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Intro from Arkansas

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I just picked up my first Datsun and found the forum. It seems to be inhabited by a bunch of like minded degenerates. :) I have been into strange little rwd cars for a while, starting with e30s, then an ae86 and a RA40 and now the 510. It is not one of "those" 510s, but a '79 A10 goon, which suits me fine. I have already built up some coilovers and put it on the ground. I will likely start a build thread once I get my photos organized, 'till then here are some crappy random shots.










and the old e30



As you can see, I have some work to do, but it is a start. I also need some wheels....bad. Hit me up if you have a pair of decent offset 14".

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Degenerate is a term of endearment I think, I'll have to look it up.


Wheels are on the priority list, unfortunately sourcing something local is imposable because parts are hard to find if it aint one of them pickemup trucks.


Archetype, I will be glad to suffer you my lack of photography skills. :)

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Welcome ,, good to see the not as loved being saved and not the same ole belly button cars..Wheels shouldn`t be to much of a problem since the Ae86 runs the same pattern.,, hell almost all rear wheel drive Toyotas for that matter, quite a few guys are running Z or ZX wheels as they fit pretty well and are somewhat plentiful .


Have you checked out this thread yet, some great ideas and alot of eye candy in there.



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Thanks gents.


I have been all over that a10 thread, I need an Auster grill for my car now.


E30s are are cheap and the owners are usually even cheaper. You can sometimes pick up ratty ones for about a grand.


Rufus, Is there any Datsun action in your neck of the woods?

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I'm way out in the woods north of Forsyth, so 'neck of the woods' applies. 


We do get some runoff from Branson national events, but 70's Datsuns are as rare as hen's teeth.  Even as ratty as the 210 is it gets me into some comment every time I go to town.  I picked up plates for the truck today so I'll find out if it's as good of an attention getter.

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I just picked up my first Datsun and found the forum. It seems to be inhabited by a bunch of like minded degenerates. :) I have been into strange little rwd cars for a while, starting with e30s, then an ae86 and a RA40 and now the 510. It is not one of "those" 510s, but a '79 A10 goon, which suits me fine. I have already built up some coilovers and put it on the ground. I will likely start a build thread once I get my photos organized, 'till then here are some crappy random shots.




WELCOME! Lovin the goon. And always good to know that there's another Rat within driving distance.



Where in Arkansauce you at? I know of a few 210's, b210's and a 310 in Eureka Springs.

Man, I love Eaureka Springs so much! I was actually supposed to be going there for my anniversary (we were married there, too) but had to cancel at he last minute. That place is like Shangri-La or something. I bet it feels a lot like Oregon, too.

Also, there's a 510 (pl510) owner about an hour East of Eureka

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Little Rock area. I have seen a couple driving around here,but it is rare.


Ah, yeah. =[


I'm way out in the woods north of Forsyth, so 'neck of the woods' applies. 


We do get some runoff from Branson national events, but 70's Datsuns are as rare as hen's teeth.  Even as ratty as the 210 is it gets me into some comment every time I go to town.  I picked up plates for the truck today so I'll find out if it's as good of an attention getter.


I come from a long line of Forsyth Gideons....




WELCOME! Lovin the goon. And always good to know that there's another Rat within driving distance.



Man, I love Eaureka Springs so much! I was actually supposed to be going there for my anniversary (we were married there, too) but had to cancel at he last minute. That place is like Shangri-La or something. I bet it feels a lot like Oregon, too.

Also, there's a 510 (pl510) owner about an hour East of Eureka


I spent too much time in Eureka... There's plenty of 620's and 720's in that area as well. I know of a 610 goon that I could pick up on the cheap out in a field there if I was in the area. There's a guy named Brad that has a 280Z out in Madison county, if I remember correctly. The ozarks are a mysterious place.

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I come from a long line of Forsyth Gideons....



I was born here so I'm used to being "kissin' cousins" with half the county.  Jay Gideon lives at the other end of my access to town.  Great guy.   Well, at least you know some of us are being Datsunized B)

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