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no, id rather not hear about that. <_<


they kept on breaking into my garage and taking shits lol. i asked around the neighborhood if it was theirs and nobody in my neighbor hood had a cat... i only bagged 3.

BTW they weren't cute and cuddly cats... they were pissed off and sick as fuck.

Edited by DAT510
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Here is a wayno top ten stupid things I have done hanggliding. We were all on top of the hill waiting for something to happen that might help the soaring prospects, but there we sat, every once in a while someone would get tired of waiting and take a sled ride to the bottom of the hill, sacrificing them selves to the wind gods, and we would watch the whole flight from the top of the hill. There were several of us up there, so we play hackysack for a while, watch someone fly down, hackysack, ect. ect. It finally became apparant that the wind gods had forgotton about us so off the hill we went, I launched without mishap, flew strait out over the landing area and proceeded to put the hangglider into a spin, spinning is something I liked to do, and I was fairly good at it, I came out of the spin strait down and did a couple of wingovers, I looked around and decided to do one more big wingover, I did a stalled turn coming out of it strait down, decided I was moving fast enough and threw the bar out and waited for the turn/wingover, I stopped basicly upside down, it's funny how things slow down when you get caught doing something stupid, there I am upside down about 250 feet above the ground, when I realized I wasn't going to fly out of this without hitting the ground, so I let go of the control bar, grabbed the reserve parachute handle and let her rip, now keep in mind that during a parachute clinic it was all I could do to get that chute out of the container on my chest, then look for clean air and throw the chute, this takes more than 10 seconds sometimes, well I didn't have 10 seconds, this was all going to be over with in about 5 seconds, I pulled that chute out of the container and threw it in one motion, after I had thrown the chute, I watch it unfold, the lines came out of the bag zig-zaging back and forth, then they straitened out, then some red came out of the thrown container, I was thinking to myself, why did you throw it at the ground, in reality I had thrown it directly sideways, about that time things started moving again, the nose of the glider fell threw, I looked towards the nose of the glider and seen the control bar coming my way, I grabed it on its way by and then I noticed the ground coming at me real fast, I grabbed the control bar and flaired as hard as I could, flairing is how you land a hangglider, about the time I flaired the reserve chute opened and slowed me down, less than 2 seconds later I hit the ground. I was unhurt, the glider was unhurt, my freinds came running over, and all I could think of to say was I did it, I DID IT, I successfully saved my own ass, it was a freaking mircle, my areobatic friend said that was the lowest successfull deployment he had ever seen, and he had seen a lot of them as a world class areobatic pilot. This is a top 10 stupid things I have been caught doing and walked away from.

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I pasted this from a different thread but its related




I live in a small town called Grover Beach, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, right on the coast. A stretch of the beach/dune area is open to OHV use, while the northern and southern parts are state beaches. I had been wanting to go exploring down the beach for some time, so I decided I would do it one weekend.


The red line on the map shows the path I took down the coast



I set out from my house (about 12 blocks from the beach) at 9 am with a backpack, sleeping bag, tent, food, water, a knife, lighter, weed, and a hatchet. I brought along my phone for emergencies and to take some pictures. The first few miles of my trip were along the populated areas of the beach. By the time I hit the sand I already had taken off my socks and shoes and strapped them to my backpack. I didnt put them back on until I got home 2 days later. Most of the people driving on the beach were giving me weird looks, but I probably looked pretty strange/homeless so I didnt think anything of it.


Around noon I had reached the boundry of the OHV area and was now on a stretch of the beach that was only accessible by foot, and after a few miles walk. That was the last time I saw another human being for the next day. The beach here was amazing, it was a total different world than the beach I had just been at. Drift wood scattered the beach, while the water was to my right and some dunes to my left. It was amazing the things I found on the beach. Trash, clothing, 60 foot trees that had been logged, I even found 2 electrical poles with the metal pieces (dont know the name) on the top of them. I came across a styrofoam box with a few switches on it, with a Lockheed Martin label. Turns out it was a transmitter for a weather balloon.



