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i think its a good thing to meet know and hear from other like minded people from around the way. hear about upcoming events you didnt know about, find a buyer for something you need to get rid of, show off a track vid or something... idk.



congrats you just described the purpose of a Datsun forum.

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I know my neighbors, but have little to nothing to do with them. (I'm a perfect neighbor by my own definition) Never spend Friday after work with my co-workers having a beer and go to the Christmas office party as a duty, but would rather stay home. They are all good people, none I dislike but have no interest in them outside of work. Belong to no groups, clubs or, associations other than a few forums. Have a low tolerance for crowds of people indoors or out. Can't wait to be home or alone. Cut my lawn only 2-3 times a summer because I don't give a fuck what other people think.


Have never owned a cell phone. Can use one (maybe twice a year) with difficulty, would probably die in an emergency if my life depended on it. Never used an i Pod or i Anything, blackberries are for eating. Work was the first computer I ever used, about 7-8 years ago. I was told I had to enter my time sheet electronically, found Google, typed Datsun never looked back.


Like to bicycle, love my dogs and Datsuns. Like dreaming of things to do on them, working on them. Like talking shop, learning and helping out on Ratsun and elsewhere. Like wrecking yards and working on Datsun projects even if they are a fail. Look forward to Canby more than Christmas.


Do I look like I want friends?

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I know my neighbors, but have little to nothing to do with them. (I'm a perfect neighbor by my own definition) Never spend Friday after work with my co-workers having a beer and go to the Christmas office party as a duty, but would rather stay home. They are all good people, none I dislike but have no interest in them outside of work. Belong to no groups, clubs or, associations other than a few forums. Have a low tolerance for crowds of people indoors or out. Can't wait to be home or alone. Cut my lawn only 2-3 times a summer because I don't give a fuck what other people think.


Have never owned a cell phone. Can use one (maybe twice a year) with difficulty, would probably die in an emergency if my life depended on it. Never used an i Pod or i Anything, blackberries are for eating. Work was the first computer I ever used, about 7-8 years ago. I was told I had to enter my time sheet electronically, found Google, typed Datsun never looked back.


Like to bicycle, love my dogs and Datsuns. Like dreaming of things to do on them, working on them. Like talking shop, learning and helping out on Ratsun and elsewhere. Like wrecking yards and working on Datsun projects even if they are a fail. Look forward to Canby more than Christmas.


Do I look like I want friends?




you just described me mike,save for the lawn mowing(personal preference)and the cell :lol:

only one dog

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Oh I cut the lawn but not like the OCD neighbors. Let it get too long in spring (well not that long) and cut when it gets hot out so that it coasts through the summer and begins growing in Sept/Oct and once more in the winter so its short in the spring. Why TF would you water and fertilize it? Rant over, I think....


No. Had one neighbor in Ontario who cut the back lawn on Mon. Front left to the hedge on Tues, front right to the hedge on wed, front left ditch in front of hedge on Thurs... and so on. Could make it last all mornings.....

rrRRRRRRrrr.... (shut off mower, move lawn ornament, start mower)

rrRRRRRRrrr (shut off mower, move lawn ornament back, start mower)

rrRRRRRRrrr (shut off mower, move lawn ornament, start mower)

rrRRRRRRrrr (shut off mower, move lawn ornament back, start mower)

rrRRRRRRrrr (shut off mower, move grandkid's toy, start mower)

rrRRRRRRrrr........rrRRRRRRrrr........rrRRRRRRrrr.......rrRRRRRRrrr empty bag, repeat.




you just described me mike,save for the lawn mowing(personal preference)and the cell :lol:

only one dog



Separated at birth.....

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I know my neighbors, but have little to nothing to do with them. (I'm a perfect neighbor by my own definition) Never spend Friday after work with my co-workers having a beer and go to the Christmas office party as a duty, but would rather stay home. They are all good people, none I dislike but have no interest in them outside of work. Belong to no groups, clubs or, associations other than a few forums. Have a low tolerance for crowds of people indoors or out. Can't wait to be home or alone. Cut my lawn only 2-3 times a summer because I don't give a fuck what other people think.


Have never owned a cell phone. Can use one (maybe twice a year) with difficulty, would probably die in an emergency if my life depended on it. Never used an i Pod or i Anything, blackberries are for eating. Work was the first computer I ever used, about 7-8 years ago. I was told I had to enter my time sheet electronically, found Google, typed Datsun never looked back.


Like to bicycle, love my dogs and Datsuns. Like dreaming of things to do on them, working on them. Like talking shop, learning and helping out on Ratsun and elsewhere. Like wrecking yards and working on Datsun projects even if they are a fail. Look forward to Canby more than Christmas.


Do I look like I want friends?






i was just throwing it out there guys. im into nissans more than anything, but you never know when its useful to network in a larger circle.... like when buying wheels or a motor swap... or when some kind of racing event comes up that you didnt know about. and i honestly dont really go on forums anymore because theres so many im interested in that its unrealistic to look at all of them so i just wait til shit surfaces on FB. its like the ultimate forum

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You guys cut me up. Man, tough crowd sometimes. Especially when FB is brought up. I am on FB, but am on here 100% more. But FB has its uses. As a freelance artist, it keeps people up on what I am doing.


Anyway frosti, thanks for posting up the info. Your low post count made me worry you were a bot or a guy hitting every car forum on the web to drum up interest. But cool of you to step back in and explain it a bit more.


thanks bro. low post count is due to not owning a ratsun. although i have been a member for a while. closest thing i had was an s12 200sx and a couple hardbodys which i dont even have anymore. i just like the idea and might one day get something like it. but for now my s13 will have to do

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Oh I cut the lawn but not like the OCD neighbors. Let it get too long in spring (well not that long) and cut when it gets hot out so that it coasts through the summer and begins growing in Sept/Oct and once more in the winter so its short in the spring. Why TF would you water and fertilize it? Rant over, I think..




If you wait long enough into the early summer when you cut it it wont be able to grow and it will die back till just before middle of August then once more and ................It`s dead..



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I know my neighbors, but have little to nothing to do with them. (I'm a perfect neighbor by my own definition) Never spend Friday after work with my co-workers having a beer and go to the Christmas office party as a duty, but would rather stay home. They are all good people, none I dislike but have no interest in them outside of work. Belong to no groups, clubs or, associations other than a few forums. Have a low tolerance for crowds of people indoors or out. Can't wait to be home or alone. Cut my lawn only 2-3 times a summer because I don't give a fuck what other people think.


Have never owned a cell phone. Can use one (maybe twice a year) with difficulty, would probably die in an emergency if my life depended on it. Never used an i Pod or i Anything, blackberries are for eating. Work was the first computer I ever used, about 7-8 years ago. I was told I had to enter my time sheet electronically, found Google, typed Datsun never looked back.


Like to bicycle, love my dogs and Datsuns. Like dreaming of things to do on them, working on them. Like talking shop, learning and helping out on Ratsun and elsewhere. Like wrecking yards and working on Datsun projects even if they are a fail. Look forward to Canby more than Christmas.


Do I look like I want friends?


I think you want friends Mike! Kami's running out of cats! ;) Anyway, make believe "online" friends suck. Ratsun is excluded because we all meet sooner or later, at Canby, trading Datsun parts, swap meets, road trips, etc.


I quote your quote in my signature:


My own quote from a previous post, a rip-off from Half-Baked: "Fuck facebook, fuck myspace, fuck twitter, Ratsun.net's cool, and fuck you I'm out!" :D

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