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I found it ironic

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

They did last night loud and clear but lou has deleted/changed his post, or posts. So I guess it's a moot point and a lesson learned. If it's been changed then it's for the best. I have the original but no intention of shaming anyone by posting it.


What? I have not changed nor deleted any posts Mike...

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Akuna Matata. 


Lou's and Mike's post came through as I was typing. 

Now I'm out of context. 



NWD has been a good outlet for a lot of us that grew tiresome of some of the, for the lack of a better word, antics that were ongoing for a bit too long now. 

Sure, some members throw a sour word or two about NWD-but for the most part you can tell they're just ribbing. 

But when it is used as, again-lack of a better word, vengeance to demean a member something should be said or done. 


That is what happened here. 

Not one single member is the ruler of who can be here or not. 

That sourness should be put to rest. 


We are here, and there, for a good time. 

Whether it be Datto talk, or boobs, or buying/selling parts-no one should tell anyone to not be here for whatever reason or agenda. 

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most of the time i agree with you mike, but honestly i think you're off base on a few things. first, you have never talked shit about nwd, but there are people here on ratsun that have, most of the more serious stuff was said when it first came out, now it seems to mostly just be joking but its still being said and some of the people saying it are ones that went off originally. second, threads aren't all that go on over there, and while yes there is fuckery in the chat, theres a lot of questions being asked down there for a quicker response. its kinda a give and take because while the person needing an answer doesn't have to wait as long as making a thread, the answer to the question is only seen by people on while that chat is still around. third, the no outlet/wont put up with it. in general disc. 4th page, 4th up from the bottom, by 1fat 620. still not locked, also goes back to number 1, and honestly if threads with someone being a major dick were gonna get locked, that one woulda done it. was real fun for me to watch someone from here go off about what faggots we all were, and me specifically for a thread i started here that was honestly for the ladies. lastly, the vested interest, i get why it was such an insult honestly, and maybe its just personalities.  like you, people can call me all sorts of shit and it doesn't bother me to the extreme that i go out and let people know that i'm not whatever i'm being called. but when i read that and people saying he shouldn't be mad about it, it made me think of how some members have gotten after selling their car, and then finding out it got parted or wrecked or some dumbass didn't know how to fix a clogged fuel filter and it got crushed.  now technically, they have no vested interest at all in the car anymore, they sold it, they cant drive it anymore, and yet they still get depressed and pissed when they find out something happened to it because they helped build it, mold it, and turn it into what it was, much as 510freak helped build, mold, and turn ratsun into what it is.  now, go tell those guys that are pissed or depressed that they have no reason to be down or care what happened because they no longer have a vested interest in the car.  i know my response would be the same as 510freaks, if i sold my z and found out someone had wrecked it, and then got told that...  and i'll see what i can do about getting some tech questions up over there, since i'm still an idiot and about to slowly start building my own knowledge, might as well start building the knowledge available over there too. plus i have 2 710s and a 510 to get moving again lol, imma be asking questions either way.


If you built a car and sold it and it ended up crushed (possibly by someone who might not share your enthusiasm)is it right for you to seek out that person and verbally abuse them? I would say it would be very hard not to, but you shouldn't. Some of the comments if not all have now been altered but let me say they were abusive and just leave it at that.


Before lou and 'the boys' left there was a lot of unhappiness. Well you now have your own forum to mold how you please and good for you. If things were said here about NWD well maybe some were bitter about people leaving? Like Ratsun wasn't good enough? You were complainers? I don't share those views and am guessing. There will always be some rivalry but I hope to show by example that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. You are simply seeking your own place. Hell if we didn't we would all be living at our Mom's pace. (no offense to those living at their Mom's) We should celebrate our differences not belittle each other for them.

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What? I have not changed nor deleted any posts Mike...


I am sincerely sorry lou, with all the back and forth and quotes of quotes I have mixed some up. You are correct none have been changed I was on the wrong page.


I'll see if I can undo some of my posts regarding this.

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I'm offended that someone started an offshoot datsun forum and made it geographically specific.  It's a personal blow to all the other members of the community who aren't from that geographical region - like a haters club for everyone non-that-geographic region!  Absurd!