I continued down the beach until around 5 pm when the sun was about to go down. I headed up into the dunes for a ways to find a good place to camp. There were signs posted every mile or so stating that camping was prohibited, so I wanted to make sure I was out of sight in case any kind of ranger patrolled the beach at night. I found a nice high flat spot with dunes all around me, but hidden from view of the beach, and decided that was a good place to stay. I set up my tent and explored my surroundings, gather pine cones, trash, and some drift wood. I came across a lot of snake, rabbit, and deer tracks, and also a large number of coyote tracks. I headed back to the tent to start a fire and call it a night. The following photos are from the first days camp:


Facing West



Facing South



Facing East



Facing North. The dim lights in the center are home



A few sunset shots and other shots











That night was the worst I have slept in my life. It was cold, the ground was hard, and it was windy. Sometime in the early morning I awoke to a rustling sound at my head and something pressing and jabbing against my head. My first thought were coyotes, I had beef jerky in my tent and figured they could smell it. I layed still for a few minutes, hoping whatever it was would lose interest and leave. I slept with my knife and hatchet next to me, so I slowly grabbed them and layed still. I was just starting to think that whatever was outside had left, when my tent started to cave in on me and something was on top of me. I jumped up yelling, punching, and swinging the blunt end of my hatchet around. I didnt connect with anything, so I crouched down and kept silent trying to listen. I was peeking outside the mesh of my tent to see if I could see anything, and when I was sure there was nothing there, I went outside ready to kick some ass. The moon was full, and the sand was white so I was able to see pretty far into the distance. I couldnt see or hear anything, so I went back to the tent and checked around it. I didnt see any tracks or disturbances on the ground, and discovered what had happened. I didnt stake down the corners of my tent, and when the wind picked up it was blowing the tent against me. The tent rubbing against my sleeping bag sounded like a dog smelling something, and it was blowing hard enough for it to feel like something was pressing against me. I dont know if I was too high or tired, but I really thought I was being attacked that night. Looking back on it, I wish I had some cameras set up like Man VS Wild so I could see myself thrashing around in the tent :D

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I woke up that morning around 6 am and packed everything up. I walked back down to the beach and this is what I saw






I continued walking for a few hours, taking in the sights and enjoying some home made jerky. I came across a nature preserve sign showing where I was



A few miles later, a small lake came into view on the side. This lake feeds from about 12 other small lakes back in the dunes area, and is known as Oso Flaco. The water is all fresh water, so I went for a swim and to rinse off



By this time the sand dropped off sharply where the water met it, and the waves practically crashed onto the sand.




The southernmost visible point of the coastline from my house is called Point Sal. By 2 pm I was a few miles from Point Sal. Point Sal has a HUGE dune that climbs up into the mountain range, visible in the left of this picture



Coming up to Point Sal I came across another small lake that was where the Santa Maria river fed into the Pacific Ocean.



I continued up the beach and was amazed at what I saw. The beach and sand the extended for miles east turned into huge sand cliffs. Over the years people had scaled up the cliffs and carved their named into the hard dirt faces. I climbed up and carved my name next to another that read "Mark and Shannon P, 1989"



Protruding from these cliffs were the strangest rock formations. Most of them looked like man made walls, while others looked like they would have been a foundation for some type of structure. The passage between these two roack walls led back to the sand cliffs, then cut back and had another small passage/cave that extended down into the ground about 6 feet.



A few hundred feet further down the beach, I came across a small cove with the same man made looking rock walls around it. The face was a huge dune, I later found out from my father that back in the 80s you were able to drive all the way down to this cove, and people would try to climb up the dune in their 4x4s.



At this point the waves were breaking against cliffs, so I had to head up hill. I made my way up the giant sand dune and along the edge of the cliffs and was blown away at the view. Looking back towards home, I could barely make out where I had started out. Facing south, I saw small and large cliffs along the coast, some of them having small beaches between them that were visible only at low tide.


Facing Home






Looking down from a cliff



I sat on the edge of a cliff and snacked on some jerky and cornbread for a few hours, then decided to find a good place to set up camp. I hiked down to one of the small cliff ledges to the south and found a grassy area to set up the tent at. I set up the tent on the green ledge to the left/middle of this photo (where you can see people fishing)



By this time my phone had died from taking pictures, so I did not get any more pictures from that point. This time I staked down the corners of my tent, built a small fire, and had a good nights sleep. The feeling of having a 40 foot cliff above you, a 20 foot drop below you, and waves crashing underneath was incredible, I cant even begin to describe it. I never felt more at peace in my life.


