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I love beer! PNW beer...

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I'm not saying the PNW is the only place to get good brews, not at all. Dog Fish, by in large considered one of the best breweries for IPA's is in Delaware.


What I'm saying is for Joe Everbody we have a better selection than anywhere else *I* have been. Like I said in the first post, good brew is everywhere, for those that look. I can go on and on about good brews outside the PNW and outside the US for that matter, no disrespect to your local brew. When I travel though, I usually fall into the Joe Everybody category and that's why I made the post... and I was drinking, lol.


I can find good brew in all locales but my girl doesn't really want to put up with planning my a trip around beer let alone drive an extra 20-30min out of the way from our hotel because I read about some place online. It's a hell of a lot easier if I can just grab a good beer at the a restaurant we are having dinner at or at the corner store a block away.



What do you recommend out your way? I've got some trade shows coming up and I always like to try what locals drink first.

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this is a nice 8% farmhouse ale. brewed in KC, missouri.


"While modern Saison’s range from 5-8% ABV, traditional Saison had a much lower alcohol content of 3-4% ABV.  The lower alcohol content made the beer refreshing during a hard work day and kept the workers relatively sober, as some farmhouses had daily allotments of 4-5 liters per worker." <---- found that quite an amusing bit from wiki. i wholly enjoy a nice sapporo at lunch to break up the long work day.




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When I want to get drunk I drink good old Olde english 800, when I want good cheap as shit beer I drink pbr. When I want something tasty it varies on my mood I like elysian stuff if its not too sweet and love pyramid's snow cap. I also enjoy most hefeweizen. I do love blue moon stuff on occasion but its pretty rare. however I really love a local pizza house's micro brews its called The Rock pizza, whenever I have gone i find everything they brew is well suited to the food they serve. there is multiple locations around the King and pierce counties in washington, its not the best brew I've ever had but it always seems to fit the pizza well.

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Guest kamakazi620

When I want to get drunk I drink good old Olde english 800, when I want good cheap as shit beer I drink pbr. When I want something tasty it varies on my mood I like elysian stuff if its not too sweet and love pyramid's snow cap. I also enjoy most hefeweizen. I do love blue moon stuff on occasion but its pretty rare. however I really love a local pizza house's micro brews its called The Rock pizza, whenever I have gone i find everything they brew is well suited to the food they serve. there is multiple locations around the King and pierce counties in washington, its not the best brew I've ever had but it always seems to fit the pizza well.

if you want something tasty drink Hamms Oly or Rainer
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Just got back from a business trip to SoCal. We tried to find a good place that made their own beer. Only one place anywhere near so we went for it. Worst crap ass beer I have had in a long time. Did'nt even finish it. Should have gone to the Yard House! That's a beer selection!

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