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Basically all it is saying is they will have the right to investigate and punish people who are stealing. It says nothing about "shutting down" any websites except those who's purpose is to facilitate theft of people's property. Unless I missed part of it? DAMN!!! Internet censorship has gotten to me already. Time to stock up on ammo. Now don't get me wrong, I love stealing programs and music via torrent sites, but it IS illegal and everyone knows that.

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Basically all it is saying is they will have the right to investigate and punish people who are stealing. It says nothing about "shutting down" any websites except those who's purpose is to facilitate theft of people's property. Unless I missed part of it? DAMN!!! Internet censorship has gotten to me already. Time to stock up on ammo. Now don't get me wrong, I love stealing programs and music via torrent sites, but it IS illegal and everyone knows that.


Say you go to facebook, and post a copyrighted picture, facebook can be shut down.


Without trial, without reason,at the whim of 1 person. Sounds like it could be abused to me for censorship purposes.


But it is a dieing pig, opposition is strong especially as more and more know about it.

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Say you go to facebook, and post a copyrighted picture, facebook can be shut down.


Without trial, without reason,at the whim of 1 person. Sounds like it could be abused to me for censorship purposes.


But it is a dieing pig, opposition is strong especially as more and more know about it.



Facebook would not be held liable as long as they took action to remove the illegal material, as stated in the bill. The person posting the illegal material would be the one at risk of legal action.

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Reread SOPA. & the arguments against it.


In its current form a site just linking to copy righted material can be shut down. On accusations.


Sopa is right up there with net neutrality on the list of things endangering the internet as we americans know it. SOPA is the sort of thing you hear about China or some dictatorship doing.

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Facebook would not be held liable as long as they took action to remove the illegal material, as stated in the bill. The person posting the illegal material would be the one at risk of legal action.


Even so, Is a site as large as facebook able to control everything that gets posted? No.



You can never stop pirates, pirates get the thrill of finding new ways around, they are hackers. Sharers are those who illegally download. Pirates will always find a way.


On top of that, let me say this:


I have friends who buy cds and dvds; but they dont do it often. Then I have friends who download illegally, and in turn buy more cds and dvds than those who dont download at all. These same friends listen to music constantly, they must listen to everything, and in doing so help spread the word to others about the next big thing.


I hate record companies. When you compare what they earn compared to the artists, I would rather download the music illegally and then go to that bands concert and buy band merchandise because I know they will earn more money from me that way.


That said illegal is illegal.


And SOPA is stopping. And it appears PIPA may be too.

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dont get me wrong. i download torrents all the time and think there is nothing wrong with doing so. the problem is is that SOPA is not just limited to piracy, it encompasses all copywritten material.  youtube; reddit; digg; tumblr, all sites that deal with sharing would be effectively shutdown. but yea as laecaon mentioned, SOPA and PIPA arent likely to pass at this point

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SOPA is just another piece of bullshit legislation enacted by a Congressional member who has NO CONCEPT of HOW THE INTERNET WORKS. All he did was take a bribe and a pamphlet and started this bullshit crusade.


If you want to know what SOPA would do to the internet, just look at all the patent law bullshit with smart phones. Now, make it 10,000 times EASIER for companies to stop you from "infringing" upon their "works" by simply letting the companies themselves fill out a $14 form, and get your ENTIRE SITE banned from DNS resolution servers (the servers that make it so you can type in Ratsun.net instead of just because people are so much as talking about "questionable" content. Blogger.com has tens of thousands of people running blogs on its service, yet if just ONE comment on ONE blog (not even the blog itself) makes EVEN JUST A MENTION of POSSIBLY illegal or copyrighted material, some corporation can get all of Blogger.com blacklisted from DNS directories, fucking over thousands of peoples' blogs.


It takes the whole Constitutional "innocent until proven guilty" and wipes asses with it, because you don't even get a warning period to either correct, remove, or otherwise deal with questionable content on your site; you your site taken down, and you have to FIGHT to get it back up. It's funny, because I had a dubstep Youtube play list open in one of my tabs. 45 videos, different groups, musicians, etc. Nothing actually uniting these videos together, other than someone made and shared a youtube playlist/mix of them. Today, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those videos has been taken down due to "repeat copyright infringement notices" from the exact same three "groups". 45 videos, all unrelated for the most part, and yet they're all taken down by the same three claimants. All someone did was got him and handful of his friends to file DMCA claims, in order, on each video in the play list. It is a perfect example of how SOPA will work, because instead of Youtube doing any verification, fact checking, etc, they just remove the videos once the number of claim exceeds a certain number, and then the person who put up the video has to do all the work to prove the claims are bullshit.


Here's the playlist I'm talking about:

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There is an "industry" SOPA will create though. The "comment assassin" (I copyright that term since I just made it up; I will sue anyone who uses it!).


Millions of little Indian and Chinese kids getting paid $0.25 per comment to go to competitor webpages and post links to torrents and other "illegal" content, so that the contracting company can use the comment URL as "proof" of violation and get the whole site banned from the internet.

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It's ok guys.

I bought several petabyte hard drives.

I'll gladly let you access the internet but ask that you provide your own Ethernet cables. These cables must reach my router so they may need to be really, really, really long.


I have a 56k modem. Can I just dial your server?

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