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you missed an important step mike, but that may have been because I wasn't entirely clear.  from what I read before I started commenting(have been watching this for a bit.) the verbal abuse/attacks/defense of himself/however you want to look at it began AFTER the vested interest comment.  my point was if you built a car, sold it, it ended up wrecked/crushed, you got sad or pissed(or both), and had someone tell you that theres no reason for you to care, you have no vested interest in the car, you'd probably go off on the person that told you that.  not the person that actually fucked up the car(as much as they may deserve it lol)  reading back through I think I made it a bit more confusing than I originally thought.  as for the second bit, I agree that its a good thing for a bit of rivalry and a difference in culture between the 2, and that we should celebrate them not belittle each other for them

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you missed an important step mike, but that may have been because I wasn't entirely clear.  from what I read before I started commenting(have been watching this for a bit.) the verbal abuse/attacks/defense of himself/however you want to look at it began AFTER the vested interest comment.  my point was if you built a car, sold it, it ended up wrecked/crushed, you got sad or pissed(or both), and had someone tell you that theres no reason for you to care, you have no vested interest in the car, you'd probably go off on the person that told you that.  not the person that actually fucked up the car(as much as they may deserve it lol)  reading back through I think I made it a bit more confusing than I originally thought.  as for the second bit, I agree that its a good thing for a bit of rivalry and a difference in culture between the 2, and that we should celebrate them not belittle each other for them


Got it now. Still, should you reply in an abusive manner or take a higher moral ground. Maybe this person does not understand your involvement with the car? Maybe he's just wrong. When will perceived insults end???? Maybe we should require that insults be labeled so that the receiver is sure.

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I'm offended that someone started an offshoot datsun forum and made it geographically specific.  It's a personal blow to all the other members of the community who aren't from that geographical region - like a haters club for everyone non-that-geographic region!  Absurd!






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really? I don't see banner here. and again, the personal attack wasn't started by one of them, but it was escalated. sorry Tristan, but whether it was meant as one or not what you said was an insult.  and hammuck, thank you for proving my point for me.




Really,,  your arguement is all but one of the moderators were here so that makes it ok ??? Really ,,,,,,,,, REALLY??


4 outta 5 mods were here i stand corrected,,, but not wrong.. Of course there`s less drama there they dump it all right on us.

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should you take the higher moral ground? sure.  honestly tho, how often does that happen when someone says something to piss you off?(maybe not you personally, but people in general) usually first response is to snap back, which is what happened. as to the escalation from there, I wont say whether I agree or disagree with it. I know more or less why it kept going, and understand why it did. I know if it was me, i'd have done the same thing if I replied the first time, but it'd be 50/50 on me replying the first time lol.  that being said, imma go take some advice you gave me a while back, that I took as an insult and went off on you about at the time, and go work on getting this back hatch glass into my goon before the rains really come to the Portland/Vancouver area.  cheers everyone

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wow some people are still butthurt


You decide, would you be a ticked off,if someone were to say you had no vested interest after doing all of this?




Well, Gee.., Now that I have seen all that I guess that I might..




Its the internet, welcome aboard


People are assholes


Grow up


Grow a pair.


. Someone said that someone else 'doesn't have a vested interest in ratsun'. Well gee I got called a douche and an asshole and a few more things before. I don't feel the need to post to tell everyone that I'm not. Comments like that say more about the person saying them. SHRUG.

Exactly my point. Lets make this a bigger deal? O.....k.......

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Really,,  your arguement is all but one of the moderators were here so that makes it ok ??? Really ,,,,,,,,, REALLY??


4 outta 5 mods were here i stand corrected,,, but not wrong.. Of course there`s less drama there they dump it all right on us.

