:   B)   :angel:

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As far as I'm concerned, what's done is done. There is literally nothing I could have done to prevent what happened. It was bound to happen at anytime. The trans had been making noise for a while and only got progressively worse. It snapped, and I laughed because hell, I'd rather be laughing in a Datsun then crying or bitching. Truth is, no matter what I did at that point made a difference because it was already dead. 



I got 17 at best driving like a grandma, coasting up to lights, braking early enough to make other drivers go around me and cut me off (assholes down here.) 15mpg was a relatively close estimate since the speedo is off. It could be better, or poorer.


You guys try driving a 104HP LZ that sounds like mine and tell me you're gonna stay out of the throttle every time you drive it :fu: 

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Just out of curiosity......


Are the two alignment dowels still in the block??? There should be one on the driver's side down near the bottom.that looks like a short piece of 1/2" copper water pipe very similar to the ones that align the head to the block. One of the mounting bolts goes through it. The second one is a blunt pin sticking out just below the head.


This is a KA motor but the same. Here you can see the top pin just above the core plug...



And down in the very bottom left corner you can see the other. sticking out.



Are they still in your block???

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Yessir they sure are! It stumped me... I saw a thread about it before but I don't recall where it is.


There is also quite a bit of wear on the pressure plate already. Is it possible this could have been the result of the incorrect T/O and fork combination?? We matched the same one to the trans when it was re-assembled and the LZ went in, but it's possible it could have been the wrong one from the start and I have suspected that.


We (Master_o_Turbonics and I) stuffed a trans from a '71 Z in there with the correct T/O collar, but using a different fork (since the Z fork used an adjustable slave cylinder) and when I pushed my foot down on the clutch it popped the piston out of the slave cylinder and fucked up the seal. I had the master cylinder adjustment turns nearly all the way out to get the clutch working properly.


I'm thinking that maybe the combination was incorrect before, and that's why my adjustment was out and now that we have the correct combination, would explain why it shoved the piston out the other end. 

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The '71Z only had a 4 speed. A F4W71A and if that's the case the clutch would be unique to it and wouldn't have mated properly to the later 71Bs.



Got any pictures of the clutch arm?


Which arm do you want to see? The Z arm or the one that was in the truck? 


....and you have a strong enough motor and a truck to carry it!!!!



Sounds like you need a T5! :)



Next plan is a 71C :fu: But that's not coming until I get another DD soon and start working with M_O_T on the turbo gear  :thumbup:

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