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international shipping

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OK guys, I have a member on here from a middle east country asking me to forward a package to Puerto Rico, he says that his country is not able to send stuff there for reasons that are unknown to me, maybe his country doesn't have an agreement with Puerto Rico for mail/packages, does this sound like something anyone on here has dealt with before?


Has anyone forwarded packages like this for anyone?


He says I can open it before forwarding, as we have touched on this subject before, and I mentioned I would not forward anything without knowing what it was.

This sounds like a slippery slope to me, I have bought once from him, and got what I asked for with no issues so far, fact is he is a great seller, I paid for the parts and in less than a week they were at my house, they got to me very fast(DHL).

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I wouldnt touch it. Even if you look at it, could be filled with drugs or some shit how do you know? There are commercial shipping services he could use why ask you of all people?


He could be on the level Idk but I know I wouldnt bother taking the risk.

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He says it is a license plate light, for what I have not a clue, but it is supposed to be just one part, so far.

I have been wondering about countries having shipping agreements, but as ggzilla said, it is a US territory, so if he is able to ship to me, it seems like he could ship to there also, I have not agreed to do anything yet, that is why I posted this subject, to get information.

He was asking me to find him some parts also, he wants 5 sets of good condition dogdish SS hubcaps, I almost lost my breath on that one.

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1- You will be responsible for import taxes on whatever is in the package.

2- Why would you want to get in the middle of who knows what kind of transaction?


Walk away, no run away, from this deal. You are being set up for Lord knows what.



I have already received a package from him, it came directly to me, no customs, ect.

I guess I want to be everyones friend, I have bought from him with no issues.

I have thought a lot about this today, as he brought it up yesterday, I keep seeing scary things, fact is when the box of parts I bought from him came so fast, I was wondering why it came so fast, I actually opened it outside, and I shook it first, it wasn't very heavy, so I opened it, and all was well.

I have not replied to that PM message on Ratsun, he has my email address but is still using the Ratsun messaging system.

I got the idea that he was looking to have a good selling reputation on here, as he let go a part that he only had one of just to make the sale.

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I got the idea that he was looking to have a good selling reputation on here, as he let go a part that he only had one of just to make the sale.


I've met a few overseas sellers like that. Hell I would probably do it too... Making a good overseas contact can be invaluable to part hunting. Far outweighing the price of that one part you want to hold onto.

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Since you have it, rebox it and send it on/ Sounds weird but seems legit if he sent it to you first. USPS Priority is a fixed price to PR


He doesnt have it yet. He received a prior package from him that he purchased.


Personally I would do it. He said you could look inside the box, as that would be a requirement for me. He would also have to pay for shipping from me to PR.

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I'd probably do it as well.. it's a little sketchy but if he tells you what is in the box and you open it and confirm it.. and make sure it's not a part that you could hide other stuff it.. then forward it on and let him know it's not going to be an all the time thing. Hell, even a little compensation could go a long way..

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if it shows up and doesnt havent suspicious tendencies resend it, no harm done man.



I'd do it, but I'm the trusting sort...and hell, how many times are you really going to have the opportunity to engage in international fraud/larceny! YOLO!!!! :rofl:


i swear if you say YOLO in front of me ed im gunna slap you

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