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Mississippi 521

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First time posting on the sight. 


A few years ago I searched for a 521, but I didn't have any luck. Here is Ms any model Datsun is hard to find. I just so happened to mention something about one in front of someone the other day at work. Well by word of mouth, turns out a fellow I work for has one sitting out by his barn he needed gone. It is his father in laws and he is in bad health and is cleaning up the property.


So after some talking, I will be picking the truck up tomorrow. 

I wish it was in better shape, but I can't complain too much considering I actually found one.


I will be purchasing the truck for a grand total of $100. Did I mention these are the original owners, and still have the title?





I will be doing a frame off restoration on her.


4.3l and 5 speed from a Sonoma I am picking up next week


Air Suspension


Not sure on wheels (I like the looks of the Titan spare wheels)


Here are some more pictures. I will have more tomorrow when I pick it up.





I am also needing a tailgate :blush:





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I'm not sure about the floorboards yet. The pictures are just of what the seller brought me. I'll be laying eyes on it for the first time tomorrow. The seller disnt know the definite year either.


I am expecting thee floorboards to be gone. Which isn't a huge deal. I can get good prices on materials through my work.


The seller did however say that almost all of the rust is only surface rust. I'm hoping this is true. I want to make the least amount of patch panels as possible!

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Well good luck, I hope it's a good surprise when you get it home, it takes time to make patch parts and put them in.

It's definitely a 71 or 72, if it has shoulder belts, it's likely a 72, if it has no shoulder belts, it's likely a 71.

Let us know how it turns out.  :)

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After a lot of huffing and puffing we got the truck loaded up on the trailer to haul home.


The fellow I bought it from was also letting me use his trailer (we work together). The tires looked a little "iffy" and he informed me before we left "These here are car tires, so be sure to say a prayer before you leave. I'm not too sure if they will hold up."  :huh:


Sooooooo, 5 miles before I get to my shop this happens




Hit a pothole in one of these amazingly smooth Mississippi highways :sneaky: and blew both tires at the same time.


So I spent a good part of my July 4th sitting on the side of the highway waiting for some help.


We did get it home, however I didn't get to look it over as much as I had hoped. 


I did notice the hood is rusted through on the front nose so that will be another body piece that I need to find  :blush:





I got another lead on a 521 I am going to be checking out here soon. Maybe I can find some good panels on it.



Also the Sonoma that I am buying to use the engine from gave me a good idea.


Depending on the width of the outside of the tires, I may be doing a complete frame swap with the Datsun. :thumbup:

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No progress on the Datto this week...


I had previous plans to take care of.






Me and my lady of 3 years will be getting married. I proposed Friday night.


We set the date for early November. She had no idea what was going on, she was so shocked.

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Welcome to Ratsun. If your looking for 521 parts, let me know through PM. Got a buddy parting out one. 


if it has shoulder belts, it's likely a 72, if it has no shoulder belts, it's likely a 71.


late 71 521's had shoulder belts also. Just seen one that was dated 8/71. for the record. 

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I'm going to pick up the Sonoma this evening. I will be leaving for vacation Wednesday so I'm going to try to get some work in on tearing the Sonoma down when I get back.


I did have someone contact me about this little jewel they have they need gone. They are around the $200 mark for what they want. It will be about a 2 hour drive to and from where it is located.


I may switch this project over to a 620 build. I will know for sure this evening






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How come all the datsun trucks you find look like the box has been on fire?  :lol: 

I like 521s, so I vote for that one, but in the end, i would go with the one that's in the best shape, first.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



I have learned very quickly that it is hard to find any Datsun truck around this area. Much less one in decent shape.


From what I can tell from talking with the people on the phone with the 620, it is going to be overall in better shape. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welll I snapped some more pictures of the 521 yesterday. I still haven't gotten anything done. I may have to hault most progress until after the wedding.














A better picture of the donor truck





I popped the hood and found a friend







Monday I also picked up a new buddy. She is a Weim. Her name is Ollie Pearl



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Congrats and welcome to the house! By the looks of it, you have a lot o work in front of you for the 521. I'm with Wayno on the 521 vs the 620. Nice snake in the sonoma!

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I got some pics emailed to me of the 620 I will be picking up


The man told me a while back (don't really know how long ago) he was going to change the brakes on the Datto. He fooled with it and couldn't figure out how to do it so he left it alone. He waited too long and the drums rusted up and locked and that is where it has sat ever since. 


She looks to have some rust on her, but if I was a betting man I would say it is just surface rust.


He said he even has the tailgate hanging in his shop. He wants a whopping $250 for it.





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I know exactly what you mean


I like the classic style of the 521 front end. It seems more classy. 


Then at the same time I like the aggressive eyebrow look the 620 front end has.




It looks like I may be parting out the 521.



I will cut patch panels, take off, package, ship, and whatever to anyone that is needing parts. 


After it seems I have parts what I can from the 521 I will be hauling her to the scrap yard

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still contemplating whether or not I want to stay with the 521. 


I think I like this body style too much to not build it.


Here's an artsy fartsy I took (Find me on instagram twright2933)







I will be picking this KA24DE up with auto trans this weekend. Super pumped about this



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