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Memorial Day

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Actually-yes.As he/she is no longer alive,they are not "a Veteran".SInce they are gone,they CAN NOT be honored on Veterans Days because they are not here any longer.


Actually-no.  They are still a Veteran since a veteran is somebody who has served in the military.   They can still be honored on Veterans Day because they are and will always be a veteran, somebody that has served in the military.   They would be a veteran that has passed.


Memorial day is for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and died while protecting and preserving the freedoms we enjoy. Unless they died in the service of their country, veterans day is for them.


But on a side note, badass pictures you posted, especially your grandfather by the deck gun.

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909Daniel0001_zps2c82e74f.jpgCpl Daniel C.Schaller -United States Army Air Corp.Chevleston,England.1944-45.12 missions in a Flying Fortress over occupied Europe.This is a picture of him at his station on his 13th mission over Tucson on April,22nd 2001.SC236g-1.jpgSC236e.jpgMy grandfather's Subchaser crew circa 1917.My grandfather on the 75MM deck gun





Wow man those are some great pictures.thanks for sharing them.

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The largest subs ever built [and deployed by the way], bigger than the Ohio class,  were the Japanese "Ii" class with the bomber hangers on the deck.  They were built to bomb Los Angeles and the Douglas plant, and the Panama Canal.  On the way to the duty station they received the Japanese surrender broadcast and were ordered to turn themselves over to the US Navy.  One big problem!  The bombers were painted in US Navy colors, a clear violation of the rules of war.  The commander opened the hanger and pushed the planes overboard, then surrendered to US Navy ships.  We promptly put Navy crews aboard to supervise the Japanese crews and sailed them to Pearl Harbor.  We scavenged all the technology we could and then sank them off Oahu before the Russians found out we had them and demanded a share in the technology.  The remains of 2 of them were recently rediscovered.


If my sub history serves me correct, they were only the largest of WWII. Werent they something around 400ft? The Ohio is 560ft. AFAIK, the Typhoon class Russian submarine is the largest submarine ever built. It beats the Ohio by about 15ft.  You can also stack two Ohio on-top and next two each other inside the Typhoon. 

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Would I be out of line to say why are you guys going back and forth about veteran or non veteran,what if we salute them all.I always thank every insisted man or women I meet,do you do that,if you do great if not, in my book shame on you.So thank you all of you alive and the ones that are gone but not forgotten.


I a side note I am born and raised in Hawaii,and if you ever get the chance to go to the Arizona memorial it will open your eyes.It's uplifting and sad all at once and it takes your breath away knowing that all these sailors are right below you,with bunker fuel still leaking out of the ship it self.Aloha

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If my sub history serves me correct, they were only the largest of WWII. Werent they something around 400ft? The Ohio is 560ft. AFAIK, the Typhoon class Russian submarine is the largest submarine ever built. It beats the Ohio by about 15ft.  You can also stack two Ohio on-top and next two each other inside the Typhoon.



Ohio class beam is 42'

Typhoon class is 72.4'

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Ohio class beam is 42'

Typhoon class is 72.4'


I meant LA class, my bad. I keep typing Ohio in this thread and it was habit. LA beams are something like 35ft. Regardless, I think the Typhoon is the largest submarine in the World. If Mike knows something I dont, Id love to see the specs. I love submarine history and knowledge. That was my favorite part of being a Sonar Technician; I was required to memorize all specifications of foreign subs. Fun time :)

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I meant LA class, my bad. I keep typing Ohio in this thread and it was habit. LA beams are something like 35ft. Regardless, I think the Typhoon is the largest submarine in the World. If Mike knows something I dont, Id love to see the specs. I love submarine history and knowledge. That was my favorite part of being a Sonar Technician; I was required to memorize all specifications of foreign subs. Fun time :)


Typhoon or Akula class-570'

Ohio class-554'

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So I was confused why you listed "or Akula" as they are not the same class. Typhoon is a class and Akula is a class. I just did a Google search and looking at Wikipedia it gives me my answer. Wikipedia is way incorrect. Akula class boats are smaller fast attack style boats where are the Typhoon class is a huge behemoth of a boat. Interesting that Wikipedia would list that. 


I may or may not have gone against an Akula. I can positively confirm I have never seen a Typhoon (very unfortunately :( )


Here is the right Akula class boat : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akula-class_submarine

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Ive been onboard once. Cool boat. 


Ive been on all currently commissioned classes of US boats, a couple decommed US boats, British t-hulls, Australian Collins class, and Korean Type-209. Submarines are awesome. 

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So I was confused why you listed "or Akula" as they are not the same class. Typhoon is a class and Akula is a class. I just did a Google search and looking at Wikipedia it gives me my answer. Wikipedia is way incorrect. Akula class boats are smaller fast attack style boats where are the Typhoon class is a huge behemoth of a boat. Interesting that Wikipedia would list that. 


I may or may not have gone against an Akula. I can positively confirm I have never seen a Typhoon (very unfortunately :( )


Here is the right Akula class boat : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akula-class_submarine

Yea a lot smaller boat. Dos vedonia

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all this chatter about what day is for what blah blah blah Datsun 

In my opinion 

when veterans day or memorial day comes around 

I remember the men and women who serve our country so I can be free whether they have perished while serving, died after return or they are still serving 

they are all heroes in my book and I will think of all of them on both holidays

because there isn't enough holidays to thank these people for what they do for us  


thank you to all the military personnel for keeping our country safe and Free  


and all of the pics are cool keep them coming 

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BTW who is the lady? I know the Ohio has a couple of female officers now. But wasn't that after your active service? GI Jane aside, they still don't have female Seals right? 


The Ohio only has one female officer and she showed up on my last deployment. She is the Supply Officer, cool chick. The female in the photo is a medical officer that came along that mission for some training. Correct, there are no female SEALs. 



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I figured it was that or some classified mission you couldn't speak of. Yeah I think I met the supply officer a few times.


She actually moved next door to me before I moved a couple weeks ago. Shes pretty nice. I only made one deployment with her, but everything went fine. Woman have been underway on subs before so its nothing terribly new. 

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