I stand corrected, not leaving quite yet.  and hammuck, keep up the wonderful ignorance. there aren't 5 mods over there. and you were the one that was very insistent, even repeating, caps, and bolding, that every one of the mods came over here to troll, and we are ignorant if we don't think its the truth. and, quite honestly, did I fucking say it was ok? nope, never did. just pointed out the obvious that it wasn't all the mods. hell, I didn't even dispute that they came over here and trolled(not saying they did or didn't, just that I didn't dispute it). you're acting so fucking biased tho that its blinded you. take a deep breath and pay attention to what you read before you post please.

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510freak= mod?





how many is that??

All posted in this thread to say how they don`t post here because of uuuhhhhmmm ,, To  much  drama


Mmmmmm Koolaide



(edit) corrected again as i dont know how many mods are over there .. goody

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Oh he was on Imposter ratt when he banned me and deleted everthing i wrote cuz he thought i was you ,,, :rofl:


So that's who was using my name. 


Damn you!


What did you do that got "me" banned and deleted?

Why would you do me like that? 




Big hole. Lots of fault looking up out of that hole, from multiple parties. 

Can it sleep yet?

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that`s what the weird comment in your status was all aboot eh  ,,


As uncle Si would say,,,,,,,,,"But  Hey! i love those guys over there ever since we were in Nam,  and they probably want it that way.."





Heywood Jabloeme (who they assumed was flatcat)

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The only reason I got involved, was because the harassment of Tristin (right or wrong) was brought into a thread of no relevance, and disrupted a calm debate.  Then it was taken over into Insomniacs because Tristin was ignoring the harassment here.  At that point it disrupted my reading enjoyment twice.  If someone has a problem with another, Talk it out in a PM, or your own thread, don't ruin someone else thread so you can gain attention publicly. 


I'm going to apologize for adding fuel to the fire.  I did not realize who I was intervening with and that trying to step, in would go nowhere.  

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that`s what the weird comment in your status was all aboot eh  ,,


As uncle Si would say,,,,,,,,,"But  Hey! i love those guys over there ever since we were in Nam,  and they probably want it that way.."





Heywood Jabloeme (who they assumed was flatcat)


You dick!




The only reason I got involved, was because the harassment of Tristin (right or wrong) was brought into a thread of no relevance, and disrupted a calm debate.  Then it was taken over into Insomniacs because Tristin was ignoring the harassment here.  At that point it disrupted my reading enjoyment twice.  If someone has a problem with another, Talk it out in a PM, or your own thread, don't ruin someone else thread so you can gain attention publicly. 


I'm going to apologize for adding fuel to the fire.  I did not realize who I was intervening with and that trying to step, in would go nowhere.  


So are you of the premise too that it was perfectly acceptable for Tristan to say what he had to Lou?



As for the drama-here, there, wherever---it seems lately that a short list of sources poke at the nest. 

And then it goes all out. 

Why? Maybe Mike stated it best as to being a new thing/rivalry sort of mentality. 


Regardless...I'll say it again. 

Put it to rest. It happened. It should be done. 


Klassic...I apologize for you getting involved. But you got yourself involved. 

Even today, right now-you read me say let's try to end it. Just had to get back in there for another dig. 


As it stands...I, me, am part of the problem. What are you doing?

It ruined your experience because you made a choice to let it. 

And continue to do so. 

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You dick!





So are you of the premise too that it was perfectly acceptable for Tristan to say what he had to Lou?



As for the drama-here, there, wherever---it seems lately that a short list of sources poke at the nest. 

And then it goes all out. 

Why? Maybe Mike stated it best as to being a new thing/rivalry sort of mentality. 


Regardless...I'll say it again. 

Put it to rest. It happened. It should be done. 


Klassic...I apologize for you getting involved. But you got yourself involved. 

Even today, right now-you read me say let's try to end it. Just had to get back in there for another dig. 


As it stands...I, me, am part of the problem. What are you doing?

It ruined your experience because you made a choice to let it. 

And continue to do so. 


I would, but you just asked me a question to which I answer, I have no idea what Tristin said about 510Freak.  I don't appreciate the way Freak involved everyone else into his squabble. That's my beef.


Flatcat, you are are preaching to lay this all to rest, yet, you too keep poking in too.


You are one that complains about threads getting locked, but this is exactly why they need to be, sometimes...

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