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Freakin old timer -_-

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Yo the AZ way works, a couple of my buddies did this before cuz they went to Az state.


Gl on getting it taken care of.. sucks you owe alot more..

how much did you pick up the car for and what are the mods?

I may result to that but I have to wait until my sister gets her Az lisence and stuff right?

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I just went through this a couple months ago. The 510 I was buying hadn't been registered since '03 and it was never non-oped, but still in the DMV system.  The DMV clerk told me that everything in the system will stay in the system forever, from now on (since everything is computerized now).  This worked to my advantage, since I would have had to get it smogged, which it would have never passed with a KA installed.  If you try to bring in a car from out of state, remember that you will have to get it smogged with it's original equipment.



All CA DMV records have been computerized since the early 80's. Records drop out of certain computer systems for different management reasons.

Otherwise SupDoc's 510 that was still in the system would have had to smog his KA then. Right?


Don't take too strong a stand on the smog exeemp issue yet. Upon a title transfer you still have to have a one time inspection for all 1976 and above, and any vehicle from out of state. I would check the CA State link I sent you to see if the one time inspection pertains to all vehicles or just those 1976 and newer.   

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All CA DMV records have been computerized since the early 80's. Records drop out of certain computer systems for different management reasons.

Otherwise SupDoc's 510 that was still in the system would have had to smog his KA then. Right?


Don't take too strong a stand on the smog exeemp issue yet. Upon a title transfer you still have to have a one time inspection for all 1976 and above, and any vehicle from out of state. I would check the CA State link I sent you to see if the one time inspection pertains to all vehicles or just those 1976 and newer.   

I'll look into it, I read somewhere at most they may have like a visual inspection

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Sometimes a visit to another DMV or clerk can change the outcome BUT they may ask for even more money just be prepared to walk.

The Az. idea may play but I've never done that.

A lien sale is a possibility, I had to do it two years ago on a bike that was left with me and the PO still owed money on it.

It worked out good.

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Sometimes a visit to another DMV or clerk can change the outcome BUT they may ask for even more money just be prepared to walk.

The Az. idea may play but I've never done that.

A lien sale is a possibility, I had to do it two years ago on a bike that was left with me and the PO still owed money on it.

It worked out good.

More details on this lien you speak of...

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It would require some omission or stretching of the truth because you cannot lien a vehicle you have a money interest in, like this one. You can however lien a car that has been stored on your property which is what I did with the bike.

From the instructions emphasis is mine:

"NOTE: If the vehicle registration expired while in your possession and you are a dealer, lessor-retailer, keeper of a garage, or operator of a towing service, the buyer has 20 days from the lien sale purchase date to pay registration fees without penalty, or pay a transfer fee and a planned non-operation fee. Otherwise, a planned non-operation must be filed prior to the vehicle expiration date or penalty fees are due. "



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It would require some omission or stretching of the truth because you cannot lien a vehicle you have a money interest in, like this one. You can however lien a car that has been stored on your property which is what I did with the bike.

From the instructions emphasis is mine:

"NOTE: If the vehicle registration expired while in your possession and you are a dealer, lessor-retailer, keeper of a garage, or operator of a towing service, the buyer has 20 days from the lien sale purchase date to pay registration fees without penalty, or pay a transfer fee and a planned non-operation fee. Otherwise, a planned non-operation must be filed prior to the vehicle expiration date or penalty fees are due. "



OK so the registration is due in october if I non op it will it clear the fees?

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OK so the registration is due in october if I non op it will it clear the fees?

Due when October of 1999 or 2013 ? If it is past due no a non op will not clear any fee's it needs to be done before the registration expires.

If you are asking if a lien sale will clear it of fee's? yes if done right, but a lien sale has risks and takes effort.

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Due when October of 1999 or 2013 ? If it is past due no a non op will not clear any fee's it needs to be done before the registration expires.

If you are asking if a lien sale will clear it of fee's? yes if done right, but a lien sale has risks and takes effort.