I awoke the next morning very early and started my trip back home. I made it down Point Sal about a mile up the beach when I came across a guy fishing. I stopped for a while and chatted, and ended up trading some of my home made jerky for a fish he had caught a few minutes earlier, a barred surfperch. While talking to the man, I learned that he had immigrated here from Cozumel, Mexico after retiring. He told me he spends every morning fishing, then takes his catch home to his wife, who does all of the gardening and farming. They live in a small house in the hills, with no running water or electricity, and provide all of their own food by fishing, hunting, and farming. He invited me to fish with him, telling me that he is there every morning at 4 am, and that I was welcome at his house anytime. I thanked the man for the fish and started walking. A few miles later I found a nice spot out of the wind and built a small fire and placed a large rock in the center. I cleaned and gutted the fish and cooked it on the rock once it was hot. It was great tasting considering I cooked it with drift wood and a rock.


I was tired of walking and wanted to get home and take a hot shower as soon as possible. I decided to walk straight home and not camp out another night, and ended up getting into town around 10 PM. I took a nice hot shower and went straight to bed, and ended up sleeping for 14 hours.


I plan on going out again on the same course, but this time I plan to go further south into what is known as Paradise Beach. I also plan on meeting the fisherman I met and seeing how he lives his life from day to day, which will be a whole other post for me.

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If you haven't already, read the book or watch the movie of Into the Wild, that's what inspired me. The idea of living my life how I want everyday, free to do as I please and wander the earth, really taking in life he way it was meant to be, in its simplest form is my biggest dream. One day I will quit my job and drop everything and just disappear, until then, ill be working on my 240 lol

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If you haven't already, read the book or watch the movie of Into the Wild, that's what inspired me. The idea of living my life how I want everyday, free to do as I please and wander the earth, really taking in life he way it was meant to be, in its simplest form is my biggest dream. One day I will quit my job and drop everything and just disappear, until then, ill be working on my 240 lol


i like that idea...thought about it couple of times :lol: ill go get that book soon :) thanks :hug:

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If you haven't already, read the book or watch the movie of Into the Wild, that's what inspired me. The idea of living my life how I want everyday, free to do as I please and wander the earth, really taking in life he way it was meant to be, in its simplest form is my biggest dream. One day I will quit my job and drop everything and just disappear, until then, ill be working on my 240 lol



That was a good movie & a cool story. To bad he ate shit berries and died.

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an OLD friend of mine went sky diving for the first time 2 weeks after his 100th birthday, he is passed away now. He was asked how he lived so long and he said staying active and never looking back, when asked what he meant by that he answered "I am 100 years old my memory isn't that good" then after a laugh he said "don't fret over the things in the past fret about the thing you have yet to do and do them".

He skate boarded with his great great grandson and so many other things, he had fun and laughed alot.

His kids, grands kid, great grand kids all insisted he go get an alarm system installed as he lived alone or go into a care home so he did but never turned it on, he was old and cantankerous.

His idea of jail bait was the 80 year old widows that he went dancing with every week.


The adventure was in knowing him and listening to everything he could remember and pass on.

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back in 1992. Living in Delta BC




I was doing Laundry and listening to the Pixies - Trompe Le Monde.

On the 10th playing of Motorway to Roswell i decided to go to the CAA office and see where roswell NM was on their map. hmm... threw the laundry in the car, drove straight past my house- no stopping- didn't tell the boss i was quitting(was a manager of a Sizzler at the time), headed for the US border and 5 days later i stopped 100 miles NW of Roswell... Just like the Aliens in the song, "i did not make it" all the way to Roswell. 11000 kms and 11 days later i was back home looking for a new job.

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an OLD friend of mine went sky diving for the first time 2 weeks after his 100th birthday, he is passed away now. He was asked how he lived so long and he said staying active and never looking back, when asked what he meant by that he answered "I am 100 years old my memory isn't that good" then after a laugh he said "don't fret over the things in the past fret about the thing you have yet to do and do them".

He skate boarded with his great great grandson and so many other things, he had fun and laughed alot.

His kids, grands kid, great grand kids all insisted he go get an alarm system installed as he lived alone or go into a care home so he did but never turned it on, he was old and cantankerous.

His idea of jail bait was the 80 year old widows that he went dancing with every week.


The adventure was in knowing him and listening to everything he could remember and pass on.


sooo verry awesome!!!!! :D :thumbup: thanks for sharing :excl:



back in 1992. Living in Delta BC




I was doing Laundry and listening to the Pixies - Trompe Le Monde.

