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I need some help for my corona

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Were getting air,fuel and a weak spark. We thought it was a bad motor ground. So we inspected all the wires and wire brushed all the grounds. Spark got better but still weak. Replaced coil, plugs, cap, rotor, points, condenser. You guys don't understand how bad the wiring is on this car. And I have never seen a mechanic refer another mechanic to come look at a car. The one thing I don't like about this car is I can't go google my problem and find a write up how to fix it. Like I could do with a datsun.

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I understand mechanical things on the car


you dont


this post clearly shows that V


The one thing I don't like about this car is I can't go google my problem and find a write up how to fix it. Like I could do with a datsun.


what do you think we did before we wrote those write ups?

we fixed it with a few manuals and the understanding of how this shit works.


if you cant fix it with out googleing it you dont understand how this shit works.

and apparently neither do your "mechanics"


And I have never seen a mechanic refer another mechanic to come look at a car.


thats because your 16, theres a lot of shit you havent seen.

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Why the fuck would you sell a datsun 280z (much easier to get parts and troubleshoot) that wasn't running and then go buy an older, more rare car that isn't running?? I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this. You should have kept the datsun and got it running instead of diving deeper into a shit pool.


Also I would never daily drive a car or even buy a car considering to daily drive it unless it was running already and in decent condition because for the first few months there is always something going wrong, I won't even say how many times I had to borrow my parents car until I got my 260z reliable enough to daily drive and I built that car in 2 months straight out of a field with a Huge collection of parts I'd had collected over the years.


Buy a more common car, a NEWER CAR, until you can afford and gain some experience on how to fix your own car's with some reading and trouble shooting, because being stuck on the side of the road and having no idea what the hell is wrong sucks ass.


I recommend buying a Aircooled beetle as a first car for a mechanically interested person to anyone, There isn't much you can do wrong, they're very cheap and easy to work on for a first car, very forgiving when you do fuck up and if it's a super beetle nobody cares if you fuck it up.


If you do stick it out with this car, don't try to get it running and driving as fast as you can, You need to go through the brakes and get everything working properly before driving it so that it is safe for you and other people on the road.

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wtf are u kidding me.... for sale at 2/3 more than what u paid and didn't do anything except head scratch and stare a hole init....i got a call this am that this car was relisted for 2k....wtf... did u even own it .... go buy a xbox and spend yor time trolling xbox live.... I am done

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hey richard cranium, lying in a craiglist add.????....i know of two both in olympia and both running....i know of about 5 others too....making baseless claims and then asking a ridiculous price for your hot mess of a car project is blasphomous...if tristin is giving up on you thats a bad sign ....hes a genuine class guy on here (no homo)....if u do sell it get a therapist and go twice a week till all the funds are spent... maybe mjust maybe then u will have a chance... do not get a datsun in trade...your done here...


fer the record google will never help u with the problems u have...your a hair above a spammer

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It took me a minute to figure out who Richard Cranium was... I lol'd.




So someone mentioned that you need to pick up a car with OBD2. Then you can just walk into AutoZone like all the other idiots and have the ECU read to tell you exactly whats wrong with it. That way after youre banned here in the next day or two because of these shenanigans, you can fix your civic without Ratsuns help.

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So someone mentioned that you need to pick up a car with OBD2. Then you can just walk into AutoZone like all the other retards and have the ECU read to tell you exactly whats wrong with it. That way after youre banned here in the next day or two because of these shenanigans, you can fix your civic without Ratsuns help.


careful banana black listed me for the likes...



ratsun no believe in obd2 ports...at least unless it comes with a bad ass swap....jalen u need a swap ... a personality swap

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careful banana black listed me for the likes...


Fixed, not because Im PC, but because I like Andrew :hug:


ratsun no believe in obd2 ports...at least unless it comes with a bad ass swap....jalen u need a swap ... a personality swap


I think we can make an exception for scan-tool use in this case.

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just take the time to actually learn some shit man.



you have people that have been trying to help you out .... but you dont absorb any of the advice given to you

and dont take the time to get a manual and read it and study it.


instead you just want to be spoon fed basic info.


we like helping out young members and teaching inexperienced members....

.... but if your not willing to lean... people stop wasting time trying to teach.


and this is whats happening to you right now.

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like i told tristin earlier get something 97 or newer, buy an obd2 scanner for around $100 and the car will tell you what is wrong with it so you dont need to keep asking ratsun the same questions repeatedly and not using the information we are giving you

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Just stumbled across this thread again lol, awesome. One troll condescending to another troll and this yutz selling his shit in failure after all the help he got. Good times...... :rofl:


I actually have a bud in his early 20s that I have known since he was 15, just like this kid. They dont grow out of it they just cant wrap their mind around the game. I'd give the same advice I gave to my bud after years of trying to teach him......