2013, it's never been non op so they kept charging all sorts of fees. and im going to try and figure out some way around this.effing news just said something about some new program to stop people from loopholing regristration -_-

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I've never seen so much talk & strategy before making a move...except in a chess game! lol  You've spent a day just talking about it. Dude, the weekend's here!  Just go again now before the close for the weekend. Before online payments I used to to take my registration and get in line at 4:45 because they have to help you if you are there before 5. They don't want to pay overtime and they want to go home. The lines move fast and they process quick!


Also, I've never heard of the back amounts-due changing from one visit to the next. If it makes you feel better get something in writing from the clerk what the fees are so you can hold them to it, but I wouldn't.


I go in person because I'd have paperwork in hand (they don't have to worry about who you're going to talk to when you come in) I am respectful and not excitable when I talk to them, and I don't have car parts hanging out of my face. 


I like to play the one-down position. I tell em something like "my wife/girlfriend told me to check the vehicle out with DMV before I bought it and I didn't because I'm a stubborn dim-wit old guy, and now I'm stuck. Now, not only am stuck with the car I have to listen to my wife tell me "I told you so."  Who doesn't like to help some poor sap that is worse off then themselves??? Then then tell them you simply can't afford it. If that doesn't work ask if you can make an appeal to a supervisor, like paying back reg only and skipping the penalties.


Kindly state the amount of the fees-due are more than the vehicle is worth. Nicely inquire what your options are.  so you don't have to scrap it. If you bluff em on scrapping it...the state gets nothing ;)


Good luck. Just go try. All they can say is "no" and you're still where you are. Then I'd consider putting it in your sister's name in AZ. This is way too much thinking and worrying.

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Guest roseyroseyrose

im in az, u can register it here, if it would help. theres nothing quite like helping someone with a loophole to make my day. let me know if i can help.

 my favorite quote:

"know the rules well, so you can break them effectively."

~Dalai Lama XIV

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I've never seen so much talk & strategy before making a move...except in a chess game! lol  You've spent a day just talking about it. Dude, the weekend's here!  Just go again now before the close for the weekend. Before online payments I used to to take my registration and get in line at 4:45 because they have to help you if you are there before 5. They don't want to pay overtime and they want to go home. The lines move fast and they process quick!


Also, I've never heard of the back amounts-due changing from one visit to the next. If it makes you feel better get something in writing from the clerk what the fees are so you can hold them to it, but I wouldn't.


I go in person because I'd have paperwork in hand (they don't have to worry about who you're going to talk to when you come in) I am respectful and not excitable when I talk to them, and I don't have car parts hanging out of my face. 


I like to play the one-down position. I tell em something like "my wife/girlfriend told me to check the vehicle out with DMV before I bought it and I didn't because I'm a stubborn dim-wit old guy, and now I'm stuck. Now, not only am stuck with the car I have to listen to my wife tell me "I told you so."  Who doesn't like to help some poor sap that is worse off then themselves??? Then then tell them you simply can't afford it. If that doesn't work ask if you can make an appeal to a supervisor, like paying back reg only and skipping the penalties.


Kindly state the amount of the fees-due are more than the vehicle is worth. Nicely inquire what your options are.  so you don't have to scrap it. If you bluff em on scrapping it...the state gets nothing ;)


Good luck. Just go try. All they can say is "no" and you're still where you are. Then I'd consider putting it in your sister's name in AZ. This is way too much thinking and worrying.

I got super busy today and haven't had a chance and there closed now, also I don't have enough money to cover the fees now knowing how much it cost. I only expected to spend no more that a few hundred bucks not a grand. Also waiting to hear back from the guy I bought the car from to see if we can work something out. I'll get it done...

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im in az, u can register it here, if it would help. theres nothing quite like helping someone with a loophole to make my day. let me know if i can help.

 my favorite quote:

"know the rules well, so you can break them effectively."

~Dalai Lama XIV


Take the route of least resistance...and I second the Lama!

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