On the 10th playing of Motorway to Roswell i decided to go to the CAA office and see where roswell NM was on their map. hmm... threw the laundry in the car, drove straight past my house- no stopping- didn't tell the boss i was quitting(was a manager of a Sizzler at the time), headed for the US border and 5 days later i stopped 100 miles NW of Roswell... Just like the Aliens in the song, "i did not make it" all the way to Roswell. 11000 kms and 11 days later i was back home looking for a new job.


thats really awesome... i wish i would have the guts to get up and just go driveee and drive !!! thanks for sharing :thumbup:

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errr wow...yess what happen? :)


well i went down to visit my girlfriend in montery (she goes to collage there) and the day i was going to go home there was a big rainstorm i went out and my wipers didnt work im thinking fucking great i had to get back cause i worked the next day i checked the fuses they were good so i putted my way to the parts store and bought some rain x and did the windsheild i could see score so i set out after i get on the freeway i start to ease on the brakes and they go almost to the floor im freaking out i pull over and check it out the master cylinder is bypassing its internal seals fuuuuuuuuuuuuck so i kept on giving the brakes a good pump or 2 before i tried to use them and kept a million mile fallowing distance once i got home i bought a rebuild kit for the master and found a short in the wipre motor wiring fixed it and all was good

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Once upon a time (95 or so) in a county far far away (wasco county, mosier oregon) there was a boy (thats me!) , this boy had alot of chores, and also alot if freedoms.

one hot afternoon after young adam had done all his chores and fed and watered all the animals , ge was just walkung around being hot and bored when he noticed that one if the rabbits was panting like an exousted dog, fealing concerned for the rabbit young adam released him from the pen and set him on the ground expecting to see some rabbity stuff. Nothing happened the rabbit just sat there panting.

At this point adam picked the rabbit up and looked it over, when he thought " this rabbit could use a swim" and he took it over to the freshly cleanes horse troth. Well it sank, and while he watched it lay at the bottom of the troth looking up at him he couldnt help but tgink that he had such big feet sherly it could swim, nope it drown in a matter if seconds.

so young adam, afraid of what might happen to him, scooped up the wet drowned bunny and put it back in the cage. After placing the rabbit in the pen adam ran inside and tried to act natural watching a movie and being extra good, he had almost forgot about the traggic end of poor bunnies life when grandpa burst in the door, "LAURIE, LAURIE GET OUT HERE" Laurie( the boys mom) came out fast with a loyd "WHAT"

"your never going to believe this" he said pulling the rabbit from behind his back " the rabbit SWEET to death!" "what?" The mom said "it got so hot it sweat to death!" He said extending the rabbit out to where she could see tge "sweet" dripping iff if it.

Mom and grandpa told the story of the bunny for several years dumb founded, till one day I told gramps what happened and how it was an accident and I inly let go fir a few seconds,

He lold and told me of all the times he told the story and how he thought now it was just way funnier and he was going to tell have to retell it .

It was a total stupid kid move, but i did get away with it for many years, poor bunny.

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Once upon a time (95 or so) in a county far far away (wasco county, mosier oregon) there was a boy (thats me!) , this boy had alot of chores, and also alot if freedoms.

one hot afternoon after young adam had done all his chores and fed and watered all the animals , ge was just walkung around being hot and bored when he noticed that one if the rabbits was panting like an exousted dog, fealing concerned for the rabbit young adam released him from the pen and set him on the ground expecting to see some rabbity stuff. Nothing happened the rabbit just sat there panting.

At this point adam picked the rabbit up and looked it over, when he thought " this rabbit could use a swim" and he took it over to the freshly cleanes horse troth. Well it sank, and while he watched it lay at the bottom of the troth looking up at him he couldnt help but tgink that he had such big feet sherly it could swim, nope it drown in a matter if seconds.

so young adam, afraid of what might happen to him, scooped up the wet drowned bunny and put it back in the cage. After placing the rabbit in the pen adam ran inside and tried to act natural watching a movie and being extra good, he had almost forgot about the traggic end of poor bunnies life when grandpa burst in the door, "LAURIE, LAURIE GET OUT HERE" Laurie( the boys mom) came out fast with a loyd "WHAT"

"your never going to believe this" he said pulling the rabbit from behind his back " the rabbit SWEET to death!" "what?" The mom said "it got so hot it sweat to death!" He said extending the rabbit out to where she could see tge "sweet" dripping iff if it.

Mom and grandpa told the story of the bunny for several years dumb founded, till one day I told gramps what happened and how it was an accident and I inly let go fir a few seconds,

He lold and told me of all the times he told the story and how he thought now it was just way funnier and he was going to tell have to retell it .

It was a total stupid kid move, but i did get away with it for many years, poor bunny.



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