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I don't hate tits. I love seeing naked women, but I don't get much from it.

Are you serious? ... its like the #1 reason they are popular.


Last time I tried to talk to a girl I got kneed straight in the balls. Not to mention getting punched in the face a few times. I'm still trying to find one that will say yes

Say yes to what??? ... :rofl: ... it looks like what you're doing now, isn't working .... so today do the opposite of what you did yesterday (i.e. NOT spending all day in this thread)


why don't you go outside (in public) and find something you are good at, that isn't just a bunch of dudes Larping or racing .. .. and try not to make a fool of yourself by asking random chicks out the first time you meet them


or get a fucking job

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Ha I only ask girls out if I've known them for a while. I am trying to find girls in college



good because talking to girls in middle school probably isnt the smartest thing. its all about confidence.


im a dirty ginger and i still pull some bad bitches. its all in the matter of how you approach them.


if i can pull this girl, you can pull any girl. this was years ago.





this is her now.





its all about confidence homie. just play it cool.

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She looks like a cool person to hang with. Oh and you look normal. I have bad skin (acne won't go away) and I have a busted looking nose.


she was an amazing girl, then she turned into a psychotic bitch. ANYWAYS......


stop putting yourself down bro, my roomate is a fat slob and ugly as all fuck, but he has sooo much confidence that he pulled this SUPER cute asian chick. all about the approach.

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Says the dude that doesn't appear to own a Datsun according to his profile.

I'd have a battle of wits with you dude, but, I dont fight with unarmed people!

Lol, sarcasm lost. Internet forums... serious business.


Btw, how can you read my profile when its upside down for you??



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