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Kalifornia assholes on parade

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1)And i'll tell you to shove it up YOUR ASS.

2)Nice try.California is LOSING population,while Az.is actually GAINING population.

3)Because i still have friends there and even though your head is so far up your ass,you need a glass belly button to see where you're walking,i still wouldn't want the vile shit that Ca has planned to happen to even you.


Fore warned is fore armed


Any more stupid fucking questions?


Hey Ztrain, don't worry I don't ask questions to FUCKING ASSHOLES, so you won't have to worry about having to think of an more idiot replies. I guess some of us aren't all pissed off about these kind of bills since some of us don't rely on old Ratsuns as our daily cars. My Datsuns are all fun weekend cars, definitely not my primary car, shit I'd have to be one poor mother fucker to be like that.


On and based on your 'oh so fucking funny...and not racist in any way' blackface avatar, It's no wonder you love your fucking racist shit hole state and all the fantastic laws they're trying to push. Why don't you just post your pointy white hood instead of that Benny Hill picture? It sure is nice to find a group of people for scapegoating just because you dumb shit know nothing idiots are getting beat out of jobs by other uneducated people. Good, stay the fuck there and please never come back you piece of shit.


Sorry Skib and other admins, but if this means I get banned, I'm more than happy to take my medicine. I just can't stand FUCKTARDS like Z train and his constant bitching about a place he doesn't even live in anymore..oh and for the record, if we get a bill to separate Nor Cal from So Cal I'll fucking sign up ASAP...you can keep your ME FIRST bullshit attitudes from the Hollywood types from So Cal any FUCKING time! If you guys are just itching to leave, scratch that ass itch and get the fuck out and don't let the door hit you in the ass please!


There I'm done... :)

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Know your enemy,dipshits.I notice you didn't say anything about the second link.


Why do i care?Dumb question.Let's start with,what starts in that shithole state eventually infects other states.So killing bullshit in "the womb" is just prudent.

I lived there for 20+ years,I've forgotten more about Ca. than most residents will ever know.

1)And i'll tell you to shove it up YOUR ASS.

2)Nice try.California is LOSING population,while Az.is actually GAINING population.

3)Because i still have friends there and even though your head is so far up your ass,you need a glass belly button to see where you're walking,i still wouldn't want the vile shit that Ca has planned to happen to even you.


Fore warned is fore armed


Any more stupid fucking questions?


The whole point is for you Kalifornians to know who your friends are and more importantly who YOUR ENEMIES ARE and VOTE accordingly.

Got that right.Morons think getting knocked up at 16 is a badge of honor

Kalifornia just sucks.And this is quantifiable.And at least here we are doing something about.By the way-who's state is about to go bankrupt.In which state did the morons re-elect one of the biggest losers to occupy the Governors office?




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Can we get back on track?









BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, Texas, seriously?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....OMG that was HILARIOUS y'all! Thanks for the good laugh there Mr. Kirbyville!!!!

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