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Favorite drink, besides beer.


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Sea sick?

Water logged and surf beat?

Sun burned?


With food?

Watered down at a casino?

Poorly made in a dive bar?


In a movie theater?

One drink always holds true

Definitely a fan of the Dark and stormy

How I make it if I can

Reeds Jamaican style ginger beer

Hana bay dark rum


Bitter, Limey and you can swill em like water. Plus I feel way classier drinking that over Jameson and gator aide lol


Quick cut and great tasting drink. Followed by fizzy yellow wuss beers and lime makes a burrito go down just fine. Lol



I've gotta include 2 new favorites that I had this week. Red Robbin has a pumpkin beer and caramel milk shake and as wrong as it should have been the Sam Adams actually made it better. Not a drink to get drunk by any means close but a tasty burger chaser none the less.


And I picked up a bottle of lindeman's raspberry lambic from the local grocery store having no idea at all what it was besides seriously marked down. It was delicious. And I don't care how wussy fruit beer is i could drink this all day every day while smoking a j. Nuff said

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disclaimer: read this only if youre bored (im longwinded)


man i used to hate it but now a days i love me some water. 

i remember in high school my friend told me he could taste the difference between bottled water 

and tap, and i thought he was lying. 


well now i can definitely taste the difference. i hate tap, distilled, spring, etc

i only like purified water. im not a snob. its $1 or less in a gallon if you search right, and .30c or less

a gallon if youre filling up the 5 gallon bottle. 



i also love coffee. drank it since i was a kid whenever my parents would let me, and now in my 'adult' life

i drink it almost every single day.

when i say coffee i really mean suugar, cream, coffee. with white mochas being my favorite. or hazelnut

being my favorite at home flavor adder. 

also love vietnamese iced coffee (ca phe sua da.)

i was lucky to live in Washington, where there was literally almost a coffee stand at every corner. because of that

i wanted to open my own stand when i went down to san diego but turns out coffee isnt as big. ill look into it and the

coffee scene now that im in hawaii..

-also, i intake a lot of coffee for medicinal purposes. if you didnt know if you know, but caffeine is great for headaches.

when i get those real bad ones, i order up a triple shot of espresso in my white mocha.


also, im from the south. i COULD drink sweet tea all day everyday but im glad i moved away from there because 

that would mean 100s if not 1000s of extra calories a day and i would be much... rounder than i am now. 




whiskey. and some whisky (haha) 

i love jack, its definitely a go to. and ive tried a few good scotchs as well, although as you know those can get expensive.

when i drink its to get wasted, i dont casually drink, so im not big on spending too much on my alchy



anything with caffeine, really. 

favorite rootbeet is barqs (cuz it has bite) i dont understand caffeine free rootbeer. they taste good but its not worth the intake imo

mountain dew/mellow yellow. i miss surge

here sign this petition to bring surge back


coke or pepsi. usually whatever they have or whatevers cheaper at the store aha. 

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All good - I get long winded too.


I'm an alcoholic, and I'm an America ... and I like my whiskey!

(everyone tells me I'm a very happy drunk to be around)



With good single malt scotch being my first choice - served neat - I regularly polish off two or three bottles a week.


Yeah I drink beer, mainly with my son or my boss since it's their thing.

I used to enjoy a nice petite sirah or pinot noir with my ex-wife, she likes red wine.


When mixing drinks at my house parties, I make Run Runners from scratch...

 * In a juicer I extract juice from - 5 oranges - 1 tangerine - 1/2 grapefruit - 1/2 lemon - 1/2 lime

 * In a blender I add equal parts of the juice from above and Bacardi 151, then fill with ice

 * Blend until very smooth, server generously ... it tastes so innocent, folks slam it like a sift drink!


Otherwise - I live where the air is fresh, soil is healthy, and the water tastes great - no major pollution :)

I really like my water too.  I have friends come by with large containers to take water home with them

glenlivet 12 is actually my favorite scotch whisky! a friend of mine introduced it to me, and i buy it when the navy package store has it on sale around $20. 

i bought 3 or 4 bottles one time during a sale. 

i like to drink it with a few spoonfuls of sugar and some lemon juice. its one of the only alcohols i dont drink mixed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wife and I really enjoy the devil's cut.  That and the new Bacardi 'Oak Heart' are very good at the price point they are at.  For gin I have lately been drinking a lot of #209 and Dry Fly.  I believe 209 comes out of San Fran and I know that Dry Fly comes out of Texas.  Both are very nice boutique gins.  209 has a pronounced floral note while Dry Fly is a bit more woodsy.  Both run about 25-30 a bottle.  The wife's cheap bourbon right now is either Four Roses or Evan Williams.

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