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It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon here.


Weather is pretty shitty!


Started on the carbie linkage fabrication, but, beers got in the way :)


Chilling out in front of the outdoor fire, will get back into the goon later this afternoon.




Life's good!





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Ha ha Got-cha. I love havin' a short day at work when it's rainy and cold. Come home and fire up my 'puter and put the coffee on.


me too except i get in my recliner and put some socks on my hands....mmmmmm early day home alone...


i used to drink some import victoria bitter(iirc) ,,, was yummy, my buddy would get it twice a year and i would always throw down on 4-5 cases...is that shit poser beer for out of towners.... was very smooth

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You know, I almost forgot the seasons are reverse down there. I was thinking, backyard fire, wtf? Then realized it's probably colder. I had some patio fire today. Torched some weeds on my back slab! Damn creeper vine.

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Speaking of weather, it sucks to be in the south right now! It's been like 105-110 in the south here (from what I've read, being a northerner) and because of that, highways are buckling. I just watched a video with a 6' tent looking buckle, and some dude in an SUV hit it at 55 or so and went complete Dukes of Hazzard. Launched the thing like 100 feet, landed, didn't roll. But holy fuck, imagine driving down the interstate and just running right into that. :o


Just looked it up, apparently it wasn't down south, Wisconsin is having triple digit heat too!


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Well, I'm in the Inland Northwest. So I'm both Northern and Western. Kind of like the Blues Brothers. "What kind of music you play here? Oh well, we have both kinds, country AND western!" :D

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wtf tristin where havent u been ,,,,asshat making me feel all dumb




Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Phillipines, and Austrslia... Just didn't make it to Hong Kong or Singapore. One of the benefits of the Service.


I loved Australia though. Gorgeous woman who threw themselves at American sailors, beautiful weather, and fucking delicious kebab stands everywhere. I had zero complaints while I was there. I was in Perth so next time I make it out I'll hit up Eastern Australia maybe.

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I loved Australia though. Gorgeous woman who threw themselves at American sailors, beautiful weather, and fucking delicious kebabs, I was in Perth so next time I make it out I'll hit up Eastern Australia maybe.



Too right mate.


I'm a bit biased, but, the eastern side of the island is fantastic!


Glad you had a good time here.



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ok jalen... :hug: :hug:


Lol its true though. We pulled in and shit was crazy. If they found out you were an American sailor, there was little you could do to stop them from ripping off your clothes and having their way with you (not that you would want to stop them). With our schedule in port, every one got one day to stay out in a hotel. Otherwise you had to be back for a curfew because it either preceeded or was a duty day (24hrs on the boat for security watches). My day off just happened to be St. Patricks day. While waiting in line with a friend for this Irish pub (huge line but had an outside live concert, inside stage concert, alcohol raffles, etc.) we were next to a girl that ended up getting seperated from the rest of her friends. She invited my buddy and I to her group of seven (seven!!) drop dead gorgeous woman. Coincidently it was one of the girld 21st birthday. Drinking age is 18 so 21 isnt that big of a deal for them, but it was for us. Anyway, we closed down several bars/clubs with those girls and we ended at our Hilton hotel room. Psh then [redacted for sexual content] until the morning. After that we all went out and the girls gave me and my boy a tour of the city. Fun times.


Too right mate.


I'm a bit biased, but, the eastern side of the island is fantastic!


Glad you had a good time here.


Thats what they told us when we pulled in... that it was a bit crazier (were submariners so we wanted a good party) on the eastern side. I loved Perth though. It reminds me that me and a friend in the service got out at the same time. We had all these plans for jobs when we got out and if we decided that we couldnt cut it here, our Plan B was to move to Australia together and open a mobile kebab stand in the back of our Holden Ute.

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Good on you Tristan.


Bubbleheads rule!


Skimmers on the other hand, meh!


Got to say though, in deference to our western neighbors, the whole place here ain't too bad except for our fucking ridiculous gun laws (don't start me).


If you ever get back here, and come to the Eastern states, pm Me if you do, and, bring a bucket!, your going to need it!



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Good on you Tristan.


Bubbleheads rule!


Skimmers on the other hand, meh!


Got to say though, in deference to our western neighbors, the whole place here ain't too bad except for our fucking ridiculous gun laws (don't start me).


If you ever get back here, and come to the Eastern states, pm Me if you do, and, bring a bucket!, your going to need it!




Glad to know youre a fan. Were you in the Aussie Navy? Man, it was quite a site to meet some smoking hot female submariners. Why would I need a bucket?- to put beers in? I appreciate the invite. Where in the East are you?

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Never had the Privelige to serve with the Navy directly, but, associated in a lot of ways!. I'll leave it at that.


You'll need the bucket to vomit in after we feed you with Gallons (converted to US measures) of Aussie beer ;)


Located in Canberra, which is the Washington DC equivalent of Australa.



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If youve had the pleasure of "associating" with submariners (of any country it seems), then you should know we wont need the bucket. They teach us three things in Sub School: How to sail the seven seas, how to drive a girl crazy, and how to drink like a fish.

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