Get a good job so you can pay someone qualified, best option for ya.


Its a testament to the members of ratsun they there is 7 pages of you trying to help too, its so obvious hes not ready and may never be ready for this shit. Would have better luck teaching a bag or rocks but still you guys try lol, good for you.

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I listened to your guys advice ordered a manual that's still not here. Manuals aren't very helpful for me. For me to actually learn how to do something I need either a lot of pics, or someone showing me so I can get hands on experience.


And also everything works on the car except the motor, all the lights work including the dome light, and the brakes work to

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I listened to your guys advice ordered a manual that's still not here. Manuals aren't very helpful for me. For me to actually learn how to do something I need either a lot of pics, or someone showing me so I can get hands on experience.


and this further reiterates my point

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I understand mechanical things on the car and I now have a week in 2 days to have a daily driver. I would love to daily drive this car, I have ha 2 mechanics come look at this car and they couldn't figure it out either. If the fsm comes in very soon and I can get if running ill keep the car. Hence why the add says feeler.


You keep using this word...I do not think it means what you think it means..




Keep trollin, trollin, trollin, trollin...What!

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I listened to your guys advice ordered a manual that's still not here. Manuals aren't very helpful for me. For me to actually learn how to do something I need either a lot of pics, or someone showing me so I can get hands on experience.


And also everything works on the car except the motor, all the lights work including the dome light, and the brakes work to


how do u know the brakes work unless u could drive it....apparently advice isnt helpful to you either...your brother coming on here to apologiuze for you isn't going to work this time.....u should get a chevy volt that way u dont have to ask people at the gas station how the pump works .... then wait and ask how the pump works.....then wait and ask how the pump works ...then.... u get the idea...


jalen i hope u dont JO cause the picture of some one showing you, through hands on is pretty disturbing


lastly you should put that last sentence in your add... that way people know what there dealing with

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I hate how jalen's stupid threads get more attention than some really awesome build threads on here. or some threads with a legit problem.

And I say stupid because you can find the info EVERYWHERE. don't say you can't find anything on the net cause that's BULLSHIT.

DTP and I found you PDF manuals....

And don't use the learning disability excuse..

I learned how to work on my cars with Ratsun, my Dad, Internet and older people... I have a fat learning curve, and I still don't know the way to grasp things..

It takes some effort on your part to learn.. trial and error.. or just fucking listen.

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Both PDF manuals were for the wrong year. the wiring diagram worked untill we found out the wiring was replaced with a lot or red and black words. So you couldn't use the wiring diagram to find your way through. The car is up for sale. I don't get why there is still comments being posted in the thread. I'm 16 I don't know a lot a bout older cars. I'm familiar with l motors a little but. The point of this thread was to get a couple of questions answered. And here some suggestions from people who have more experience. Instead people have posted "get a fsm " that would work if the PO hadn't messed with wiring. And install a poorly done kill switch. Now ill admit I have down a lot of trolling in my past, and instead of saying I will stop. I did. There are a lot of trolls on the sight it is what it is. Well I'm done with this thread thanks for the advice on the fsm that has yet to arrive in the mail.




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dude just because the wires a diff color shouldn't matter diagrams show u were they start and stop... if the color changes at some point that should be no matter....stop being a pussy and cut the harness open and fix the problem....sure wiring probs suck donkey dick but there not impossible....the reason mechanics "didnt know " is cause after they saw where u were at, your age , your ability to pay 90 bux a hour... and did the easy thing shrugged there shoulders and left...maybe your just not a car guy... lots of people wanna be car guys but thats why places like jc whitneys and shucks are in business..helping the non mechanical look mechanical through non mechanical things...face it the only one who is gonna fix the problem is u ... so take the advice shut up and listen.....stop concocting responses with out reading what people have wrote...fer fucks sake u only need like two wires gas and spark and if its weak spark it should at least try and start....what u need to do i stop making excuses ....your never gonna sell a rare, yet common, corona thats been blue balled and stack jacked for twice what u paid for it when all you did was srpread some stuff around un hook a few things and basically give up when never had started...stop trying to be funny at every line( i know take my own advice..) and fucking learn the people of ratsun keep trying to help and u keep just pissing vinegar in everyones eyes...for fucks sake jalen sheesh...i told u last time we got a intervention from your family ... ratsun will aways be forgiving and love its own kind but u are starting to eclipse the shit downshifter pulled with his crazy ass crooked truck....fuck caddy hack may be un banned before your allowed on ratsun...

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