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What is a Dime?

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So this may sound like an odd title, but serious quaetion. I hate to be a noob here.


I realize of course that a dime is a 510 normally. But is it just 510s? or all 10 series? 610, 710, 810, 910, ect


I ask because I have heard my car and an 810, and a 610 called "dimes" by different people in the past.


Just wanted to clear this up.

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dime (n)

chosen 1786 as name for U.S. 10 cent coin, from dime "a tenth, tithe" (late 14c.), from Old French disme (Modern French dîme) "a tenth part," from Latin decima (pars) "tenth (part)," from decem "ten" (see ten).


The verb meaning "to inform" (on someone) is 1960s, from the then-cost of a pay phone call. A dime a dozen "almost worthless" first recorded 1930. Phrase stop on a dime attested by 1954 (a dime being the physically smallest unit of U.S. currency).


From http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=dime

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