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Olivia - 69 2 door 510 sedan - fully built CA18DET

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Cleaned out the garage today. Here's the end result



I also sanded down and started bondoing the fenders. Here's an in progress pic



And then i spent 2 hours tracing wires and things (i don't have a stock 510 wiring harness) and reading the damn FSM to find out that the red wire is where the voltage regulator plugs into the gauges. Now I can FINALLY finish wiring up my damn gauges.


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Well, today I'm moving more of the wiring into the cabin (i had pulled a lot of it in through the firewall yesterday). I also need to pick up bulbs for the dash and rougher sandpaper for the bondo. As for right now, I'm looking for my speedo cable and I'm going to install the 280zx speed sensor :)


wish me luck!

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My girlfriend has a giant printer at work (for printing architectural size drawings). She printed this for me so I can see stuff more easily.



Comparison of the CA18DET speed sensor and the 280zx speed sensor. Yellow is the 280z, orange is the CA. The 280z has the shaft mounted offset from the center of the sensor. It also mounts 180* opposite of where it mounts on the 280z trans. I notched the opposite side with my cutting wheel and mounted it. It works! I have a working speedo now! YES!



Here's a picture of the sensor so you can see how it's "lopsided" and the notch.






Now I'm going to try and wire up the gauges so I know how much gas I have :)


I'll be installing all the bulbs and shit later today, my GF is at work so I can't get to a store to pick up bulbs and stuff right now.

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Ordered a carpet kit today. Going to try and raise the trans mount point about an inch. I think it's too low.


Going to be out of town (as usual) for a few days, but as soon as I get back I'm going to kill it and get a bunch of stuff done.

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Sweet, what is it? I'm not sure if my speedo is off yet, I'm happy enough that it's operating LOL. I have a 3.7 rear end and CA trans so IDK how close that will be since our gearing & tire size is probably different. There are so many different ones that i know i can at least get close :)


The shaft is easy to pull out, just a single pin. Then you could swap a gear on with a different # of teeth.

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Biscuit update__ online somewhere Dime Quarterly volume 9 issue 3 ,has Canby 2008 - speedo pinion replacement , not direct bolt in need retainer mod, Mine is an SR but here it is

32702-58520 pinion assy. complete .Also have Napa cable

#BK6151683 Hey I am in Whittier and come to Costa Mesa often for a cust/friend on 17th st. Has a mb collection and a couple race cars.Have a stack of DQs and some other old paper ,have Tilton 1975 price list of race parts.

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Picked up more bondo, some fuses to throw into my fuse box and a bunch of sandpaper. Guess what I'm doing tonight!


Yessir. Gonna try and finish up the fenders. They're getting pretty close, but I couldn't find sandpaper to finish them up. I also have a little more bondo to apply. There is a spot or two that isn't flush yet. If everything goes exceedingly well, I'll be putting the gauge cluster back in tonight. I'm still testing all the bulbs and gauges to make sure everything is within spec and working properly.


Still waiting for the carpet... not sure if it has shipped yet. And last but not least, I'm going to start thinking about speakers and a head unit so I can (try to) listen to the radio.

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  • Carpet shipped, YAY!
  • Waiting on a member to let me know if he has a gas tank filler neck... if so, I'm picking that bitch up this week.
  • Need to buy more gear oil on the way home. Last time I went they were out.


Todo for today

  1. Buy more gear oil on the way home and fill the trans.
  2. Install all fuses and test remaining gauges so the cluster can go back in.
  3. Finish putting on the rest of the bondo on both sides so I can sand tomorrow night.
  4. Clean engine to see exactly where oil is coming from (is it the head gasket?).
  5. Check the trans and see if it's mounted too low (causing an undesirable position/angle of the engine).
  6. Wait patiently for parts and labor to get the car to DD status and tunable.
  7. Be sad that I can't drive my car.
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Thanks! I did a lot of bondo on the driver's side and just started sanding last night too. Gonna do one side at a time to get an idea of what materials (how much sandpaper/etc) to purchase for the other side. I didn't install the cluster yet, because I'm still hooking up the indicators and stuff but once that's done, I'll install it.



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Thanks! Nope, I can't.... I'd have to fly. It's a 15 hour drive that I'd have to make after work on Friday plus going back. If I did fly, i'd have to get a hotel and rental car. I just can't do it this year. I'm super disappointed about that, but I'll be there next year. I'm going to put in the time off super early so I can drive the 510 up.



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Ranman72, I don't have that much time in the week. I work very long hours and carpool so I end up having almost no time at night. Plus I have a girlfriend to keep happy. I think I might average 45 minutes to 2 hours a week on the datsun if I'm lucky. The only time I really get much accomplished anymore is on the weekends where I might be able to squeeze in a couple hours.


80datson: Yes, i thought i was getting an RZ but after he shipped it i realized it was an RS.

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