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Anyone got pics of a dime with a 4" exhaust?

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I have a muffler that I've been hesitating on installing on my dime because the tip is 4"...that scares me, I held it up to the car but its hard to get a feel for it without mounting it and stepping back. which I cant really do because the current muffler is where I would like the new one to be. 


anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone has any pics of a 510 with a 4" tip, I don't really care what style the tip is, I'm just trying to get a size reference. thanks to anyone that can help

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Well I think "too big" is a bit relative. Without going through your build thread, it's hard to say if it's adequate or overkill. I would venture a guess and say its too big, based only as I don't remember you having an SR in there. I've run 4in exhaust before and it was great, but it wasn't a weak L-series.


It all really depends on if your engine needs that much room to remove exhaust gasses.

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haha thanks guys. Its the car in my sig/avatar its a KA-e I know 4" would be overkill but I like the look/sound of can style mufflers.


that 3.5" looks too big still! I knew I shoulda got a 3" tip....guess I'm decided for sure, 4" aint gonna happen...not on my dime at least. thanks again for the quick responses yall

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Please become a conformist sheep and build your dime 100% the same as every other dime on this site because i really hate originality and I would prefer our surviving cars to all be the same...

thanks, got it, will do


and for the record, it wouldnt sound like a honduh...it would sound like one of many s13's with sohc KA's and can mufflers....



edit: i'm not trying to be a dick, just trying to make a point. its just getting old seeing people (not targeted at you sedition, people in general) on this forum flaming the daylights out of people any and every time anything slightly out of the "norm" is brought up

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 its just getting old seeing people (not targeted at you sedition, people in general) on this forum flaming the daylights out of people any and every time anything slightly out of the "norm" is brought up


It ain't just Ratsun.   ^_^


This almost singlehandedly makes me never want to build a 510 or Z again. At least if you start with something odd like a B210/210/200SX/HLA10 then there's no set "uniform" for it and you can do whatever you want.   :rofl:

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And a side note, from what I've seen, the space between the left side bumper bracket and the quarter panel is only just big enough for a 3" tip.


A 4" tip would probably require mounting very low, or cutting into the bumper bracket or quarter panel.  


edit: In fact, if you look closely at the pic I posted, you can see he did cut into the bracket just to fit a 3.5" tip.   :rofl:

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Wasn't trying to make it a mean thing either, just seen a couple people go with the big angy bumble bee coffee can mufflers. Just ruins the old school feel for me. But with that said I posted a couple pictures above with my buddies 510 with a large diameter bozo muffler. With his CA18 it sounds good

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sorry buddy, if i sounded rude 


not that i  care what you do, but if i did care it would be about the performance, not the look or sound but all those things in conjunction are nice to have if you think they go together and work for you!!


 all anybody should care is that it performs to YOUR expectations

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yeah again it was an overreaction on my part lol lets just call it my man period, it's over now :P



I don't race/drag/drift this car. it's just a daily driver, as such I'm not trying to build a max performance car, it's fast enough to keep up with traffic (and then some) so I wasn't worried about losing tq or anything. plus like ggzilla said its only what's before the muffler that matters.



at any rate I PERSONALLY don't like the look of the 3.5" tip so I'm not gonna use my 4 lol

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