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Friggin Rice Burners

Guest Rick-rat

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I feel like people often see my little beater-looking 521 and think it's just another shitty source of transportation for someone who can't afford more (and right now, it's not completely off-base with the financial part, but that's beside the point), but I don't know how they can't stop and realize that it's a fucking early '70's vehicle that doesn't have any body damage and is still reliably driving... that should speak volumes.  Hell, you won't go a day around here without seeing a newer vehicle involved in a collision, or with some sort of body damage.  You're truck is beautiful, I can't blame you for being worked up after a close call.  I wanted to murder the dude who crunched a fender on my '81 Subaru back in the last '90s, I can't imagine how I would feel if someone took out my 521 now.


Rick, I tried asking Brody what the 6Ps are.  He's worthless, as usual, and says he thought that he knew them, but can't remember.  Fucking typical of you shipyard workers  :sneaky: 

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Rick, I tried asking Brody what the 6Ps are.  He's worthless, as usual, and says he thought that he knew them, but can't remember.  Fucking typical of you shipyard workers  :sneaky:



Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. 


Exactly what DID NOT happen with this thread. 





I can't remember what they were now, B)  anymore than I could after the training session


That's apparent. Even when already stated only a few posts up. 

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No. You're bitching about a guy that DID NOT pull out in front of you. 

Are you missing that?


Then you PM me to bitch about your bitching?

Why so negative? 


Not happy unless unhappy?

Want to keep bitching?


Missing the point still?

He did not pull out in front of you and you're mad about that. 

What's the real problem?

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FWIW, he does own a datsun.


PS. I think you guys like that word "troll" to much. And throw it around and call people a troll, when its not even trolling.  Don't like whats said to you? Call them a troll!!!  Not how it works, really. 

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I don't see him trolling, i see him having a difference in opinion / and asking what the fuss is about, and possibly not seeing it from ricks pov.  I didn't come at you, rickrat.  So are you now trolling me by trying to start an argument or upset me?


Any difference of opinion or questioning in that matter can be considered trolling, i guess. 

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He got called out for his whining. 

Who was sowing the discord?


Sure. I egged him on. 

But was there a point to even starting this thread?


Prick-Prat...I really don't give a shit either way.

But to get mad about a car not moving as you drove past him? 



I get your stance. But what you explained happens every day to everybody. 

It happened to you so we all need to get in check and sympathize with you? Why?


Why start a negative thread? The first posters in this thread carry the same stance I do. 

But then they saw you get butt hurt and threaten to leave. They all switched their stance.

I didn't. Because I don't get the frustration. He didn't cut you off. Period.  

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There's people that almost pull out in front of me sometimes. IDK why. Maybe they didn't see me, maybe they are retarded. it pisses me off, too. I tell the GF when it happens, and sometimes she is with me.  It gets my blood boiling and I say mean things as if they could hear me or something.  I do understand your frustration Rick.


Don't sell your datsun over some silly razzing and difference in opinions.  That'd be childish and silly.


PS, you probably don't like me now. But, there is an ignore feature on here. And you can ignore users and never see their text or posts again...

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Been sober for years. Thanks for your assumption.

You've been calling me quite a lot of things tonight, Rick. Every move and statement you have made towards me has been wrong.

Real mature. Just like your road rage incident. 


I have read the thread. 


He did not pull out in front of you. 

He did not hit your car. 

You are mad. 


Am I missing something? You hate "ricey" cars. 

Are we supposed to be programmed to agree with you?


All I asked was could it be possible that you over reacted to this incident?

At that, you went off the handle at me. With your smart assed PMs and name calling.

Want a battle of wits-I'm here for ya.  

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